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Everything posted by Hater

  1. That's exactly right, nobody was talking about Mike Glennon until after the Clemson game, just like Gabbert was talked until after the Insight Bowl
  2. Mike Glennon is this Draft's Blaine Gabbert; he is getting hype from word of mouth, The NFL Draft Report has compared him Derek Anderson
  3. ESPN OTL is reporting Manti Te'o was the Victims of the Hoax & that Ronaiah Tuiasosopo told a friend it was a Game
  4. I saw this & it would shatter my faith for next season
  5. Could this Diane O'Meara be involved in the Hoax? check out her job " STN Media Group " one of the theory's is Te'o was Marketing Himself , Strange & Stranger this goes
  6. Ryan Fitzpatrick George Wilson Kirk Morrison Kelvin Sheppard Terrance McGee
  7. I saw on a CNN report that one of his roommates in the room when Te'o got the call that his girlfriend had died
  8. Why is this guy wanting to hurt fellow Samoans, is he gaining financially from it, is it self hate of his race, this is just so bizarre story
  9. This Ronaiah Tuiasosopo is a USC Fan See the scarf could this Hoax have something to do with USC vs Notre Dame game
  10. I posted this eariler this morning
  11. Athletes get trick everyday (see the 30 for 30 "Broke") they are no different then anybody else , the elderly get trick by phone scams , people get tricked by Wallstreet Brokers but we don't crucify them he is a young guy, raised in a small community in Hawaii, under a strict religion so he could be that naive that doesn't make him a bad person But if he was in on it, I don't draft him based solely on character
  12. does anybody know if there any phone records like a bill or minute usage showing he or she called each other, If he was part of the hoax why would he be calling or receive calls from a fake girl & talk for hours
  13. I like to say that we haven't heard the story & the media is going wild with speculation & rumors trying to shape our opinion to theirs, its a bizarre story I agree & I have my own doubt but trying to hold back on any judgement until the facts are all out
  14. That more people are getting pulled into the soap opera, Reagan Maui'a told ESPN he met her
  15. Sorry Dude Just Woke Up & saw the news I should took a look back at the thread My Bad But its going to be a hell of a day for Interviews tomorrow Armstrong, Te'o, Mystery Hoaxer & possible Reagan Maui'a & Troy Polamalu
  16. UPDATE: The two people who is mentioned in the tweet are Reagan Maui'a & Troy Polamalu Yes That Troy Polamalu & its gets crazier
  17. This was Tweet by the fake girlfriends 3Hrs ago
  18. Its so easy to fake a person over the Internet, hell one of us could be fake
  19. I saw this on Twitter " Oprah Winfrey will do the sit-down interview Manti T'eo. Clint Eastwood will do the sit-down interview T'eo's girlfriend "
  20. This whole thing is bizarre & no matter the truth his Pro Career is in Jeopardy
  21. I Can't wait to see how many Bills Fans complain how cheap the Bills are for not getting Kelly when money wasn't the issue
  22. I Like Tyler Wilson But I'd would be happy with Geno Smith or Ryan Nassib & I would definitely stay away from Tyler Bray, Mike Glennon, Zac Dysert & Landry Jones
  23. I agree, most reports said Kelly wanted total control of the football operation but no team was willing to do that with a college coach, looks like the Eagles bowed down
  24. 1) J. Byrd - S 2) A. Levetre - G 3) L. Mckelvin - DB/ KR 4) D. Nelson - WR 5) C. Rhinehardt - OL\ 7) D. Jones - WR 16) T. Jackson - QB
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