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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Archie Manning in the Hall, if so he ranks up there... as on futile teams.. Missed it but that and Barry were my first thoughts.
  2. He was a member of the no name defense young un..,
  3. Again agree with most of what you said and seems to be a good evaluator of talent based on the draft... still begs the question can he coach and no he doesnt have 3 years, two at best.... option on third with the talent on this tean now if he can coach?
  4. Easy guys, now that Whaley is gone someone needs to be TPegs gopher.... setting up meetings, making calls... filling the water glasses... same on Sabres side...
  5. The Bills finished behind the Fish and the Cheatriots... unless you are doing advanced calculus with those mag deliveries behind two other teams is third place...
  6. Lost my brother in his mid 30s to that horrible disease despite multiple attempts, never could shake his demons and finally other diseases took his life. I will add your son to my prayer list. Hang in there yourself and dont isolate.
  7. 3rd best route like the Bills in the AFC East only in front of the Jests or Fish depending on the year, still not making the playoffs.
  8. Nice guys finish last and so do the Bills under Russ.
  9. Screw Russ, Bills havent been in playoffs for too long... man shoulda been fired a long time ago.
  10. . True but a Union helps balance an uneven power relationship in a potentially adversarial setup. That dimension i would argue is better for the worker in the long run, but id company is failing it is too easy to blame union for ressons for the failing, ignoring the underlying issue.
  11. Too easy to blame the left or progressives. Bad management is bad management whether the left is complaining about the mannor the right is complete laining about the union... Complaining is usually not a good sign in general. Self important ceos raping and pillaging a company while cutting workforce in the name of downsizing is also a bad sign.
  12. That I understand though Unions are not the only ones that create that tension. My wife is a nurse in a non-union shop in ny and management constantly creates tension with the nurses. Docs are catered too and this ortho OR hospital is losing nurses rapidly because of this poisoned atmosphere. It happened on Capitol Hill in certain offices when I was there. Staffers avoided those office which had nothing to do with politics. It crossed party lines, but we served at the descretion and salaries were and are relatively low even for public servants.
  13. Oh common all these discussions are biased farces on both sides claiming rumor and innuendo as facts and attacking the messengers when someone disputes. Pot can I introduce you to the kettle. Clapper has his own bureaucratic agenda to extracate from the political fray... Aint happening on either side.., Trump or his associates??? We shall see and doesnt take Sessions off the hook.
  14. It depends as long as right to unionize is protected... in a lot of places even in NY it isnt always done. True Unions can become unresponsive, not good... to me though unless anti-trust laws are enforced im not sure right to work is good plus does the earning power calcs include health insurance purchases?
  15. ?Are we absolutely sure Trump was born in the US? Has he released his birth certificate and if so do you think its real?
  16. All heresy by right wing conspiracy theorists but turn around is fair play so have at it. Clinton and Bushes were in bed with same crowd... Trump isnt so this is upsetting the apple cart for better or worse.
  17. Rump again listening to right wing Breitbart made up shiite to take focus off Sessions who lied.
  18. Really right to work states cause workers to get shafted. PS also union health insurance lots cheaper than outta pocket costs of employer owned or run insurance cos. Workers get the shaft then in missourri. Would have agreed till i had to join a union and now wont work at a scab shop.
  19. Ohio is suspect especially rural areas.
  20. Yup, by everyone... doing the brump in the Frump... You think so... this is the gift that keeps giving and it will... it aint ending here.
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