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Everything posted by jr1

  1. will they really gas a guy with 3 years left?
  2. it's simple and the guys can play fast like the playground
  3. they are thrilled http://www.acmepackingcompany.com/2016/9/18/12964004/packers-vikings-final-score-green-bay-offense-stinks-in-17-14-loss
  4. he hurt himself in the TD Ameritrade commercial
  5. why did they pick Lynn over Lee. At least Lee has been OC before albeit it was college
  6. I hate the idea of a rushing QB, when you leave the pocket so go the rule book protections. Branden Oliver showed you can get a RB from anywhere so use them instead
  7. Tyrod had a 112.8 rating against the Jets. This is on the D
  8. it feels like we already have too many cooks in the kitchen
  9. you gotta be on top of your biz or you'll be !@#$ed like the people on Bar Rescue
  10. I thought this could be the year with Brady out the first 4 games, Fitz potentially being rusty from missing training camp and Gase being a rookie HC. God damnit. 6-10ish
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