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Everything posted by BillyBaroo

  1. I hate the Cowboys the most but I have come to hate the Pats the most when all of you bastard season-ticket holders sell your seats on CraigsList Boston and I have to sit there and see the "12th Man" get outcheered by Pats fans. I'm selling my Pats tiks this year - I've had enough!
  2. I know you said starters - but I would pick Kenneth Davis over Lynch as my backup RB
  3. Schobel - no way The only 3 that would have started would be: Moorman Lindell McGee
  4. Schobel - no way The only 3 that would have started would be: Moorman Lindell McGee
  5. I don't blame anyone for not having loyalty in today's NFL. The span of a career is so small you have to make money when you can. Nothing proved that better than seeing our T.end almost paralyzed in front of me.
  6. I love Flutie too. We forgot about VanPelt - AVP would have been ok with just about any other team at that point- nobody gave him a chance because he looked like the doughboy
  7. For some reason I think Trent is going to go to SanFran or some other team and light it up!
  8. In fact - while we are at it - why don't we trade up - and get that DT from Nebraska -Suh?- he will be a game changer. Have the Bills ever traded UP?
  9. The Senator is right - linemen - I don't care if someone else can get away with a 6th round tackle. We've tried late rounders for years and Chambers just isn't cutting it!
  10. I am a Bills fan! I also eat Melba toast for breakfast
  11. The avatar! I didn't know there were other Bills fans who liked AIC still. I just wish I could still admire Thurman like you do and think the best of him-
  12. Neither Kelly or Bruce (or Leonard Smith) ever lost their helmet - I am sick of hearing from him and his show stinks
  13. Gotta keep Lynch - we will only be able to run next year
  14. Youbuty has been "safe" since day 1 - he never went in hard enough for a tackle to be anything other than safe
  15. Also- Warner is a definite - last year sealed it for me - we'll see how good Fitzgerald looks with someone else at the helm
  16. Agreed - I liked Bradshaw when I was a kid but he was over-rated -the Steel Curtain won the 4. Now Bradshow is overrated with his tv skills.
  17. I don't think he was questioning your sexuality - he said homophobic. I think your girl looks great - I have a problem with your quote from Lombardi - you need to find a Lou Saban quote and replace it
  18. Exhibit A=Marvin Harrison Good receiver--excellent numbers
  19. How about we draft Bradford - lowball him on signing him - let him go to the UFL to work the kinks out and then he will be a superstar when he returns to us just like Jimbo?
  20. This is one of the greatest things I have ever seen!
  21. See some results??? - they don't have to win - they sold 55,000 season tickets this year - we will keep buying because of the threat of moving! Jacksonville at least knows how to try to get something for their $$. I know I am stupid enough to keep renewing my tiks
  22. I think Tebow is ok to get - especially because he really has the Holy Spirit behind him
  23. I would be willing to join you - but my wife won't let me
  24. Roeth and Rodgers didn't have terrible lines like ours - I think the Jets are more than just lucky-they have set up a lot of things for the future D'Brickashaw and Co. were high draft picks that took awhile to develop. Beef up the line! O-Tackle
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