Ryan Fitzpatrick is a Great Little Story, Cinderella came from out of nowhere Blah Blah ..BUT its just story & Cinderella came home from the ball & the fairytale ends & the Fitzpatrick Fan Base needs check into reality, there is no Fitzmagic, he has limitations & he has reached them its over & this isn't about liking or disliking, its about MONEY
the Bills can't afford not to keep fans Happy & if you have at least 90% of your fan base wanting the Coaching Staff & QB gone "You Do it" because when those seats are empty & revenue is down, you do what ever it takes to change that
Does anyone think if the Bills keep Gailey & Fitzpatrick we our gonna sell out any home game
Do anyone think ESPN or The NFL Network are gonna won't us on Prime Time let only Sunday Night
Does anyone think Free Agents are going to want to play on this team