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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. I'm an introvert and a "professional" extrovert, trained in public speaking, the country club chit-chat and the uncomfortable times sitting at a table with strangers. It's on a level of professional acting. I look like I belong but I'd love nothing more than to run for the exits and find a forest without a soul in it. Public speaking/events exhaust me. It's a 2:1 ratio. For every event I have to present or glad hand, I need twice the amount of alone time to recover. Besides being a podiatrist, the job in hell for me is a car salesman. Couldn't handle people all day, every day.
  2. The Bills, Jets and Dolphins can continue just playing mediocre football for the sake of putting a product on the field or they can get ready to fight it out amongst each other when the Patriots empire comes to an end. ...and that will inevitably occur. Every team goes through a life cycle of rebuilding and competiton. All good things...
  3. That's interesting. What are the details on uncredentialed visits? Is that legal per NFL rules or can teams do whatever they want in regards to that?
  4. The NBA has a serious problem on their hands with these star player "trade me now" shenanigans. It was Kyrie Irving. Then Kawhi Leonard. Now Anthony Davis. The owners are going to do one of two things (or both). Lock the players out until its addressed in the new CBA; Collude collectively, just like MLB is doing to their free agents, against these player attempts. In this scenario, no team trades for AD and no team signs him in free agency either and he just sits...and sits...
  5. The trophy breaking on television symbolizes the state of the NFL's Pro Bowl concept.
  6. He's got a better shot than Bloomberg running as an independent. He is the human manifestation of Benadryl. If he had bonafide centrist positions in an age of hard right/hard left politics and media, he'd at least make it interesting. Does he offer anything besides being nicer than Trump and not as wacky as the Democrats? Does he have a real plan for anything or is he just another bored billionaire that enjoys basking in the glow of his own press?
  7. The courts are not going to get involved in debating the President exercising emergency powers. No judge wants their name attached to that. I'm sure the Democrats will want them to but litigating and debating those powers has long reaching, substantive consequences for Presidents going forward. Democrats are so near-sighted. I wonder if they realize life goes on past the Trump Presidency.
  8. I think Bruce Arians will be a one and done. He'll figure out the humidity and heat in Tampa Bay sucks and that he (and his body) don't have the desire it takes to be an NFL head coach anymore. I think Adam Gase will be a one and done. He's Rex Ryan redux. A guy who refuses to admit he needs to step back and evaluate what went wrong. Instead he'll just keep doing it wrong for a different team. I think Matt LeFleur will be a one and done. I see a mediocre season ahead and the Packers falling in love with a bigger, better name next offseason. Plus, the Packers will tire of the endless Dodgeball The Movie memes.
  9. Single mothers are often in that situation due to their own poor decisions and impulse control. The body acceptance movement is doing overweight women absolutely no favors regarding their long term health. Comprehensive background checks for firearms is supported by the majority of gun owners. Men, white men especially, are too dumb to accept/admit they are depressed and/or mentally unwell and often lonely as we age. Instead of getting help, we expect substance abuse and poor behavioral choices to make us feel better until we inevitabily unravel or kill ourselves. Both Presidents Bush and Obama are fine people by all definition but were terrible Presidents.
  10. Siege of Firebase Gloria (1989)
  11. "DePodesta wrote Haslam an email arguing that the Jackson hire went against many of the characteristics of successful coaches they had discussed. Brown met with Haslam -- there's always a race to be the last one to talk to Haslam before a big decision -- and told him he thought hiring Jackson would be a bad call. "I hear you," Haslam said." In any field, a sign of a bad owner or manager is to go out of your way to hire intelligent people and then prevent them from doing the job you're paying them to do.
  12. Probably a very unpopular opinion but I think she gets the attention she gets because media types, men and women a like, geek out over a person like this. They can't resist the "cute" "quirky" woman" that "speaks her mind" and does cool things like "dance as if nobody's looking", quotes gamer lingo and eats ice cream with Colbert. If any other woman in the Democratic Party said even 50% of the stuff she says, nobody in America would care.
  13. Bob Sutton's achilles heel is what befalls many of these coaches old-time coaches. In high-pressure situations, they rely on what got them there instead of paying attention to what the film is telling you. Tony Romo is a smart guy but you aren't going to convince me there weren't guys in KC pointing out the tells in NE's offense the week before the game. The Patriots prey on the opposing team's predictability.
  14. I think Biden will more than likely run because in his mind, the elder statesman play is a winning hand. Wouldn't doubt the "all chips into the center of the table" last run from Hilary Clinton as well.
  15. Harris has absolutely zero chance. She's like the rest of these nobodys that are announcing. If she makes it to the first Democrat debate, she will have exceeded expectations. Donors are going to conserve the dry powder until after Biden and Clinton say they definetely are not running for President.
  16. No. It wasn't an isolated incident. He's another Reuben Foster. Sure he's a talented football player but due to his poor decision making and impulse control, he's not on the field and he's always one bad Saturday night out on the town from another incident.
  17. A solid takeaway from this "incident" is that you'll probably feel better cutting cable news out of your life. Cable "news" was always dubious but now they don't even pretend to do news. It's just a bunch of people slapping you around with their opinions. Don't you get enough of that here? ?
  18. I wish the NFL would do something different for halftime. I don't know what that'd be but the tortured process to find a musician has really run its course. It's a performance that tens of millions of people will see and the very best they can do is Maroon 5 and Travis Scott. Actually I do have an idea: A longer version of the NFL "movies" the NFL network was running before their Thursday night games. They were well done, poignant, positive and there are lots of good stories to tell or a fictional Rocky-esque story where real NFL players and a real NFL coach find themselves trapped in a Madden game where the opposing team is all upleveled to 99 and coached by Vince Lombardi and played by the best Madden player in the world. The game is announced by the voices of Madden and Summerall. I'm all about the tie-ins. Regardless, something light and chill for 15 minutes that you can show on TV.
  19. The Vikings are going to regret that Cousins contract for a very long time.
  20. I'm disappointed at the lack of Ellis from Die Hard memes here.
  21. What sucks about the truck buying experience is there's no "towing test drive" and a lot of the time, it's the "feel" of how it's going on the road and whether you can back the trailer up ok and you're not white knuckling it up an incline, especially in bad weather. It's not like "Jared" is going to hook up the dealership boat so you can drive it all around the block. They should, however. I've used pickup trucks as work vehicles and I use one for a personal vehicle. I've towed mostly heavy equipment (Bobcats, small backhoes, etc.) Dodge RAMs always look the sharpest but their reliability is very suspect. I really don't like them in northeast United States weather whatsoever. They seem to corrode a lot faster than the other brands. Ford will tow more but Chevy, while it'll tow a little less, will tow it more comfortably, especially if you are towing plus you've got the AC on, fully loaded cab of people, etc. I love the Tundra for its look, drive and bed capacity but don't like it for towing. IMO, Toyota made that truck for bed hauling only.
  22. More trades than you'd think. My guess is they will target teams in cap purgatory or with new coaching regimes and make a few trades for players that fill a need and have a few years of team control under an existing contract. Probably get a better "deal" for your money this way than solely relying on free agency to have some upgrades.
  23. Best: Star Trek the Next Generation: "All Good Things." Absolutely brilliant writing and execution. Runners-up: Justified, Battlestar Galacitca Worst: 24. Season 8 was an absolute train wreck of a season and the finale was the 747 plummeting into the wreckage. Runner-up: Southland
  24. I'd explore it. Everyone involved (taxpayers and the owners) would feel a lot better about the investment if it were utilized all the time. I'd want that venue designed to support the NFL, the NHL, NCAA tournaments and games, concerts, etc and have the hotels, restaurants, retail in it or around it.
  25. I think the future of NFL stadiums will be like the stadium the Chargers are playing in this year. (Dignity Health Sports Park, 27,000 seats.) A lot less seats but a stadium that is chok full of modern amenities. Is there a need to build a 60,000 seat venue when fans have a variety of great choices to watch the game now? Teams will have to decide between a 60,000 seat venue where they struggle to fill them for games or a 30,000 seat venue where fans fill it easily. While I don't necessarily like the idea, I foresee a new Bills stadium being 30,000 seats in a fieldhouse format, attached to a multi-use facility (hotels/conference center). This way, the stadium can support a variety of sports, is right sized for those sports, and gives the facility opportunity to have demand 365/24/7.
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