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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Wings getting ready, sauce made... potatoes and onions fried... T shirts on.... pregame shows on... lets burn it down!
  2. It is all about ignoring the noise staying focused and performing... one game at a time and just playing football.
  3. Mad no... disappointed sure... hoping they learn and take it to another level
  4. UB will never be in a Big Conference regardless of the stadium. It is a similar program to UMass Amherst... Both schools are flagship state academic programs and football will remain secondary... love or leave it... ps UB's stadium is nicer than UMass Amherst... Bills are the number 1 college team in the area fans wise... UB wont be able to overcome that mentality in football.
  5. Dont think there are any winners here... not gonna say much... young woman was hurt horribly, but Araiza is screwed either way, and the Bills least of all are gonna lose a punter and look bad in public opinion. So be it... they need to get out til the dust settles and legal stuff runs its course.
  6. Pics, specifics?
  7. We have this thread of random awesome stuff in Sabrespace. Thought I'd start this here... post things that we experience or come across... This weekend I saw this: No longer Jests, Giants or Patriot territory in Danbury CT... Go Bills
  8. Being reported ACL... next
  9. Jests are done... next... Tua?
  10. Actually think he was a QB. Didnt want to be a WR.
  11. Sully always has a negative waiting for the other shoe to drop writing style... enjoy it it while it lasts but it aint going very far attitude. Maybe so, but that is not why I became a fan in 1969 as a three year old... before that who knows... its more just hometown team good or bad you stick with them... lived in DC, Cali and near NYC since HS and never switched allegiances... Jerry isnt Jerry unless that rain cloud is not following him close by... agreed good writer.
  12. I still have a hat signed by Marv and Football by Kelly, Bruce and Thurman my older brother got me at a signing event... That being said only thing I ever got signed myself was a Congressional Card signed by Jack Kemp who gave me his number if I ever needed any help... gracious man... nice conversation but never used the number... And ps I didnt ask for it. I have met a number of athletes and famous people over the years and never ask for autographs
  13. Usually bones are healed in 4-6 weeks... pain and any cartilage damage can take longer... really depends on severity and pain threshold... Can really hurt to breath and for a player that wrestles like O line do... you probably need a flack jacket.
  14. Oh hell they could just do zubaz pants
  15. Yeh first 20-30 secs were a bit of a huh... sex and football theme songs... who knew
  16. Gotta skip thru first 30 secs of the podcast
  17. Found this really interesting Link
  18. Or more likely they dont ask questions from people who actually work there... they just talk to administrators who cant find their arses with both hands and a flashlight
  19. Lol seen too many architectural f ups from engineers who think they know what they are doing but actually make it worse than original design... breeze ways at citifield, xray rooms you have to lower a stretcher rails to get into, pt er bay you cant get a portable xray room into, engineers completely forgetting a place for sonography... engineers would be fine if they had some communication skills to avoid obvious faux pas.
  20. Engineers ha... when the wind and snow blows a partial cover will act like a wind tunnel... good luck... gonna need ropes to hold on to on the concourses as you pull yourself along Yeh but they havent a clue see: Citifield Repair the Ralph or do a Dome
  21. Yeh it is widespread... should be put in a blind trust... thought it was but will have to do more research... knew plenty of congressional staff who traded to... should be also blind trust... I got questioned about insurance for having a TIAA Account when working for the RMA at USDA... for a conflict of interest... it was a retirement 403B but it had insurance in its name.
  22. Yes I do... there are degrees of free markets and yes there are elements, just not a truly free market, but agree not the place...
  23. Also Bills were looking for more YAC, not sure if was because of wide receiver ability, play design or injury but Bills looked at Beasely, more of a possession receiver, and im sure at his age they saw Crowder as an upgrade at this point... jury is out... yeh Beasely's covid stance didnt help but doubt that was a determining factor...
  24. They cant cash in donations for themselves... trying not to make a political statement but that statement is inaccurate... doesnt mean they cant use it for something that benefits an interest of their's but nothing directly just sayin No such thing as a free market when entry and exit is controlled by an entity.
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