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Everything posted by Hater

  1. You go Draft Robert Griffin,let him learn from Fitzpatrick & Gailey then give him the job, nobody is saying cut Fitzpatrick after the season but its clear he is not a franchise QB
  2. I said I watched both in collage, you can't compare them in the NFL because Luck hasn't played a down yet, people forget how many people loved George coming out of the 1990 Draft, he was the number one pick, George had all the skill to be a NFL QB but Desire & Killer instinct & he relayed too much on his skill & didn't grasp the mental side of the game but he was the model of a QB the NFL wanted if the Colts trade Peyton Manning away for Andrew Luck it will be the biggest mistake in their history And what's up with with you people & "Skin Color" I never said anything about Cam Newton's skin color I also said Tim Tebow,I was referencing their styles of play considering their styles are similar & most people said their skills where not NFL ready, I disagreed with that but neither skin color had anything to with whether I thought they could play You know the more someone tries to say they are not racist but then bring up skin color all the time,that makes them sound racist
  3. Andrew Luck like George can make every throw, has a cannon for an arm & a lack of desire & killer instinct like George. I watch both play in collage & I see the same quality in both I said Newton & Tebow would be stars & people said I was crazy well here is another Robert Griffin III will be a star & Andrew Luck will be a bust Bank on it
  4. Robert Griffin III I trade up to get him even if it cost next years #1 he is a Franchise QB, forget Andrew Luck he is Jeff George 2.0
  5. If you ask me when was the last time the Bills gave any GOOD Player money, Black or White we always trade or cut are best players
  6. James Harrison is a monster but he wants to knock players out to be scary but he already is scary, he a tough player he doesn't need to be a cheap shot artist
  7. CJ Spiller is getting slammed by fans but he not getting a chance 12 Rush in game is what most teams do in two drives Chan Gailey is passing nearly every play & fans are crying over Lynch well here are some facts Marshawn Lynch average for 2009 his last full year in buffalo was 9.2 carries for a 3.8 average per carry 1n 13 games, CJ Spiller 2011 averages 5.0 carries for 4.5 per carry 1n 13 games thus far now numbers don't lie, Lynch had two good years than quit, Spiller hasn't got a chance in the eight games he has started, if you want to blame somebody blame Chan Gailey because you can't pass three straight down then punt every series & expect your defence to rest for two minutes than stop the other team, you need to control time, so you run so get off Spillers back & stop crying over a quitter
  8. Cool touchdown celebration don't win games, going out there & giving a 100% does, Fred Jackson beat Lynch out for his job because Lynch got lazy note that Jackson also running behind "some of the worst O-lines in the game" as stated earlier for Lynch & Jackson did a great job Lynch was gave ever chance in Buffalo to be the guy & quit, Steven Jackson has played on some terrible Rams teams & he never gives up, Adrian Peterson drafted just before Lynch hasn't had any help No QB, No WR & he gives a 100% ever time I never saw that in Lynch next you'll say JP Losman was a great QB
  9. Marshawn Lynch Never "NEVER" played like that for the Bills, He was a bust, I wanted him to do good but he put in no effort & now he playing great in Seattle because he playing for a new contract, wait when Seattle pays him he will go back to his lazy self
  10. I say don't cut him but he not a franchise QB, I said it before the season started,Don't get me wrong I like Fitzpatrick he a gutsy,tough QB but he is not a guy who can take you to a Superbowl, he like Frank Reich a guy who you can depend on when needed.
  11. Nobody should be surprised He is a back up starting, the team needs to draft a young QB like Robert Griffin III or Matt Barkley even Landry Jones or Russell Wilson would be ok to build to the future, I like Fitzpatrick but he a back up nothing more. chan gailey is passing 50 times a game & not even trying to run & Fitzpatrick isn't that type of QB, he should be passing no more than 25 to 30 times a game if he is going to start
  12. He reminds me of a back up QB
  13. The fans won't forget but the media already have, the are the golden boys of the NFL, to honest ESPN, FOX sport & NFL network act like there is only 5 teams in the NFL and if not for the Cowboys the Patriots would be #1
  14. A 17 point spread
  15. @Billsfreak You are right the only reason Stevie Johnson had a good 2010 was because of Lee Evans, Evans got doubled team every play and now Johnson is going to get it because now nobody is going to fear the rest of our wideouts or tight ends and forget about a running game because there will be eight in the box every play
  16. Damn just trade all of our best players, better yet just cut everybody & sign guys out of the parking lot to play because its clear we are not trying to win
  17. I love it, the Jets thought they had him & the Eagles come out of nowhere & grab him
  18. I think this is great compared to last year 3rd we got a bargain & he is going to be in camp on time And before you can say he is a bust let him play a down
  19. And you guys never make a mistake "write"
  20. It hard to believe that the Pats traded Randy Moss for being difficult & now you sign two players that are just as bad, look desperate
  21. I think you may have already
  22. I can't see Brad Smith as a 3rd WR, I can see being use like Steve Tasker was 3 to 4 play plus as a returner
  23. Lee Evans is are best WR, Steve Johnson is good but that was for one season Evans is consistent & his number would show that if he wasn't double team every week & Brad Smith is good but he not a 2nd maybe not a 3rd WR Smith is a guy you give the ball to 4 to 5 times a game to make a play, he not an every down guy
  24. Tom Brady is a once in a decade pick & none of are QBs are close to that
  25. Really.. Really ... Thigpen or McNabb.......Oh Clipbroad holder or Pro Bowler, Super Bowl QB.... tough decision that just spin from the Vikings if they really want Thigpen they would have got him, its just spin to get the Redskins to lower there price Does anybody think if the Viking offer Thigpen the starting job Thigpen is going turn down the Vikings for the Bills were he going to be a backup
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