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Practice Squad

Practice Squad (3/8)



  1. It would be all kinds of amazing if Peppers was there at 44. I would love Foster at 10, but maybe that's too much D for the first 2 picks with getting Hyde in FA.
  2. I'm being totally serious...when has JC EVER been right about events/matters regarding the Bills? I legit can't remember any.
  3. He was holding out for Cable in SF. When that didn't happen and they gave him more money, then he signed. Still slightly happier with what we got all around.
  4. McDermott did not sign up for a total rebuild. Fans will be piiiiiiiiised.
  5. Love the Micah Hyde option if reasonable. Torn on how I feel about A-Will coming back. Love of the game vs. safety. I'm sure he doesn't want to go out on a cheap shot too. A-Will/Hyde or with a draft prospect. Nice.
  6. Nope. Too much to the cap and limited years. Nothing that special on the UFA list for safety though. Hooker or Adams at 10 if available.
  7. Unfortunately don't know. If it is, it could be s few days to see what exactly is up. I assume it would be a WC system.
  8. Thurman tweeted: AVP....
  9. Per Schefty: http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/18430457/buffalo-bills-plan-give-new-head-coach-more-power-organization Interesting (kinda). Does this attract someone like Haley?
  10. I'd say you were hanging at the Big Tree with the guy I went to High School with (who works there) that just posted the same thing on Facebook. Or you are him. See what the contract looks like.
  11. iGood piece of info on Linehan.
  12. @ByTimGraham reporting that Jim Schwartz has been interviewed. I'm still very conflicted. Would love to keep continuity of the coaching staff, players love him (on both sides of the ball apparently), and has has a good football mind. His piece on the Cleveland documentary was interesting. But what's his offensive philosophy? Who is his OC that can come in and either develop EJ or get the playmakers the ball with someone else. He doesn't come off as conservative to me.
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