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Section 237

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Everything posted by Section 237

  1. The team responsibility- Doug. Player relations- Rex. They all look good where they need to
  2. I just can't help but root for the guy. I hope he can pull his end game together.
  3. Applause, agreed and a nod of respect
  4. . Yeh stc, I am pretty much with you on this one. We might be in a minority though
  5. One of my first sport heroes. Sad for the loss and for his family. I hope they can appreciate those of USO that felt this way.
  6. I gotta agree with those suggesting it can't be right. 10 of the 12 can be answered in 1-2 minutes with minimal brain strain. If you got a calculator the other two aren't that tough. A little more time with pencil and paper. As nobody knows who I am.....I aint braggin'.
  7. It's almost like anybody putting a post on this should probably be stating their age right upfront. Unless you were there at the time, an engaged fan, how can you have much of a real opinion? Stats tell us really very little. You had to be there. You had to see him play. You had to see how the other guys in either league at the time played. Everything needs context. I saw him play back then. I was an avid Bill's fan then. It sort of left my mind until I saw the "Namath" documentary, then it all kinda came flooding back. What a remarkable guy. if something shines only for a short time but shines that brightly.......well.....I am all in. For those of you that didn't see it? How would you know?
  8. The Ram's got a QB right? Isn't that point #1 on how you make your decision with these guys. Throw in the GM thing and it looked pretty obvious.
  9. I don't really know what happened at One Bills Drive that made Mularkey walk. But I got absolutely no problem with somebody that walks away from a pretty nice paycheck and a rarefied air type of job cuz he thinks something just isn't right. Admire it actually. Good luck this time around.
  10. Yeh, I am sure the intent was "proverbial". Even then the term was misused. Many a good argument are lost to poor presentation.
  11. Hmmmmm. There are some pretty good points there And again.....good points An idea that has always seemed obvious to me but gain no real support.......Bridges over Abbott rd for foot traffic. Would speed up entry and exit from the stadium. Probably be safer too. Can't be all that expensive.
  12. So he says. I'm thinking make him play without a helmet. Probably then could and would change the way he plays. Either way........wouldn't be playing that way for long.
  13. I detect sanity and hence, must move on
  14. Really?
  15. Yeh, if you can't be positive on this post where can you? Happy Birthday RW
  16. Methinks a really odd choice. Even in her prime it would have been an odd choice. material girl for the material boys?
  17. Regarding the Bills future. Really there is nothing 'on the record'. And why would there be? First off it is tough to tell what capital gains are going to be from one year to the next so the plan has to be fluid. Every year there are different considerations. Should Ralph come out every Jan 1 and say "ok, now the plan is....". Regarding legacy. I think it is important to Ralph. I think it just might be that it is Ralph Wilson Stadium more for legacy than for the here and now. What could be more a powerful statement than after Ralph passed having the Bills still in western NY and still playing at Ralph Wilson Stadium. Great way to get the final word and quiet the naysayers. Great exclamation point to a long and complicated legacy. Some might think that a reach.
  18. Yep. Agreed. And I don't even think that it is just wishful thinking. And I don't see this post degenerating into the mindless free for all that sometimes happens.
  19. No Well maybe I shouldn't be so hasty..... .....so No Ok, Ok Let's reflect a little here and look at it more seriously No No No
  20. The team that knows him the best doesn't want anything to do with him. And it looks like the feeling runs pretty deep.
  21. I'm for making the catch. Positives breed positives.
  22. Yeh, I have been on with the Gabbert pick for quite some time. A little hazy now and then but always coming back to it. If I could tell you why with certainty maybe I would have a job in the Bills draft room. Just got a good feeling for a Gabbert pick. I like smart. I am happy to sit back and watch the mystery unfold.
  23. That run was stellar, world class, holy crap!! It proves what he is capable of. We saw glimpses of it before immature disenchantment set in. The fact that he doesn't do it more often is why he isn't here any longer. Here is hoping the light goes on for him.
  24. Well yeh, that would be about how an informed logical person should see it.
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