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Sabre Bill

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Everything posted by Sabre Bill

  1. Wanny's job title is irrelevant. It's spelled M - E - N - T - O - R. There's no sense in bringing him here (or in him taking the job) unless he'll have a guiding hand in all things defensive. They'll work out the details, but whether he's calling defensive forms/plays etc. on a play by play basis borders on irrelevant. +1 Is that TG saying sumpin nice bout da Bills? +1
  2. What we know about VY is worse than what we don't know about Newton. The real IF is: IF the FO is smart enough to stay away from both these high-risk, no-net maneuvers!!
  3. Can't root for Ben R., so the Steelers are out. Can't root for the J-E-S-T, because, well, because it's the Jets. 'nuff said. So, it's either the Bears or the Packers. Like some of the Bears - live next door to one of them - but rooting for schizophrenic-Cutler would be inviting an aneurism. (Plus I had to sit through that 40 - 7 drubbing a few years ago . . .) Rogers is pretty easy to root for, so -- GO Packers!
  4. Forget the teams they play on. Take them both and pick a middle of the road team that just missed the playoffs. Does either one of them take that team and make it better enough to get over the hump and into the dance? In that scenario, I'll take the smart guy. Not that Sanchez hasn't done what he needs to do, but neutral playing situation goes to the guy with quicker eyes and brain -- maybe even quicker feet and release. Fitz over Sanchez, but not by much.
  5. Reality check for Jets AND Bears next week!! Steelers and the Pack are THAT good right now. Though it would be interesting for the two #6 seeds to make it to the SB -- just hate the JEST too much to be interested in makin history! Pack takes it all in the big one!! Um . . . so to speak!!
  6. MMQBing??? Without your glasses?
  7. Will anyone trade anything if the CBA is still hanging out there - undone? Assume the CBA is taken care of before draft day. Doesn't a rookie pay scale change the value of the chart?
  8. Not a fan of tweets like CJs -- especially coming from a kid who hasn't really made his mark yet. No one on this Bills team should be spouting off just yet. But it's unfair to compare CJS to DW who has a record of useless tweetages. and, please, don't stir the Tebow pot! That boat sailed and it aint comin back -- Thank goodness!
  9. Maybe. An athletic TE is certainly a Bills need. What makes us think he can catch? Maybe. Not this. Maybe. Not sure how the Bills would choose to use him, but he's a versatile athlete and a winner. Don't like him any higher than our 2nd - not the right guy to trade up for unless FO sees him as the future at QB. I think the more obvious choices are big burly men in rounds 1 through 7!!!!
  10. +1 10 pages of this?? Really? The Saints should have won this game. Of course, they want to change the topic! There's a thousand reasons to question the Bills FO; this isn't one of them. Let's feel bad when we lose, not when the Aints lose!! :wallbash:
  11. A greater player and story than most people know. Worth the research for the those of us who don't know. RIP. Respect and Honor.
  12. Not even "old news" -- "old gossip". Move along, nothing to see here.
  13. Worth every penny -- and he's supposedly a great community guy. He makes your entire defense measurably better. Hope the FO takes a serious shot at him!
  14. NOOOOOOOOO, but thanks to the writer for perpetuating the myth that we suck so bad we can be improved by the likes of Vince Young. Playing QB is about soooooo much more than raw athletic talent. VY might offer some of that, but he doesn't offer anything else that an up-and-coming team needs to keep improving. He doesn't offer leadership, maturity, stability, community skills, communication skills, student skills, etc. He would not make the position better. He would not make the team better.
  15. There's a Cincy fan thread that travels this same path. Buffalo has too many needs. Buffalo has Fitz. Buffalo will pass on this once in a generation talent . . .
  16. Would someone give us a second for Fitz? If you wanted to spend a second on a QB, grab one of the guys coming out of school with higher potential upside. Personally, I'm content with Fitz as a starter - not that I'd be upset with a Lucky grab, but Orton? Really?
  17. WHat's the story since early October?
  18. People are signing our PSers?? This can't be- No one would even want our starters let alone or practice squad! Someone needs to are personnel decision making back under control!
  19. It's the whole viking funeral and battle code thing. It's expected a Valkyrie will come down at the final whistle of the the final game and carrry Brett off to Valhalla --or whatever the name of that little fishing hole of his is . . .
  20. lil D's big brother?? Pretty passionate defense of Athletes getting free rides to colleges that cost Students tens of thousands of dollars. I'm not sure that I even disagree with your point, but your post seems pretty angst-ridden over one of the gentler names he's been called today . . . Lot's of talented students don't get to go to college. That seems a bit unfair when you see athletes act as if they didn't benefit from going. Not sure if it's fair to think Donte, or any other athlete, unfairly took someone else's spot, but . . .
  21. So, . . . Donte HAS or WANTS a heart of gold??????
  22. Isn't the Donte thread two doors down??? I kid! I kid! I know, cheap shot, personal foul, 15 yds, I know, I know . . . Still, . . .
  23. If Donte gave his personal time and tweetability to boost the local economy and kick some juice to local places, he'd get the positive response you're talking about. This thread is about his use of Twitter for self-serving purposes. More power to him when he uses tech to boost his brand, but there's always blow-back. I'm sure we can dig up "good" Donte tweets, but that's not the point at the moment. No one has accused DW of hurting dogs, just badly playing his hand in public.
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