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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. I'd support your idea 100%. Due to age, medical issues, etc. not all fans can stand to watch the game.
  2. I prefer Home Depot over Lowe's. While both aren't known for customer service, the Home Depot associates at least acknowledge the customers in their presence in Pennsylvania. ? I like shopping at a local Ace Hardware. For one, they sell Stihl products which are superior to any of the stuff they sell at Home Depot or Lowe's. Two, they stock a lot more parts for tractors, snowblowers and gas grills than a big box. That comes in handy when online ordering won't beat the snowstorm or your tractor is marooned in a half cut yard. I buy basic tools like wrenches and sockets from Harbor Freight. If you're a mechanic, they probably don't cut it but for general maintenance of your vehicles or house, you can get a lot of mileage out of Pittsburgh tools for a good price.
  3. 1) Less train horn. 2) If Trump and Kim can meet in Singapore, Flutie *and* RJ together can lead the team out of the tunnel for a game. ?
  4. Love him or hate him, Trump is doing something both Bushes, Clinton and Obama couldn't. I've never understood the preoccupation that some have with keeping US troops in Korea in perpetuity. Times change. If someone from 2018 went back to 1970 and said the United States and Vietnam are signing cooperative trade and security deals and the Vietnamese Prime Minister visits the White House, you'd be laughed out of the room.
  5. I don't know about record but I imagine Mario Williams and Marcel Dareus would still be Buffalo Bills. I think the biggest impact would have been on Mario. I think his career ends quite differently. Instead of flaming out in Buffalo and then in Miami, he registers double digit sack seasons every year in that defense.
  6. The time in your life* you* felt the best about yourself.
  7. I recall reading that James Cameron wasn't interested in directing a sequel to that movie. I found that odd considering it's one of Arnold's better movies *and* one with an above average plot. He likes his Avatar universe and I think he's only doing another Terminator movie to keep his legacy intact after the last three stinkers. Out of all of Carpenter's movies, I don't think Halloween or even "The Thing" was his best. I think his best was "They Live."
  8. We may differ in age a bit, but I remember when Drudge broke the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal and it was a watershed event for the "Internet" because he broke it well before any of the networks could. IMO, that was the first time the Internet demonstrated it could be a viable competitor to the traditional news networks. It basically took the Headline News format of 24 hour news and turned it digital without having to wait while the newscaster works his or her way through the stories. See a story you're interested in and click, you've got it. I think the simplicity and consistency of Drudge's page has and continues to be brilliant web design. I too am surprised the networks haven't copied the format.
  9. TO has always been the one football player that I shouldn't like, but I always have. I suppose it's due in part to the fact that he never had to stand trial (I see you Ray Lewis), was never was convicted of a crime, never suspended for performance enhancing drugs, etc and played hard for every team he was on during his NFL career. I respected that he never dogged it in Buffalo and he played on essentially one good leg in the Super Bowl with the Eagles. He's guilty of a big ego and being super weird.
  10. Hop, skip and a jump from our clandestine moon base.
  11. In some ways Drudge Report started it and 9/11 accelerated it. Drudge was able to get breaking news out so much faster than the networks, even MSNBC which was started as a way to get news out so fast on your MicroSoft Internet Explorer. Since networks could no longer scoop the news like they used to, they now found themselves filling air time talking about it like everyone else and in order to keep viewers, the commentary had to be attractive or incite some emotion. Fox rolled out the pretty and handsome hosts, MSNBC turned up the rhetoric and CNN had no idea what to do. It was stuck between its real news history and the new dawn of punditry of Bill O'Reilly and Chris Matthews. Secondly, on 9/11 and every day since, real news was relegated to the "ticker" at the bottom of the screen and air time was filled with well-dressed opinion from commentators. Can you imagine Peter Jennings doing a Don Lemon or a Sean Hannity bit? Since the reportable stuff is now just a streaming phrase, "media" needed something new to "report" on and it was opinion. Opinion is cheap and easy to report and if your opinion is inflammatory, YOU can be the news. It's easier to digest because you're reacting to someone else's reaction. It creates one of three emotions: Joy, anger or apathy.
  12. Keep in mind that soils near volcanoes are some of the best in the world for growing crops.
  13. Come on now, which one of you went and saw Book Club?
  14. I appreciate that he salvaged his career in Buffalo and played well. However, I doubt he will play in the NFL again for myriad reasons.
  15. I'd like one of these leagues to be successful. The NFL desperately needs a minor league system for players, coaches and referees. The XFL is behind the eight ball though with the other league collecting all the "name" talent that is out there looking for something to do.
  16. In a way, her cause of death was ego and pride She knew she was mentally unwell and her loved ones desperately tried to get her to want help but she backed out every single time because she was fearful it'd hurt the "Kate Spade" brand. It appears she was unwell for quite some time. That has to be a punch to the face of all those loved ones. The "brand" was important than herself or them.
  17. Mental illness is like water. It spends every second of its existence finding a way. What sucks is that she leaves behind a daughter who'll never understand why.
  18. Eagles players can choose not to attend a party. The President can choose not to hold the party. No problem. Agree to disagree. I don't know about you but the flexing of the democracy makes me feel good.
  19. I understand why the Sixers never trademarked it. Back when the Sixers were "in" the process, the NBA literally stepped in and staged a coup because the 76ers were so terrible, so non-competitive. Sam Hinkie was run out of town. Fans demanded it. Adam Silver demanded it. Today, the process looks like a stroke of genius and the NBA has a hard time admitting that it worked.
  20. IMO, Bee's comments are grounds for getting canned too. If a man called any woman a C*** on television, not to mention it's the POTUS daughter he's directing it at, not only would that show be cancelled but his career would all but be over. I have no idea why any woman would call another woman that name, ESPECIALLY in this alleged #metoo climate we're all marinating in. It's harassment all the same. I used to like Samantha Bee when she first started out but she ended up like Colbert where the only shtick they have (or want to have) is politics and if everyone is doing politics, you keep crossing lines to remain relevant.
  21. I received a Scotts "foldable" wheelbarrow once as a gift. The first (and only) time I used it, it folded with a full load of dirt in it and it made for entertaining viewing for the neighbors (who coincidentally were having a yard sale) as I collapsed on top of the now collapsed wheelbarrow. When I got myself off the ground and tried to get this back up and on it's wheel, it collapsed again, spilling most of the dirt this time. Haha I've threatened to re-gift this terrible idea at Christmas because the episode has made for a good story. I'm still surprised no company has invented a push button weed trimmer that starts up with...just a push of a button. I've had better success with better quality trimmers and using non-ethanol gasoline these days but the big box brand trimmers just become victims of fits of rage after the 75th pull and nothing. I recall that my neighbor turned his Craftsman trimmer into a javelin one summer and launched it. Just like Brick launches the trident in the Anchorman movie.
  22. You'd think at this point in her life and career she'd have the self discipline to protect the good, lucrative thing she's got going...but nope.
  23. With a dog that large, have you thought about tile, especially the tile that looks like the wood? I see that being used in a lot of high traffic areas where wood won't cut it but they also don't want the usual 12x12 tile look either. I don't think there is a wood out there that's going to stand up to the wear and tear of a Mastif who'll live a long wonderful life.
  24. He proved my point. Without a column of easy to write opines, you just have an old, lazy journalist. I think tweeting out a parting shot to the company who employed you for so long shows the character of Jerry Sullivan the individual.
  25. The NFL and the NFL owners will continue to apply generous pressure to the Pegulas to build a new stadium, regardless of the facts and issues efficiently detailed above. Part of that pressure I'm sure comes from the salary cap mindset of the owners - "Well I had to invest *my* money into a new stadium, so the rest of your billionaires should have to as well." Question: Would the stadium of the future have less seats to watch the game live and more restaurants/bars/entertainment infrastructure on "campus" where watching the game is part of the experience but not the entirety of it? Instead of watching the game in the stands, you'd have lunch and bar at the on-campus Bills restaurant where you can watch the game *with* Bills greats and even Bills not-so greats for some variety. ?
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