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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Aint gonna happen, need to start a tank thread. Team thinks too highly of its talent.
  2. Just thought I'd give Buffalo fans some hope.
  3. The Redskins gonna lose it. They are worse than both teams.
  4. Lets go Sabres
  5. Hockey season only a month away and at least the Sabres have some offense... Bills are are pretty unwatchable.
  6. Till Bills receive No 1 draft choice...who would you pick?
  7. Especially if the refs call the game the same way... Ravens O line got away with assault and no penalties, Bills got called for some BS, some legit, but roughing the passer call on Bills, non on Ravens.... Not the reason the Bills lost, no O, but Ravens should've had only 10 points.
  8. The more I hear about TT, the more impressed I become of him as a man. Football players in general are iffy characters. Part of the design... TT seems to be breaking the mold... either that or he has a helluv a pr department, these Presidential candidates should be envious.
  9. Grevy's still around in Falls Church Route 50 and Glebe use to be a great Bills Bar... Charlie the Butcher was a regular.
  10. he took a shoulder to the head as he was going down looked targeted but no flag. I hope he is ok
  11. I here you, but Obama care is not because of a lack of business knowledge, but a combo of legislative compromise and business screwing the pooch for too long over patients because of insurance malfeasance and the need to optimize stock profits, making necessary public service unaffordable.
  12. These arent the same Koch brothers who fund the Republican party and all those right wing think tanks? Obamacare wasnt about notknowing business, it was about the inability to get something that works through the political process. The past system was failing, the new one needs some major revisions for both business and patients. ps this comment pisses me off because business got us to a failed health system. Its a partnership that business cant or wont do alone. Kinda like how the NFL is no longer watchable.
  13. Couldve done New Era at Ralph Wilson Stadium or short at the Ralph. Seriously though the lack of forethought is what the NFL is all about, so until hockey changes really badly with ad stoppages, I watch that and meh ill plug my nose buy old school hats, still call it the ralph and like our politicians ignore most of the crap coming outta the PR folks.
  14. Depends on how angry and disrespected local tradition feels, right now looks stupid... should've paid homage to the Ralph...
  15. They were called Suicidals when I was in High School, came with two glasses of ice water and unlimited napkins. Is death sauce new??
  16. I saw OJ first at the old rockpile against cincinnati where bills lost like 42-36 but he ran for a lot of yards, my favorite bands ok growing up was Czonka, Brown, Simpson and Sayers... remember him handing out gratefruit sized oranges from old fashion cars while traveling down Delaware and Hertel avenues while slapping us five as we chase him on our bananna seat bikes.
  17. Awesome, just awesome... love minor league baseball its set up so my kids can enjoy, and the zany promotional ideas are great....
  18. Ok then ESPN will continue its decline.... just saying, ESPN originally provided cheap wide ranging sports programing hiring young less expensive announcers. Now they are going downhill so you tell me the the answer. I no longer watch espn unless at a bar. Again your solution is more of the same drivel
  19. Ah wrong there is always some race, soccer game, cricket, baseball, hockey game even basketball going on somewhere in the world and vid has become a lot cheaper.
  20. Basic economics, they reached their inelasticity price point and it is a steep curve.
  21. Agree abt blathering idiots which in turn has cut out broadcasting of a lot of sports I use to be able to watch.
  22. Already cut the cord last year as cable became too expensive and doesnt allow me to pick and choose what channels I want to watch. Even Comcast that owns msnbc is irritating me that they dont do live streaming.
  23. Tim Graham sucks ... Tim Graham sucks... lol yeh what happens sometimes when using an I phone and not being able to see the full screen.
  24. The offspring: Feelings
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