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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. They might actually make one. John Carpenter is allegedly writing it.
  2. That's a terrible choice by the Jets. I'm of the opinion that these fired coaches need a year off to reassess and recharge. There are probably precious few examples of where a fired coach goes to a new team and is an immediate success. Plus, I don't think he's a leader of men and that's important for that position. The Dolphins legitimately quit on him once they were eliminated from the playoffs.
  3. The major networks have a difficult time with the serialized high concept shows like Revolution, the Event, Jericho. NBC especially. Revolution and the Event started out strong and then faded. I was really into Revolution. Thought Billy Burke was outstanding in it and I could watch Elizabeth Mitchell every day.
  4. Give me the most disciplined route runner who can catch a ball. Jerry Rice wasn't the fastest WR but he's often remembered as the best route runner in the history of the NFL. Joe Montana and Steve Young could throw that ball wihtout hesitation because they knew Rice was going to be there. It's what seperates the Julio Jones and Antonio Browns from the Mike Wallaces and John Rosses. Jones/Brown is a great route runner who is fast. Wallace and Ross are really fast but are sloppy route runners.
  5. You have my support for a new Iron Eagle. I think that concept would be exciting in a "24" format where it happens in the span of a day. I might flip it around a little and have a very retired pilot play the Gedrick role and an active pilot play the Gossett role. Road House is a favorite of mine but it would be a challenge because when you really think about that movie, what exactly was the overarching plot? ?
  6. Democrats are looking small.
  7. Not a reboot, but a new chapter in "The Shield" since many of the great characters lived to see another day. A rare science fiction or geopolitical miniseries. Something like the Day After, By Dawn's Early Light, V, Battlestar Galactica, The Stand.
  8. Could you do Smokey and the Bandit today? That movie was just a long advertisement for the awesomeness of CB radios. I'm very surprised nobody has tried a "The Warriors" reboot.
  9. I offer: New Jack City Fail Safe (Does Clooney's count?) True Lies The Goonies The Parallax View
  10. Should Black Friday and Huntin' Monday after Thanksgiving be a national holiday?
  11. Foles will not leave Philadelphia. Even if he wins them another Super Bowl. Even if some team literally offers him a wheelbarrow of cash. I just do not see that happening. Tyrod Taylor will not be a starter for any team, especially after Mayfield walks onto that scene in the middle of a game and transforms the Browns into a respectable offense. I wouldn't rule out Andy Dalton being on the move as well, especially if they hire somebody else besides Lazur or Hue Jackson.
  12. The OL is a difficult decision because it's hard to tell if the unit's struggles were from a lack of talent or Castillo's crap coaching.
  13. I don't fault Elway for doing this. It's a shrewd move. When Chicago hired Matt Nagy, he retained Vic Fangio as the DC. Of course it's on Elway to make his head coaching decision in a timely manner. As an aside what Lynn Swann is doing to Kliff Kingsbury at USC is a different animal altogether.
  14. It's too much when you get palpatations or can't sleep at night. Plus, three cups of black coffee is different from three cups of coffee loaded with sugar and cream. The latter is unhealthier than the former. It appears once you reach the age of 65, you gain a superpower of being able to drink black coffee all day with every meal no matter what's being served.
  15. I voted for it to be retired. The team overuses it.
  16. Robiskie wasn't a good teacher. Sure, the receivers, much like the offensive line, wasn't chok full of All-Pro talent this year but the mental lapses - the not knowing plays, the dropped passes, the poor route running - is a result of poor teaching. He failed to motivate/inspire Kelvin Benjamin to do anything remotely positive in a Bills uniform absent the preseason game against Carolina.
  17. Here are my thoughts from a man who has persistently dealt with sleep issues. I would not recommend taking Tylenol PM for this issue. You don't want all that tylenol in your system. It really can beat on your liver. In the alternative, you can try OTC diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or doxylamine (Unisom). They aren't great for the body either, but less of an issue than the tylenol. Some people have success with melatonin. Some have success in taking a baby aspirin before bed. Aspirin, in some, has some anti-anxiety effect. I'd try to stay away from Ambien unless you get desperate. One of the strategies that works well for me is not eating for at least 4-5 hours before bedtime and cutting my caffeine consumption off at noon. You don't want your body processing a heavy meal or snack while you're commanding it to rest too. Caffeine obviously won't help you sleep. If you have high blood sugar or high blood pressure, you don't want these spiking at bedtime either. As you get older your body processes food and caffeine a lot slower than it did in your 20s. White noise also helps. I find white noise more addicting than any pharmaceutical but it can really make a difference. If you look at your phone in bed, a blue light filter is absolutely necessary. All that blue light radiating from your phone is telling your brain to stay awake.
  18. It amazes me these teams continue to overlook the quality special teams NFL coaches out there. (e.g. Dave Toub)
  19. I did not like the pick because of those accuracy issues. I figured he'd be Jeff George where he'd throw for a billion yards but have a completion percentage of 55% every year. I am impressed with his play, football intelligence and his attitude. Bright future ahead.
  20. He should have been fired a lot sooner IMO. The offensive line looked lost in preseason and the first half of the season and that's on the coaching. I know the OL did not have All-Pro talent this year but in many of those early games the OL performed poorly because they were often not where they should have been and that's a fundamental lack of understanding the where/why/how of the play. These unit coaches need to be great teachers and communicators. I hope Robiskie and Crossman are next. Same problem.
  21. If he's too lazy to coach in the NFL, he won't last in the college game where the season is year round and your boss is a board of impossible to please trustees.
  22. I agree with you on Bloomberg. I don't understand why he can't find something else to do with his money. The Democratic Party has some significant internal problems. One, the Clintons aren't going away. Two, the establishment (Biden/Pelosi) aren't going to relinquish their positions to this younger socialist crowd who think they are the heir apparents. Three, I'm sure Democrats will want to investigate Trump eight days a week but I can see the Clinton/Biden donors putting a kibash on that because the weapons you use today are the ones used on you tomorrow. If the Democrats spend the entirity of the Trump presidency investigating him, the Republicans will return that favor and at some point you have to wonder if you're the Democrats, do we really want that? Are we setting ourselves up for a future where every President gets investigated by a Special Counsel over something?
  23. It wouldn't surprise me to see the Bills make a stronger than expected run at Bell simply because with his pass catching ability, the Bills may not need to invest the serious $$$ into the WR and TE positions in free agency that they might have to otherwise. A Bell/McCoy backfield tandem has some interesting potential. (I have no issue keeping Lesean McCoy on the roster.) I like your Paradis pick. I wouldn't invest resources in free agents on the wrong side of 30 - especially 32 year old TEs.
  24. IMO, Gronkowski's retirement is a foregone conclusion. The Patriots need a few "down" seasons to really retool that entire team. The margin of "getting by" is razor thin at this point. You're not winning championships with a nearly 42-year old quarterback so other than nostalgia, I don't see the point of the Patriots continuing the charade.
  25. You know what one area the government could improve with their heavy hand of regulation? School physical education. It is an absolute farce today.
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