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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. Not the same article but they are writing about the same report. In the world of possibilities, if the Russians invaded Europe today, the German Army's performance would match it's World Cup soccer team performance.
  2. By what measure? Their military issued a report last month that stated in 2017, there were no transport planes or submarines available for deployment and the condition of their planes, tanks and helicopters as "dramatically bad." I think it was a BBC article. Same article said they showed up to NATO training exercises with broomsticks instead of rifles due to supply and repair issues. I know they have significant issues with their small arms. Their HK G36s are complete garbage, as are their small unit MG4 and MG5 LMGs. I understand they may have land size and personnel advantages but they've got no equipment to fight with if they needed to.
  3. One of the few things Trump has been right on from the start is the current condition of NATO and its European freeloaders. Those guys have been getting the discounted lunch for a long time. Most of those central European militaries would fall within a month if there were a conventional land war. It'd be the Fins and Norwegians skiing to the rescue in Paris. As an aside, considering Germany's military history, the country's rich history of technological innovation and the Western investment into that country post World War II, it is sad to see their military in such poor shape. They should be the alpha in that region.
  4. I'll probably see Mission Impossible because the story seems decent and they've been doing better with the villains. The first Equalizer exceeded my expectations so I'll probably see Denzel's first sequel ever. (True story.) The Purge story could have been so much more. It's a concept that screams for somebody like John Carpenter to do in his prime. (My question about the Purge: If all crime is legal for 12 hours, why aren't you pulling a gigantic bank heist or stealing everything not bolted down?)
  5. It amazes me that the fringe on both sides still gets anxious over Roe v. Wade in 2018. The Supreme Court isn't going to touch that case ever again, regardless of who is on it. They aren't in the business of overturning one of their own decisions. It'd be like rewriting a chapter of the Bible to "reflect modern viewpoints."
  6. Yes - only because I have significant food allergies that robs the enjoyment of eating. Dining out? Forget it unless it's straight up meat on a grill with vegetables. Finding food items that do not have soy or tree nuts is difficult. Whole Foods carries some.
  7. "Noah's original hand crafted ark?" "Best I can do is five dollars...."
  8. Interesting news about Babylon 5. I had no idea that he felt that Paramount stole the concept. Straczynski had a relatively dark concept for a cartoon back in the 80s called "The Spiral Zone" that was probably too ahead of its time since the 80s had their fill of the apocalypse with movies like The Day After, Threads, etc.
  9. The smoldering tire fire that runs the Titans will use this poll in some report supporting their "need" to relocate to a city that is more profitable that loves them. I feel bad for the Rams. No matter where they go or what they do, nobody loves them. That team went to two Super Bowls in the early 2000s, winning one, and still relocated. They show up in Los Angeles and are competitive, with names and talent....and still place #31st. Surprised the Chiefs score so low.
  10. You can feel the breeze generated by neurologists nationwide shaking their head left to right in unison. Sure he can run fast - but for every 15 years after the age of 24, cognitive speed drops by 15%. Memory, reasoning, information processing speed and accuracy at his age is a shadow of what it was when he was playing in the 80s, probably even since he last played in 2004. Add those deficiences on top of getting your bell rung from a good hit and it's likely he'd be back in the huddle not knowing why he's there.
  11. Speaking of space shows, why hasn't anybody tried to remake Babylon 5?
  12. I think it'd need to be almost *strangely* interactive with Buffalo Bills - famous and not so famous. You'd need to treat all Bills players as the family and have more than the standard autographs and booths and it couldn't be just about football. You'd need more than Thurman and Bruce. You'd need some evvveryone. So here are some ideas off the top of my head... Cooking with JP: Iron Chef skills competition with you, JP Losman and a few other Bills Flag Football Tournament with teams made up of players and fans on the same team Dodgeball (yes, with teams just like the movie) Skeet Shooting or Three Gun with Mario Celebrity Jeopardy : Bills and NFL trivia Habitat for Humanity Power Block O' Houses Challenge Poker Night at the Casino
  13. That paywall was a fool's errand. Plenty of case studies nationwide that would have told you that half measure wasn't going to get close to meeting those wildly optimistic expectations.
  14. Exactly. I understand that she may not be universally liked but the hatred towards her from other women - namely Michelle Wolf and now a female entrepreneur, seems entirely counter productive to "the" cause of equality and hell, even tolerance.
  15. The irony is that in depth exploration of the last days of the sports desk at the news is content I'd pay for. It was unique content, full of detail. Excellent writing.
  16. She will be out of business within the year. She's now made herself a magnet for Trump supporters, and not the calm, let's have a civil debate sort. I think the hate for Sarah Sanders is a bit ironic. Smart woman, in a position of power, and those that spent decades complaining how there aren't any women in power....unhappier than ever. Woman on woman crime. Go figure.
  17. I was of the belief that Alvin Bowen, drafted in the 5th round in 2008, was going to be a blue chip linebacker for the Bills. He got injured and wasn't able to put any career together in the NFL or CFL. I was on board with the Bills firing Wade Phillips but later came around to seeing it as what ignited the streak. In some alternative dimension, I think a Wade-led team keeps the Bills competitive in the early 2000s and we avoid the Gregg Williams nightmare.
  18. Saw it at the request of my nieces. If you have seen the others, you've seen this movie....with the exception of how it ends. Stay for the end credits scene.
  19. Jurassic World: Surprisingly dark ending.
  20. +1 The fans were juiced. The Bills rolled out that unconventional defense and had Romo on the ropes for most of the game. Was a heartbreaker to lose. Was always curious why the Bills only did that for that one game.
  21. They should leave TNG alone. It's literally the only Star Trek product that gets universal acclaim from both die hard and casual fans. The TNG series finale is an example of near perfect stagecraft. The writing and acting were excellent.
  22. The obsession with companies having to create endless online content has led to the miserable "journalism" product of today. I remember in the summer of 1998 on Sports Illustrated's webpage about how the St. Louis Rams were going to be a nightmare in the upcoming season, one of the worst teams in the league. Trent Green just broke his leg that day during a preseason game and the team was relying on some guy off the street named Kurt Warner. Vermeil was being assailed for not wanting to trade for a quarterback with NFL experience. He was throwing the season away. For some reason, that example has always remained with me on how hot takes masquerading as "news" and fact.
  23. It's the bean counters and lawyers. Insurance companies don't want to be paying out the short term disability on a $40 million contract because the pricey insured asset broke his hand in the 30-second bar fight.
  24. Picked the wrong state to wander around in. Ranchers aren't going to mess around with that on the property. Should have picked Washington or California where people still go "jogging" in bobcat country and are amazed nature has the audacity to attack them. Don't they realize these sneakers cost $130?
  25. Ironically, I worked at a True Value from when I was 12 to 22. Back in the day before the Internet and even Home Depot, you had to first learn how to fix things yourself, then be able to communicate it to customers. Even had to mix paint using just a book and cut keys with human hands on the machine.
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