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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. Die Hard with a Vengence would have been the best with little qualification *if* they kept the original, darker ending. (I won't spoil it - the original ending is on YouTube.) I thought the 3rd movie beats the 1st because it captures the grit and speed of the story on a Manhattan canvas, Jeremy Irons was a worthy adversary to McClane in perhaps his only action movie role ever and until that morning, McClane was a divorced drunk on suspension. No superhero. The 4th (ok) and 5th (abomination) installments were missing interesting villians and the surprise plot points the previous films had. The 5th should have never been made. IMO, the RED and Last Boy Scout movies provide a general template for a Die Hard 6. Get a new lead that has an investigation that they dig McClane out to help on, but he or she dies abruptly early on in the movie, paving the way for a retired McClane to assemble a team of characters from all the past movies (Sgt. Powell, Zeus, Matt Farrell, etc.)
  2. If I were the Bills FO, I'd work out anyone and everyone. I think that's part of the due dilligence aspect of being in the front office. Working out Lynch only has positives. One, you have a QB of similar stature to Allen working your practice squad. Secondly, just like in every other major sport, some players do better in certain systems than others and that opens up possibilities.
  3. Your thoughts? https://deadline.com/2018/09/die-hard-6-title-mcclane-bruce-willis-origin-story-prequel-lorenzo-di-bonaventura-1202456391/ As a fan of the Die Hard series (I think the 1995 DHWAV was the best of the five) - I have no idea how this concept works. The entire premise of Die Hard was that John McClane was an ordinary NYPD detective caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. He had no superhero-esque backstory.
  4. They really need to put together a "Sports Reporters" type of table for that show. Jackson and Berman would be a good start. Educated discusson about the sport without yelling? Count me in. I think somebody like Amy Trask would provide a lot of interesting insight. People I wouldn't put on that show: Recently retired players Any individual angling for a team or league job that's going to couch every word they say to the point they say nothing.
  5. Men would be wise to improve themselves and not play that game at all. I think young men think they *need* to have a woman to live a fulfilling life. Not true. I have no idea why men chase single mothers or what compels men to do so. Is that a phenomena of internet dating? Supply?
  6. I think Groy and/or Bodine are dangerously close to getting cut. The offensive line partly sucks because the calls are more wrong than right and that's on the guy who plays center. (The other part is that Castillo has no business coaching it.) 80% of the OL problems is that they are often in the wrong place at the wrong time. Get a more experienced (or smarter) center and your offensive line play improves.
  7. FWIW, when the Bills signed him, I thought they were going to transition him to safety to be part of a three-safety "big nickel" defense the Bills use. I'm not convinced he's got CB speed anymore.
  8. ...or an acute inflamatory condition. "I overdid it with the burgers at lunch. My sperodedes is going to act up."
  9. As an aside, is your doctor prescribing anything but gabapentin for that neuropathy? In my experience, the doctors who immediately reach for that are the laziest around. It does nothing to treat the condition, only masks it.
  10. Tom Brady is better than Aaron Rodgers. This is what they will say 20 years from now. Why? Brady was smart enough to take less money or structure his money in a way to have better teams that compete for championships year in and year out. Rodgers will be the Dan Marino of the late 10s. Great quarterback on an otherwise mediocre team that will struggle to get in the playoffs.
  11. It is obvious to me the Bills are planning on running a new 5-TE set. I'd actually like to see that in a game.
  12. *Never* going to happen. The team (and more importantly its lawyers) want nothing to do with the dangerous potential of a workplace incident.
  13. I'm often amused by those who think a Clinton presidency would have been any less compromised than a Trump presidency. Dare say we might have the "luxury" of hearing about hush payments to porn stars instead of the alternative. https://dailycaller.com/2018/08/27/china-hacked-clinton-server/
  14. I think the problems have less to do with strength and more about football smarts. The reason why Lawson and Billings had track meets on Sunday was because they were running in open space. That does fall on the players but I'd put even more blame on the coaching. The line calls are either completely wrong or the players don't understand where they need to be.
  15. To me, it looks like the OL is completely baffled on where CIN is going, and they end up chasing the Bengals as they run into the backfield. Mills #79 completely wiffs on his block and ends up chasing his man in the first video. That's not a strength issue. That's problems comprehending zone blocking.
  16. Why are we televising and rewarding "e-sports" now? All you're doing is taking some very vulnerable factions of society and exposing them to money and fame. We lose our minds over college kids getting paid to play NCAA football but we're all ok with a 15 year old winning $250,000 playing a video game and commentators going heavy on the criticism for all the losers. The concept of playing team sports and activities in school isn't necessarily to win them but teach kids how to handle winning *and* losing and the ups and downs. You won't win every game. Every Popsicle bridge you spent hours building in STEM won't hold 25lbs. Not every shop project is going to be a Norm Abrams masterpiece.
  17. He's capable. Allowed only two sacks last year.
  18. Falco. He was "huge" in Europe and had a string of decent hits in the United States (Der Kommissar, Rock Me Amadeus) in the mid 80s but I thought his best was Vienna Calling. The booze and drugs really snuffed out a lot of his potential and ultimately killed him. (Died in a car crash where he was loaded with booze and cocaine.)
  19. Tony Gonzalez is not good at his job. I'm still amazed Fox rolls out those early-2000 robot graphics still. As an aside, Shane Black is going to regret making his Predator movie. It looks so Straight to DVD.
  20. It depends. If your loved one has Parkinson's or Alzheimers or something similar where they need 24/7 supervision and care, those places can do it better than you and your family can. My grandfather had Parkinson's and although my parents meant well, they couldn't provide the necessary 24/7 care that required while working, while raising three children. The curse of living longer. Used to be you'd stand a good chance of checking out in your late 60s to mid 70s. Now if you retire at 65, you probably need enough resources to finance your health care until you're 90.
  21. Definitely mixed feelings on McCain. He was a good family man and I appreciate his military service. However he should have resigned after the Keating Five scandal. I think he got away with a crime because Congress wasn't about to prosecute five well known members of their small fraternity.
  22. I think that the offensive line is having a difficult time learning the new offense and the complete chaos is lack of communication and getting the line call correct. I think it's part coordinator to coordinator communication and you have two inexperienced centers (one who's never started, one who just joined the team.) You're asking a lot of those two men. I don't think the Bills have shown a thing on defense scheme wise. I think you're seeing a combination of experiments and evaluation. The quarterbacks are fine. I feel good about all three. Improve protection and any of these guys will do well.
  23. I tink these OL problems chalk up to two centers having a very difficult time learning this offense. Looks like five men lost and in panic. They are zagging when the defense zigs.
  24. Legalized prostitution isn't far off on the horizon. The government is running out of vices, drugs and things to tax and make some money on. Why have an illegal market where you spend money to police it when you can legalize it and make money? Alcohol Tobacco Firearms Pot Gambling, now with sports betting Another thing I can see the government regulating and taxing in the future: Assisted suicide pharmaceuticals.
  25. They are athletic and quick. It wouldn't surprise me that Williams is running playbook schemes in preseason games against vanilla offenses as a way to build confidence in the players and have them run the plays with less thought, more learned behavior. That seems like a very "Gregg" thing to do.
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