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Gibran Chandan

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    Texas via Rochester

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Practice Squad

Practice Squad (3/8)



  1. Saw the headline and came here to check for this. Glad someone else took care of it!
  2. Had a very unexpected encounter this weekend, and thought I'd share and see who's got their own weird tales to tell. I spent the last weekend working a festival in Delaware. While walking across the stage during one band's set, someone stops me, looks at my hat (wearing a Bills hat), and asks if I'm from Buffalo. I told him I was from Rochester, but my family is from Buffalo and I'm a big Bills fan. He gives me a big smile, shakes my hand, gives me his card, and introduces himself as Tony - as in Tony King. Maybe not a huge name in terms of the Bills' history, but I thought that was pretty cool (and entirely unexpected). You never know who you'll bump into! Who have you run into out of the blue? Did they spot you, or did you spot them?
  3. Eh, I don't really care. I'd rather cheer for a guy like this who struggles on field than a guy who plays well and gets charged with murder.
  4. Already been topped. "KFC Yum! Center" - yes, exclamation mark and all - in Kentucky. That might be the single most laughably absurd venue name in the country.
  5. None anymore. Every time I buy something with a player's name or number on it, they're done by the end of that season. Sadly, that's not an exaggeration - I just have really bad luck with that, apparently. Now, it's just logo gear.
  6. Crying alone in front of the internet stream. Just like every night, only with the draft instead of...uhhhh... I've said too much.
  7. I really want him on the team. For one reason, and one reason alone: to be able to yell "GODDAMNIT, CYRIL!" after a bad play. Anyone?
  8. $58 million for three seasons of Peyton Manning vs $100 million for six seasons of Mario Williams... I'll take Peyton, please.
  9. I used (or tried to use) game rewind exclusively last year. I was on tour and had shows every Sunday up until Week 16, so that was the perfect way to catch up on the games from various hotel rooms - and a fraction of the price of having to pay for a live service! That said, if I'm not touring during the regular season this year and a non-exclusive, non-console linked service were to come into play, I'd definitely be tempted. No backer bar within 90 minutes one-way
  10. So if looks don't matter, what's her rack have to do with it?
  11. There's a difference between winning the Super Bowl and an ex-player stealing the trophy from the winners. Eh, semantics.
  12. Leave the team. Watching the losses is no fun, but watching everyone cry like someone just kicked their puppy is hilarious.
  13. Link works if you take out the period at the end. I'm almost glad I'm on tour for the rest of the year...I'd be extremely tempted to sign up for this if I was going to be home to watch the games. But since I'm not, $40 for Game Rewind is going to let me catch up on the games on my limited downtime later in the week. Curious to see if anyone here will actually pay the $250 versus using streaming sites (including XSLive) or asking friends in the WNY market to use a Slingbox to send the games their way. For me, I think I would be able to justify the cost/quality versus having to use pirate sites or seek out a bar, drive a lot, severely limit the number of drinks I can have...yeah, the convenience might be worth the cost.
  14. I'm on tour through the end of the year, so I'll be in a different city - and at work - every single Sunday during the regular season. Looks like Game Rewind is my only hope.
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