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Everything posted by 1billsnut

  1. I am trying to find the video of his prayer for the Bills at the end of his show. I am having zero luck. Can anyone help??
  2. In my saloon in Indiana.
  3. I understand that. Just saying Lamar and other people had made plenty of mistakes before that. It’s unfair to hang the whole game on Andrews
  4. I’m not going to read the 4 pages. just want to say this game is NOT on Andrews. terrible the media is hanging on him.
  5. I have one and I love it! I bought my son the Sams Club brand, it has more “bling” for less money than the blackstone. If I did it over again, I would buy the Sams Club brand.
  6. I may have missed something, but why was Spector in the series after he was hurt rather than Williams??
  7. 🤔🤔🤔
  8. in the “ what did you do to help? The bills win?” Chiefs edition is where I requested it. I was assuming one of you would be nice enough to set that up for me.
  9. This is not my fault at all!! I told you guys after the Chiefs game that I was starting a GoFundMe to send me to the beach for every Bills game because that is what I did to help the Bills beat the Chiefs. …..and did you??? NO! sorry guys, this one’s on you!
  10. Does anyone have the fake video of the refs calling bogus call on Mahomes’ defenders and awarding him the game at the end?? I know I saw it here not too long ago, and I cannot find it now!! Help, my wife needs to enjoy it. thanks guys!
  11. I hope my actions affected the game! My wife and I flew down to South Padre Island for the weekend and watched the game at a beach bar. Amazing time, but I don’t have the funds to do this every weekend. We are counting on you guys to start a go fund me page for us to travel here every weekend…. Strictly for good Bills mojo..of course.
  12. I’ll be there too. Where do we hang???
  13. I’ll be there too. Where do we go??
  14. Cocaine is a hell of a drug!
  15. I switched to Smoky Mountain pouches. They are herbal pouches, no nicotine but has caffeine
  16. ANYONE!! As long as it isn’t the Kansas Swifty Chiefs!!
  17. My grandfather and uncle’s were circus clowns, and did a horizontal bar act from the 30’s-50’s. So I have a pretty large collection of old circus stuff…. Horizontal bars, clown outfits, a ton of stuff they picked up while traveling, and of course more pics than you could imagine. My grandmother was also a showgirl during this time, so there is a lot of pics, etc that goes along with that. Since I already had way too much, I obviously decided to add to it. 🤷‍♂️ I also have a pretty decent collection of old guns and gun stuff. A few months ago I decided it all needed to be seen, so I started building a saloon. It is now finally all done except for building the bar and hanging some more stuff. Way more work than I thought. Lol
  18. Mahomie
  19. Works pretty good for a 53 year old fella also!
  20. Pretty sure it was Porky’s. I was 11-12. Definitely an eye opener.
  21. Just bought one a couple weeks ago. Love it!! so far our favorite is cheese steaks. Yummy!!
  22. Cracker?
  23. Got the hiccups…eat a spoonful of peanut butter. Creamy or crunchy works.
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