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Everything posted by 1billsnut

  1. Ray Rice Elevator Co.
  2. I always thought it was- FORD = F$*%ed Over Rebuilt Dodge
  3. Man it sure was nice to have/use TE's!!
  4. Mike Iupati
  5. It's not feet...it's the toes I tell ya.......THE TOES!
  6. "Just let me put your hand down here for a second......pleeeeeease!" "GET OFF OF ME MARSHA!"
  7. which one is the zombie pic? And.....Sure why not!!
  8. 'I feel comfortable with balls in my hand....notice my smile!"
  9. Thats It!!!! I have seen enough of this!!! It has gone far enough...this country needs to step up and ban ex-baseball players!!!!
  10. CHEERLEADERS!!!!!! Oh wait.........
  11. If you like that you should check out Trampled By Turtles How about some awesome country...try some Darby Ledbetter
  12. How about some Ivory Deville?
  13. Unfortunatly, this is how i also feel right now.
  14. "How's the knees, Chief?"
  15. Number 9........Number 9
  16. SETTLE DOWN PEOPLE!!!!! Russell Wilson, and Drew Brees lost today....Im sure the Seahawks and Saints will be cutting them....I mean C'mon!!!!! Who keeps a QB that looses a game!!!! SIGN 'EM!!
  17. Did I pass??
  18. Its funny because its true. (Ouch)
  19. %nap!
  20. This is about a child from my hometown...I didn't know him but knew the family years ago. Very tragic, but inspiring. http://www.greensburgdailynews.com/local/x449117984/Boy-succumbs-to-leukemia-leaves-inspiring-legacy
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