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Got Wings

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  1. Nice letter.. I have never experienced the Toronto series live but I can't imagine it could be any better. I am no longer live in WNY but I go through the rituals like I am at the game (but watch the game off of the ticket). When I do get the chance to make it to the Ralph, like yourself, I sit back and absorb as much as I can. I just can't wait until my son is old enough so I can take him to a game and see the rituals (like the Shout song after every score) with other fans.
  2. Don't let the local headlines scare you. Besides, you will be wearing the hometown colors. You will be one of the family. I agree with the tip you should park over by the field house. I have the had the best tailgating over there. You have access to the NFL experience and bathroom. Plus, you can get out of the stadium easier. It could have change but the Bills used to hotel at the Millennium Hotel Buffalo in the Walden Galleria the Saturday before the game. About 6 pm, the players start coming in and they will sign autographs and get a photo op with your favorite player. Food .. No worries. It is everywhere. I don't know where your hotel is but I am know there are plenty of choices. Day of the game, you can get your tailgating supplies at Wegman's right down the road from the stadium (by the Mickinley Mall) or Tops (even closer).
  3. I was shouting "NO,NO, NO... TOO MUCH TIME" at the television. My wife was asking why I don't want the points. I explained to her during the Review that we needed the ball in our hand not pretty boy's. They say he was down, I start screaming "WE JUST WON THE GAME". My wife thought I was lost my mind.
  4. That is why I always get the NFL Ticket. I got sick of the Capital Region showing the crappiest games and waiting to Thursday to find out. Rick from Bethlehem
  5. #99 Dareus is in the mail but I don't think it will make it in time for the game.. I am going to wear Thurman until then
  6. Finally.. They are starting to look at O-Lineman... Keep looking front offices!
  7. I sure hope Jasper makes it.. McGee gets cut I will be pissed. I hope they pick up a OL reject from another team but Buffalo is so cheap that they will do nothing.
  8. Mt Jasper is huge dude.. DJ is a dork.
  9. nashvillebills .. awesome picture and story. Even more reason to root for the guy (I wonder if he can O line too). I can't wait to see this beast on the field. I will forever call him Mt. Jasper (like the name alot)! My little guy is 2 1/2 and he sticks around only for the Sunday ritual of playing the "Shout" song at the beginning of the game and after each score. He won't call them the Bills but "hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Let's Go Buffalo".
  10. That was screwed up. The guy interviewing him did not have the heart to check to see if he was Ok.. what a douche!
  11. I am glad that I have paid for the NFL ticket this year... Most of the games were on Albany's local television. I guess it gives me something to watch for the four o'clock. I hope Jets and New England keep doing good. I am liking this regular pattern of one o'clock games!
  12. the best way to have Dolphins is fried. If you are going to cook salmon, try lemon and rosemary. Works every time!
  13. Why is Lynch such a hot topic? If you are crying about or wishing that Lynch is trade, you are wasting your time. No one wants him. Is he a lemon? Depends on the coaching. If they can get Lynch back into "Beastmode" everyone would be in a better mood. If they can't reach him, they will waive him. Either way is a win for the fans. I am about the positive. I want to see the thug do well. I know he took twenty dollar from a defenseless lady but I am seeing him doing things that the other two backs can't do which is the body type to bang it up the middle. If he runs like he cares, Lynch will get the 2-3+ needed yards without wearing out the other to RBs. Many of you will say that Freddy did it last year. But, I am here to tell you that Freddy is not going to be the same kind of Freddy that we saw last year. Last year, he was out to prove to the world that he belongs in this league. Plus, Freddy had so many touches because that he was only option that the Bills had because Lynch head was not into football. Lynch suspension made it so his mind be on suspension for the rest of the season. Back to the positive. With Spiller in the picture, we are going to see the same thing that you see in the Saints, running back by committee (they used three backs and a full back). I would hope we see some formation with two running backs in the back field. Crap is written saying that the running backs have a hard time finding rhythm when they don't have enough touches. OK, I guess. However, they don't ask the running back if they did have that many touches would they be around for the entire season because they will be injured. Having three running backs in the game will save the legs of all three running backs. I agree they won't be the headlines like the single backs. But all three backs have a good chance of being strong through out the entire season. Who knows?
  14. The only reason why I have DirecTV is because of the NFL Sunday Ticket! My wife allows me to get the ticket because she would never see me on Sundays otherwise. You want to look at the price in a different way.. look at this scenario. Imagine for $315 you have season tickets for any team in the league. You can still tailgate before the game. You can get up and get a beer or go to the bathroom at anytime. If you missed the play, you can simply you can hit the rewind button and watch it again. Don't get me wrong, if I lived in WNY, you would bet your butt that I would have Bills and Sabres season tickets. However, this is the next best thing and some ways it is better.
  15. Why is this such a big deal? So what Rex was having fun with some fans? If this offends someone, they really need to get a grip with reality. There was no need for him to apologize for what he did. He was not on the job so the NFL should keep their nose out of it and Rex Off! I rather see a coach like this rather than the corpse we were watching the last four years.
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