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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. Democrats are going to find out that nobody really cares about teachers "plight" as a campaign issue. The majority of voters see them as having privliges they do not have - protected by a union, can strike if they don't like their pay and get to go back to work like nothing happened, work only 9 months a year at a desk job, etc. IMO, the Democrats have just a few cards to play where they can outmaneuver Trump and the GOP - the cost of healthcare and the cost of college and the loan racket. However, they'd be attacking Democrat pillars of Obamacare (can't admit it sorta sucks) and the higher education establishment (solid Democratic base).
  2. Forever...and according to AMC, you're going to sit there and like it. At least three tv TWD movies with Andrew Lincoln and likely Danai Gurira (focusing on his post-helicopter rescue life) One more spinoff series in addition to FTWD. I've seen suggestions it could be built around a military theme (ala The Last Ship) or Abraham (pre meeting Rosita) A juicy theory (not a spoiler) going around is that Eugene makes contact with another community and it's Rick that answers the radio, prompting Michonne to go look for him (and transition the actress out of the series.)
  3. CNN as a "news" organization died the day Jim Walton resigned.
  4. For me, I'm able to acknowledge that Donald Trump has a deplorable personality yet I am able to support many of his initiatives. I've met most of the recent former Presidents personally through my travels and career. I think Barack Obama is a good man yet disliked many of his initiatives. Same for George W. Bush. President Clinton was a very likeable man with absurdly poor impulse control. Pragmatically, I have no idea why Trump decided to open this pathetic volley against a man who's passed away. There's a lot of other topics he can emotinally rant on. I think it's beneath the office as well. These guys didn't like each other. Megan McCain loathes the President. We all get it. We didn't need the posthumous refresher.
  5. I think "Washington" has known for sometime that this report wasn't going to say much. It's why the Democrats started their own investigations on so many different fronts. It's why the Republicans are reportedly feeling emboldened. It's why Biden hasn't officially announced his run yet. If the report says nothing new about Trump, I doubt he'll run.
  6. IMO, he's flashing that seeking protection in prison from the AB and other like minded organizations.
  7. It's more 50/50 than most mothers are comfortable admitting. Raising children is akin to flying an airplane. The airplane can get by with one engine but it optimally flies better with two. Both boys and girls benefit from a fatherly influence in their lives.
  8. What's the first rule of being a fan of a team? Never apologize for your decision to be one.
  9. I think TWD would cross so many lines by killing Judith but it would give a Negan a rich vengence/redemption storyline. Something has to occur to get him released by Alexandria and turned lose on the Whisperers, and IMO, the Whisperers killing Judith, Michonne or Gabriel could be the plot device.
  10. I think McCoy's status in Buffalo as straightforward as both team and player have communicated. The FO wants him to be a member of the team. He wants to be on this team.
  11. I picked Williams even if he will be a guard in the NFL, not a tackle. He will likely be a great guard, however.
  12. If you like what George Kittle can do, that's why you're likely ok with picking Hockenson at #9. In order to develop Josh Allen's game, you need to provide him a variety of pass catchers on every pass down. IMO, what sets him apart, like many TEs from Iowa, is he a football player first, athlete second. I think that's important when you get to the NFL as everyone is an amazing athlete, the plays are more complicated, the game is faster, etc. Guys like Nkoju and Ebron are superior athletes who had to learn how to play football to produce in the NFL. I don't know what happened with Ebron in Indy, but it's like there was a legitimate football epiphany there because he went from catching absolutely nothing to catching everything.
  13. I think a difficult pill to swallow for Democrats is that especially in regards to foreign policy, Trump's approach is more Democratic Party than it is traditional Republican Party. Hell, a good barometer of knowing your foreign policy is headed in the right direction is when Dick Cheney hates it.
  14. If any former NFL players or Uncle Ricos are legitimately interested in getting back in the league or finding their way to it, they have more opportunities today than ever before between the AAF, XFL, goodl ol' CFL and the camp tryouts NFL teams run before the "real" minicamps. I'm sure JP Losman has moved on with his life but why a young guy like Karlos Williams who has stated a desire to get back to the NFL, wasn't the first guy in line for the AAF befuddles me.
  15. I don't think Biden is going to withstand the social media barrage he'll likely get from the radical wings of his party. He's going to say a lot of things that crew does not want to hear like "No, we can't do Medicare for all" and any sentence that starts off with "When I was Vice President...."
  16. I voted no because Kitchens is an unproven coach. Some guys are great, brilliant coordinators and dismal head coaches. There's always potential for sophomore slump as defenses now have had an entire offseason to gameplan for your quarterback. Lots of new players takes time to mesh, especially on offense. I think they are, dare I say it, "playoff caliber" but it's not a gurantee.
  17. I think no matter where this player lands, he will propose a prove it one year contract and bet on himself. With a healthy, productive season, he's likely one of the top five free agents in 2020 Free Agency.
  18. I think the NYG are getting rid of the malcontents. We make fun of McDermott and his "process" but the reality is every team in the NFL has a process. Just like all of our workplaces, sometimes there are personalities that are toxic and divisive that regardless of production, just have to go. IMO, I think a growing number of teams would rather suffer the losses than put up with "personalities". They aren't worth the trouble.
  19. It's ironic. Random group of well-fed dudes with well-fed horses, armed with firearms. Kingdom: On the verge of collapse, running out of everything, medieval weaponry
  20. Netscape Navigator was the superior browser. Microsoft Internet Explorer had the superior deal makers and marketers. If it wasn't for the internet, the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal would have likely never been exposed.
  21. That's a frustration decision if I've ever seen one.
  22. If you're the child, I'm not sure what's worse: 1. Your parents get busted by the FBI with your demostrated mediocre intellect used as evidence against them; 2. You had no idea any of this happened and your parents made the decision to risk imprisonment to get you ahead seeing your chances doing it by yourself were so slim. I'd like to know how these kids are actually doing in college once they got there. Yale: "We have no idea why William H. Macy's bright child has a 1.9GPA this semester. She scored a 1420 on her SAT and she was highly recommended by 50 teachers, a couple poet laureates, a few PHDs and a physicist."
  23. Imagine being such a dull bulb that mom and dad had to resort to: "Huffman is accused of paying $15,000 — disguised as a charitable donation — to the Key Worldwide Foundation so her oldest daughter could participate in the scam. A confidential informant told investigators that he advised Huffman he could arrange for a third party to correct her daughter's answers on the SAT after she took it. She ended up scoring a 1420 — 400 points higher than she had gotten on a PSAT taken a year earlier, according to court documents." https://www.foxnews.com/us/college-entrance-exam-cheating https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/college-admissions-cheating-felicity-huffman-lori-loughlin/index.html
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