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Everything posted by BillyBaroo

  1. sounds good - time to cut the cord! Keep Kelsay if you can but the others can go including Maybin
  2. I was shocked to see a grade out of Darth as well - he usually makes some kind of sense
  3. Come on! Haddad was a stand up guy! I want to be the first one to predict 4 wins as well - but we will win 2 against the Jets. and the Jets will be 7-9
  4. I agree with that Hyneez--- I think I resemble it too! --- at least you didn't say anything about your Wang hurting or something like that
  5. forget sarcasm - California dudes ARE soft. Take a QB from PA anyday
  6. Stop listening to Kiper - he sucks - and forget about Clausen - the Papists haven't turned out a good QB since Theismann
  7. Good post - I agree that there were a lot of mistakes that were not even related. Getting rid of the Off. Coordinator right before the season was just one of the huge ones (DJ should have known earlier to get rid of him). Gailey is right to decide his scheme first and then try to draft for that scheme especially since Denney, Schobel, Stroud, Kelsay and even Maybin are living on very limited time. Can we wait for 3 years - or are we going to be faked into this team "maybe" being good at the beginning of the season and getting rid of Chan and starting this revolving door process all over again?
  8. I am all for the rebuilding - if we truly try to do it. I can sit through even 2 more bad years if there is some sort of light at the end of the tunnel. Wood and Levitre should be at the tops of their game in 3 years. We just need to add a couple more quality guys there and I think we will be fine.
  9. I thought Davis was damaged goods and that we were taking a chance on him?
  10. I didnt think he was into sodomy either!
  11. Good idea - no QB in 1st round
  12. I don't think it matters - with the switch to the 3-4 he is almost a superfluous player now anyways (if you ignore his humongous salary)
  13. Seeing Rob Riddick's name there reminded me of a quality old player and quality guy - we met him once and just seemed like a great dude -without a chip on his shoulder. Why does it seem like none of our new guys have that humble but tough nosed work ethic anymore (exclude Kyle Williams and Fred Jackson from that quote)? Is it because we get so many guys from Cally?
  14. Why did he ever stop returning punts in the first place?
  15. Let the boy play - if he can get a girl to even go close to a closet with him with that hairdo then he deserves our respect
  16. He isn't gonna care -- after hearing all that Portuguese, playing soccer all the time, and listening to Lulu's wife give speeches- - he would go down on Janet Reno
  17. Why don't you pick us up a kicker while you are down there - Lindell can't play forever.
  18. You don't like Reggie Corner and Jairus Byrds' chances guarding those guys!?!
  19. no surprise - who is the last quality QB that the Papists turned out? Has to be Montana. I am still waiting for Ron Pawles to pan out.
  20. I should start a new thread - Jon Corto loves to blitz! -or - Anthony Hargrove loves to head-butt Rochester police officers!!
  21. Are you on drugs?? at #9?? We might as well take Ron Pawles in the 2nd round. Joe Montana was available last decade - move on Papists!!
  22. What kind of a paper is this?! - Who assigned this ---either our civilization is really coming apart or you just go to Buff State
  23. shouldve bought an fn Lindell jersey!!
  24. I think the joke is that we are keeping him
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