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Everything posted by r00tabaga

  1. That wins.
  2. If take their WRs too.
  3. Sabres had TOO MANY picks and wouldn't have been able to sign all of them. Trading away a third was no big deal.
  4. "How do you like them apples"...
  5. No, we should expect a high 1st rounder from a major college program to be a big lift. Kinda like how Clowney in Houston was.
  6. Keenum. Gabbert. Tannehill. Period.
  7. Business decision? Sometimes by avoiding a crushing hit, you save your body. They pitched a shutout so it's hard to complain about anything the defense did or didn't do.
  8. Give me red endzones before red helmets.
  9. Makes Shaq able to ease into rotation when he returns. Won't have to shoulder the load as our pass rush is doing really well. Top 3 in sacks or something??
  10. Keenum. Gabbert. Tannehill.
  11. I tried the red helmet with the Color Rush unis in madden also but didn't like them. OP: I loved the red helmets too but the '16 home/away set we have now is perfect!
  12. I'm more worried about the late, dirty hits. There were like 2-3 head targets today. Gregg Williams Def' so I shouldn't be surprised.
  13. That's cool, good luck IB67!
  14. We played Arizona after they rolled T.B. We played N.E. after they destroyed Houston. We get L.A. after upsetting 'Zona. The fix is in! -jk 😁
  15. They were heavy, heavy favorites. We beat both them and the Hoodie. I'm still ecstatic!
  16. Ahh, gotcha. I'll take that all year.
  17. I see a Hottie!
  18. He did it against a top 5 defense ON THE ROAD. I was impressed and I'll admit a little surprised. Sustained long drives and zero sacks.
  19. I'd take him. Attitude and all.
  20. Rams aren't looking very Ram-like today. And that Def is pretty stout.
  21. I'm sorry, is there a translator around? Anyone speak jibberish?? Seriously, I have no idea what he just said, lol.
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