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Posts posted by TAinLack.

  1. 11 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    And It’s not worth much. Helmet scouting is just lazy. Osu for many years simply recruited “Athletes” and turned them into QBs. Pryor,Miller, etc. Burrow was an osu qb for 3 years. They all played for different offenses in different situations. If you helmet scout you can’t be on board with trey lance, Zach Wilson or Mack Jones. 


    The qb recruiting changed when Ryan day got there. He’s a former Qb and NFL qb coach. He runs a sophisticated passing offense that was not there prior to fields. There are an infinite number of variables for every single prospect. Fields has a personal QB coach, Coaching at UGA, Plus Coaching at Osu that no other qb before him had. There are lots of fingerprints on him. 

    All eyes will be on Fields for some success at QB position moving forward.

  2. 3 hours ago, The Jokeman said:

    Wilson as am biased that most BYU QBs are over rated. Toss in he's on the smaller size and most scouting reports have him as system guy and  not always at his best in the pocket and doesn't throw guys open which important in the NFL. I think he's getting over hyped and think Justin Fields a better prospect.

    Buckeye quarterbacks have not had much success in the NFL for what its worth.

  3. 8 hours ago, Returntoglory said:

    I just wanted to put up a post in memory of my Mom who passed away yesterday.

    She has been a Bills Fan since their inception into the NFL. 

    She loved wearing her Bills gear and had her favorite players over the years. Bentley. Talley. and most recently Cole Beasley.

    When I was in the USAF stationed in Germany throughout the 80's, Mom would send me tapes of all the Bills games. I would either watch them in my dorm room or in the day room with my fellow airman or a few years later when we lived in our home on the economy, we would have a Big Bills watch party, Wings included.

    But what I will miss the most is making Pizza and wings and running them across the street to Mom before or during the game, and getting and giving phone calls throughout the game when Buffalo would score or just to share a comment or two about a specific play.

    I love you Mom :(❤️ 


    Very sorry for your loss, Returntoglory.  Hope you feel your Mom's presence in every Bills game next year.  Thanks for your service!

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. 9 hours ago, DrPJax said:

    Look , maybe it’s my background  ( was a Med director of inpatient detox unit for a few years early in my career ) , maybe it’s because I don’t like any COWBOY , maybe I don’t like BUCKS  arrogant personality etc, but admitting something like drinking ON A JOB  YOU GET PAID LARGE SUMS OF MONEY TO PERFORM SOBER , is another arrogant behavior that minimizes how impactful this type of behavior actually is. 

    I don’t know about you guys , but ANY job I have ever had required I performed it while sober and not under the influence of chemicals. We are not talking about brain surgery during a broadcast, but are you really under so much pressure you have to numb yourself, use a substance to just talk in front of a crowd after doing it for a whole career?  When you think it’s ok to drink WHILE WORKING, usually this is a pretty good sign you are already having a substance abuse issue that may be impacting other areas of your life. There are tons of easy ways to cope with performance anxiety , at worse case even a small dose of non impairing beta blocker meds like propranolol can combat nerves or adrenaline from anxiety without being addictive or impairing. So jumping to drinking tequila in front of a national audience is a huge step, and while not knowing their personal backgrounds , I just wonder how they can think announcing this is ok?  In what world is drinking on any Job justified as ok ( other than being a taste tester I guess!), and would they recommend this to younger broadcasters as something ok to do ?  These guys are held up as role models for guys wanting to be in this career ( not saying it’s good etc, just it is what it is), so isn’t this telling others this is ok,even if they can stop at just “one drink” , a lot of people can’t.   I just think it’s in bad taste to broadcast this stuff , say it on a open podcast etc.   It is just acting “ above the law “ , type thinking and behavior.  If I found out an employee in my office needed to drink just to take the edge off, I would get them help and test them for other substances. It can be a path to self destructive behavior and usually by the time someone is using on a job( most people will let all go , family , relationships , etc BEFORE they jeopardize their work), they are already having issues elsewhere in their life. 

    I am not trying to say any drinking is bad. Hey I like tequila, but while I am home, off, not driving, etc.   I just think this is arrogance at its highest level as these guys I bet would be extremely judgmental about a player taking drugs while playing or if their dentist , dr , etc felt it was ok to just have a little tequila while working.   It’s just that holier than thou behavior that irks me so much about celebrities like this. Their damn job is not life and death as they suggest , so why do you feel so much stress about it that you have to numb those feelings?  IT IS A FUN JOB, so justifying drinking to MAKE IT FUN is evidence of impaired judgment ,  and it’s arrogant of them to just think we can say this stuff because we are so popular , so irreplaceable, no one will challenge us on what is usually seen as unacceptable behavior in every other aspect of society.  

     SORRY FOR THE RANT.   Just don’t like people who are judgmental towards others performance as their job, think they are above scrutiny and that this is just normal and ok. It’s none of that. In an age where people are losing jobs just for political beliefs ( cancel culture like the chick from Disney), have we gotten our morality so screwed up that we will ruin a career for a belief but allow possible DANGEROUS BEHAVIOR to become a norm?  Not a big fan of these guys before , and will be less of one in the future.   Doubt McD or Beane drink much while working on the Bills,,,,,,,except if they keep dipping into that Carolina well!  😀


    Actually, I enjoyed your rant.., spot on.  I'm waiting for the ultimate Joe Buck/Aikman experience - Vodka and Marijuana brownies!!!

  5. 21 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    Per the article, Allen’s father has been battling Covid and pneumonia and was hospitalized earlier this month and won’t get able to go to the game :cry:



    Joel and LaVonne Allen, who have two sons and two daughters, seldom miss one of Josh’s games. They fly all over the country every fall weekend to see him play. But Joel won’t be at Sunday’s game because he’s recovering from the coronavirus and a bout with pneumonia that landed him in the hospital this month.

    Get well soon Allen family!!!

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