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Everything posted by r00tabaga

  1. The only parts I agree with is that we need more playmakers & if we lose 12 games or so, we won't have to use all of our assets to move up. We'll already be high enough. Losing to Carolina on the road with a chance to win it on the final play encourages me. WRs not getting open does not. Wait for the all22, you'll see we need playmakers. Getting rid of Sammy for a pick and a solid corner was a smart play. We weren't signing him and who knows if he'll ever put up 1,000 yds again. Btw, what divisions do we play next year? AFC South? NFC Central?
  2. Good post, if only it was true.
  3. I wish we could sit KellyToughII. What a waste of a good username. -smh-
  4. You must be old, haven't heard dolt since I was a kid, lol. The haters are the ones who poke their heads in, win or lose, Tyrod's fault or not, and whine constantly. For someone with 3 kids, I hate whiners. Just enjoy the season. Doesn't do any good to be so negative. If it wasn't for Pegs we wouldn't even have football anymore.
  5. Honest question Doc, but why not the OFFENSE failed on driving the team to victory with a late TD? Did Tyrod push off the defender for PI? Did Taylor drop the game winning pass? Did Taylor make the ref not call blatant facemask on Shady at the 35. That was Tyrod's best drive of the game. We only had nine drives the whole game and really only passed on 3rd downs. This game is not on Tyrod.
  6. So much for Buffalo's "garbage defense"...
  7. This board is getting unreadable.
  8. The OPI was the right call. I am somewhat of a homer, so you know it was legit. I just wonder how in the hell they missed the facemask. The one ref was right there! Blatant miss.
  9. This is bang on, nice job. The problem with Mills is Glenn is out now so he HAS to stay in until either Glenn or Henderson return.
  10. In a loaded AFC south....lol.. great argument
  11. Well that's more of a "you thing" then.
  12. Your first statement is stupid and you claim it daily so I'll leave that alone. The second one, comparing OLeary to Witten makes me glad I didn't touch your first statement.
  13. Wow, you and your boys Crusher & jmc1234 are scrambling lately. Feisty little haters you are. I let Crusher have the last word in our battle earlier. Like a child I think he needed it. When are you guys gonna stop fighting with EVERYONE? You are picking fights with your own fanbase...who does that? And then cry foul like a victim.
  14. You are new here. I've seen way worse teams, let alone Bad Bills teams. You are upset we lost but I promise you had them losing this game anyways.
  15. They are really balanced.
  16. Agreed Dave. Critical mistake. We were almost 2-0 coming home to play Denver!
  17. Im not telling you what to do. You just aren't as loyal a fan as others here. There are stronger Bills supporters, that's all. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Don't want you to think I'm bullying you.I didn't think Fitz was the answer but I still rooted for him as I did EJ. I am just a fan. And yes, I suggested you ignore me. I'm not worried about you. You are the kind of troll that follows a poster from thread to thread. That's your colors. I get it.
  18. Ummm, Zay Jones himself. And MANY others in the media and Twitter credited Taylor with putting it right in the spot between the under corner and the deep safety. There's only really a few that put it all on the QB, but it's the usual crowd.
  19. It is very strange. We're never both good or both bad. Always one or the other. Lol
  20. Good crowd... I seen it on the boob tube. Wish I was there with you guys. Can't wait til Denver gm!
  21. I hate that his hair is red.
  22. Andre Reed & Stevie chiming in on Twitter is awesome. Love the support from former players. I'm really hoping this is like a T.O. situation where his career takes off after a couple big drops. Hoping.
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