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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. Breed pit bulls: Go to jail for a year or two. One of your pit bulls bites anyone but you: Go to jail for a year or two and be liable in civil court too. In my opinion, this is a dog breed that should not be bred for "pets" or owned by people as "pets." A big part of the problem is that dog owners are not held liable to a degree that makes them think twice about owning one. If you were bargaining two years of state prison and a civil claim that'd likely bankrupt you, most pit bull owners would think twice about owning one.
  2. He failed those poor kids on a level I really thought was unattainable by a LEO. His cowardice deserves jail time.
  3. Immigration and healthcare will be big issues, I agree. I think college debt is going to wiggle it's way in there because that affects students, families and a lot of downstream sales and revenue the corporations care about. That being said, the Democrats have no great, new ideas on either topic besides their "well, we hate his idea" idea. They will spend every day up until election night 2020 fighting themselves over impeachment, giving their candidates absolutely nothing in the way of a competitive platform. IMO, the DNC isn't serious about 2020. If they were, they would have put a heavyweight in as DNC Chair, not an Obama era middle manager.
  4. IMO, there's no "easy win" with cable if you want to pay less for the same level of service. I loathe the cable bill. You'll likely have to sacrifice or change your viewing preferences or persistently battle customer service for a better rate. DirecTV gets you with that low introductory offer but before you know it, you're paying what you used to pay for cable. I pay $182 per month for a combined cable/internet package from a Comcast competitor. 300 channels, Internet speed is 100Mbps download with a DVR. The package itself costs $139 but the taxes and fees take on another $40. The fees is where the increase has occurred for me - especially the broadcasting fees passed down to the consumer. I've tried to beat the pricing by keeping the internet service and adding streaming services. However, due to stubborn viewing preferences, Hulu alone doesn't cut it. You need Netflilx AND Hulu. I get very close to what I'm paying with more effort on my end so I've kept cable.
  5. John Butler. He needs to be recognized for his contributions to the team. Marv is there. John belongs there.
  6. The DNC thirst for impeachment suggests they think Trump wins in 2020. If they thought they had a fighters chance with Biden or someone else, they'd pivot to topics he or she could actually run on.
  7. I'm convinced this guy is Sasha Baron Cohening EVERYONE in the media without the fancy disguises.
  8. I think Hilary had legitimate health problems she and the DNC tried desperately to cover up in 2015 and 2016. I don't fault her for aging. I fault her for the commitment to cover it up and pretend there's nothing to see there. While I agree with you that I don't think Biden has the energy to do any better than Clinton did, I'm guessing given the lead he's got already, he's waiting for the pack to thin out closer to the primary. Why burn the energy and money when the field is still filled with a lot of never will be's? If the DNC were smart and it's clear they are not, they'd start culling this herd sooner rather than later so they party can coelesce around 1-2 candidates. There's no reason why Klobuchar, Hillenbrand, Booker, etc. are still running around wasting donor dollars.
  9. That was the premise of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines in which the USAF purchased the bankrupt Cyberdyne (after their headquarters blew up and their founder killed) and built all their planned devices based on the Terminator technology from 1984. (according to the novel) It's been stated that Terminator 3, 4 and 5 all don't count as canon. This new movie allegedly takes place after the events of T2 which will require a lot of explanation because all the Terminator technology is destroyed and Miles Dyson is dead.
  10. Tusli Gabbard is the lone Democrat candidate that is growing on me. You know who isn't in that picture? Tulsi Gabbard. She is IMO, legitimately the best candidate the Democrats have and she gets next to no exposure from their party. She's not a war hawk and pisses off her own party at the same rate she pisses off the Republicans. I think she's the most comprehensive threat to Trump because she has appeal to moderates in both parties.
  11. Trailer and article: Your thoughts? https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2019/05/23/trailer-terminator-dark-fate-promises-to-be-good-this-time/#4bb5d6b6af8d Besides the obvious over the top political correctness, this movie looks lazy with all the tried and true Terminator tropes...again. I don't quite understand how any future Terminators exist after the events of T2. I half expected this movie to follow the clever plot devices of Person of Interest tv show (the Samaritan AI) since the whole "let's send a robot guy to kill that guy" hasn't worked out for them in both movies. My guess is since this is the "true" sequel to T2, Schwarzenegger is not playing a Terminator in this movie but the human likeness that the future Terminators are modeled from.
  12. The book is entertaining though despite having heard all the interviews already on the radio. The only thing that bugs me is he craps on the early part of his career and his older books. I get that he is happy to have evolved but he wouldn't have gotten to that spot without being the person he was before so he shouldn't be so quick to dismiss it. IMO that makes him a phony. A rich phony, but he owes his entire career to that time period. They even made a surprisingly pretty decent movie with real actors around his Private Parts book.
  13. The Democrats remain stupid, with time running out. Trump loves, even feeds off this chaos and the Democrats are shoveling the coal into the furnace. They don't realize Trump's biggest weakness is the actual policy work of being President. They could turn infrastructure, healthcare into wins for themselves ahead of 2020.
  14. Substance over style argument here and they are appealing to their demographics. Kelso/Tasker were A+ on the substance but ok on the style. Wood probably has the style and they hope he has the substance. Wood is like the goofy uncle at the barbecue, regaling you of always funny stories. He might shave, might not. Wears Nike slides year round. Kelso/Tasker are like dad's former service friends who haven't laughed out loud since that time in Panama.....during the invasion.
  15. It could be as simple as Adam Gase being Chip Kelly. It doesn't have to make sense. Or Bell continues to be overweight and out of shape and the team is nervous. There were reports earlier this year he was up to 260+ lbs.
  16. I've always seen the abortion issue like gay pride. There's a lot of money to be made in being oppossed or for it. IMO, the Supreme Court made a decision in the 1970s. Why are we still litigating it? (See above.) If the states absolutely need to adopt their own rules, ok, but it should be a referendum. This whole "let's pass a law while our hand picked fanatics are in office!" approach sucks.
  17. I don't want to hijack the thread to discuss historic NYC mayors but I was amazed that Lindsay got re-elected. I read the Power Broker by Robert Caro and even if you read or listened to nothing else about the guy, you'd get the distinct impression he was way way over his head, especially for the turbulent times. I don't think deB is all that intelligent or all that of a critical thinker. I think the Mrs. is the brains and the tactician in that relationship.
  18. Arizona Cardinals: A lot of trust in an unproven college coach with a losing record and a 5'10" #1 draft pick rookie playing quarterback. Baltimore Ravens: Season hinges on defenses not spending the offseason figuring out Lamar Jackson. He might make Tyrod Taylor look like Dan Fouts. New York Jets: This is Buffalo Bills Rex Ryan redux. Adam Gase should have taken a year off to figure out what went wrong in Miami but will instead continue making the same mistakes in New York because of his ego. (Fine by me.)
  19. He legitimately could be one of NYC's worst mayors in modern history beating out Lindsay and Beame.
  20. You'll laugh but Cory Booker lost any Democratic support he had when he rolled out Rosario Dawson as the all of a sudden heterosexual girlfriend. This comes after years of rumors he's spent a lot of money keeping it quiet that he's gay. I understand why he does this: While the majority of America is now pretty cool with homsexuality, the African American populous residing in the Northeast of the United States may vote Democratic but they are exceptionally socially conservative when it comes to matters of sexual orientation. If he went all Pete Buttigeig in New Jersey, he'd be lucky to be mayor of a shore town. He was in the Catch-22. Come out as gay and lose his base. Try to concoct a story about how Rosario Dawson is totally into him and everyone knows you're a liar and can't be trusted.
  21. I personally never understood his appeal but I admire his keen business sense. He understood how to modify his product according to the sensibilities of the era and he wasn't afraid to do so. If he tried even 25% of the stuff he did on his early 90s "Morton Downey Jr. era" television show today, the culture cops would make sure nobody would ever see or here from him ever again. It's likely the internet required him to change too as his access to the adult film industry and culture was no longer special or unique. I think all the atonement talk is just weathervane marketing. He's telling everyone what they want to hear. It is funny to think that back then, it was commonplace and expected to turn the televison on and see people brawling on the sets of Jerry Springer, Downey Jr. or Geraldo.
  22. The Iranians don't strike me as irrational Jihadists. Even in the worst case sceario of the Iranians pulling off some sort of Tet offensive and catching us off guard in Baghdad (taking hostages) and/or in the Strait (sinking a ship), to what end? Where is the victory in that for them? I think the price for that would be the complete dismantling of their military and infrastructure by the US Navy and Air Force and giving the Israelis and Saudis a green light to wipe out all their proxies by any means they deem fit.
  23. EJ Manuel and CJ Spiller to me are cautionary tales about picking athletes instead of football players high in the draft. Both guys were phenomenal athletes but both could not grasp the complexity of the game of football.
  24. I don't know if the loser of a Game 7 buzzer beater can be a choker. Somebody has to lose. The one thing I'd keep in mind in regards to the 2018-2019 76ers is with all their trades, they essentially rolled out three different teams during the course of the season and still made it work to get that far in the playoffs. As for biggest chokers, I submit the Atlanta Braves. They owned the National League for nearly two decades. They were divisional champions 14 years in a row, likely 15 if the 1994 strike hadn't occurred. Five world series, just one win.
  25. Agreed. Once the corporates (Greggs and Karens) who use the phrase "workflow synergies" start making the real decisions, you're well on your way to average.
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