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North Buffalo

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    Cross River, NY

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  1. Sounds like Bills and Allen pulled out a Mahomes esqe win this case... without the refs help... just sayin
  2. Thank God, heart still hasnt settled down... deep breaths...
  3. Stroud too slow on his reads and not quick enough on check downs... Chiefs playing zone match up deep game over
  4. Born is SF but moved to Buffalo when I was 3 so SF, and Detroit... as a kid we knew Lions equipment manager so I like them too
  5. I am so ready, visiting my Dad in San Diego so going to PB Local in mission Bay... Let's fin Go!
  6. Just arrived at a LAX at one point my side of the plane face toward Santa Monica... just a thick wall of smoke in over there...
  7. Been to both over the years forgot about Busbys
  8. Oceanside... going to watch Bills game down in San Diego on Sunday been down to that strip of Bars where Bills bar is forget the name
  9. Miraculously as we head out there to see my 90 year old Dad my cousins house is still standing... but they cant get near it right now.
  10. Be safe, last night my cousin texted me a pic of a house burning a block away from his in Santa Monica... not good. He and his family are safe but he may/likely will lose his house.
  11. Thanks... couldnt remember kicker. Bennet stopped 2 swing passes one on one for losses to force the kick.
  12. Wasnt that the game where temp dropped to -16 with -36 wind chill... Pat Leahy went to kick 35 yarder but gust of wind took the ball sideways and it hit the wall just below the stands? I remeber wearing like 6 layers but couldnt keep my feet warm... only way to dethaw was to go to bathrooms which were heated but urine stenched...
  13. Now that makes more sense... only heard patella tendon and patella was on the wrong side of his knee... yeh Dell is done...
  14. I get that but its a Patella injury... these guys know their bodies or should.... it's a Patella injury not a career ender... heck if he was a hockey player they could wire it up and get him back out on the ice... football players becoming ballerinas like basketball players..
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