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Everything posted by 1billsnut

  1. try this http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/buf/single-season-rushing.htm
  2. Anyone live in the Cincy area that would be interested in splitting an order? PM me.
  3. This happened about 10 min from my house. I passed an amish guy on the way home that night....seemed to be whippin his horse pretty hard to get where he was goin. How do you know your having a bad day....some amish guy is texting you weiner pics.
  4. Last week I had the opportunity to be a guardian for a WWII veteran on a trip to the WWII memorial in DC. The trip was amazing, to be able to help these veterans see their memorial and hear some of their stories was something that I wont soon forget. The trip is 100% free for all WWII veterans, and $350 to be a guardian for a vet. It is sponsored through Honor Flight, they have programs in most states. If any of you know any WWII vets I would highly suggest that they take advantage of this program, they all deserve to see their memorial. Also, if any of you would like to be a guardian it is a very rewarding experience, these are amazing men and women! You can find out any information at www.honorflight.com . It is an unforgetable experience.
  5. It doesn't matter if you are an athlete or anyone else...if you have sinned (like we all have), all that we can do is ask Jesus for forgiveness. If you have ever had a point in your life where you had to ask Jesus for forgiveness, to help you forgive, or deal with any other life problems that you are having, then I think that you have to love where Kelly is at. You cant fully be saved unless you are at your lowest point, and if JK truly aked for forgiveness, and is following the Lords word then I'm sure that he is a much better/happier person. I'm also quite sure that he doesn't care what what our opinion of him is. I think that it is great that he was able to change his life, and that he is very luck to have a wife to stick by him. If we could all be this lucky I'm sure we would all be very thankful.
  6. I'm going to the Cincy game, and was curious who all is going and if there is a specific tailgate spot where you were gonna be.
  7. First, I would like to apologize for the "jackass" statement, this is a very emotional situation. I was at a very low point when I logged on to see the responses hoping for encouragment. What I read was "look at yourself, if your grumpy that could be a reason to leave". I should not have responded that way but it just hit me wrong when I was at a low point. With that being said, I do think some of you were being a little on the rude side. ( And yes, I understand that by posting this I am opening myself up to this again) I was just trying to find some encouragment, and understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Without knowing the full situation, you cant give solid advice, just what you think would be of help. Sorry! So to answer some of your questions: Q: How long have you been grumpy? A: We have only been married for 9 months, but together for 3 yrs. I could not have been that grumpy in only 9 months. Q: Kids? A: her-2 me-1 Q: Was she hot? A: VERY To those of you I offended, I'm sorry for the comment, at the time it just seemed like critisism. To those of you that were just posting negative things about me, nothing I can say. You may do it again now. To those of you with all of the positive posts ( whether I realized it or not), Thank you. Again, thanks and sorry.
  8. YOU GUYS ARE JACKASSES!!!! Thanks for kickin a guy when he's down.
  9. I have looked inside myself, and I know that it was not all roses, but I could not see how it was bad enough to end our marriage. I found out why...it wasnt that bad. There was just someone else. LIVING WITH SOMEONE WHO IS GRUMPY IS NOT A REASON TO GIVE UP ON A MARRIAGE AND STEP OUTSIDE!!!!!
  10. I have spoken to an attorney,and I dont think she is going to be able to get much of anything.
  11. I have went to a therapist this week and am going to continue, thanks for the input.
  12. I have been on this site for quite some time, and enjoy reading all of the banter. I rarely post I just enjoy reading the different views. The reason that I am asking for help is that my life has just been turned upside-down. I just found out that my wife (who I love more than anything) is leaving me. For 3 days she led me to believe that I was the one to blame because I was grumpy alot and pushed her away. After 3 days of begging, pleading, explaining, and having a complete feeling of self-hatred because I had hurt the woman that I truly love, I found out that she had been looking for love outside of the home. I immediately went from anguish to anger. I just cannot understand how someone that says they love you that much they could not only stepout of the marriage, but leave you feeling like you are the one to blame. This last week has been an emotional rollercoaster. I had never truly given myself to god until this situation. I did this past week to be able to find help to get through this. And I have to tell you that it was one of the best decisions I have made, I just wish it hadent taken this for me to give myself. It has truly helped. I guess that I dont really know what kind of help I am looking for. I just know that this is going to be a very difficult journey for me as I try to adjust to loosing the woman I truly love (who is also my best friend), living alone, and dealing with the range of emotions that I am going to have to deal with. I just thought that there would be some other Bills fans that have been down this road before and would be able to give any kind of help/wisdom. I know this is going to be difficult and appreciate all of the support. Thanks DW P.S. PRAYERS ARE WELCOME!!
  13. """"You guys are unbelievable. Of course the guy was surprised. He is being made the scapegoat for the whole offense,"""" SERIOUSLY!!!! Last play of the Miami game with a chance to win, did you jump up and yell, "Nice completion Trent!!", when he threw that perfect 8 yd completion. Or, where you like the rest of us that held our heads in our hands and mumbled, "Oh lordy, lordy, here we go again. This guy is a chickensh**t!!"
  14. He also threw 2 "almost" pick 6's!!!! IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON!!!!!
  15. I live near Cincy, but dont get Cincy stations on my tv. Anybody know any good spots in Cincy to watch the game tonite.
  16. I take mine to a local t-shirt shop and they have a chemical to take off the old lettering and then iron on the new. It usually costs about $10.
  17. I "recycle" my jerseys by cutting off the nameplate with a razor blade and taking the jersey to the local t-shirt sore and having them iron/stitch on the current players name. For example my Bledsoe is now my Parrish, and my Spikes in now my Poz. No one can tell and it works well for a cheap guy like me.
  18. This is my FIRST POST on TBD....I am just the silent guy that reads all of the posts and sits back and ponders. And believe me ....you guys have put a lot of stuff up here to ponder about over the last few years. But I have to eventualy come out of my shell......so here it is.......THIS GUY IS RIGHT!!!!!! SIT DOWN, QUIT BITCHIN, AND SEE WHAT THEY CAN DO!!!!! We asked for a change and we got it! Until the games are played and you "EXPERTS" have enough time to evaluate the team, SHUT UP, and at least let them try to build a team. I have been a devoted Bills fan for over 20 years, and I have been through all the SB's, and all the other heart-wrenching **** they have put us through. We have been through enough ****, if you LOVE the Bills, stay here, if not.....see ya!!! I'm tired of all the negativity!!!!!!! GO BILLS!!!!!!
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