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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. If my theory is correct and that Eric Swalwell is merely part of a satire comedy film that's in production, he's going to have a lot of hilarious one-liners, soundbites and "faces" in reaction to other candidates. Beto looked medicated.
  2. I had no idea some guy named Tim Ryan was running for President.
  3. I agree. Time is a tickin' because impeachment, "Trump Bad" and "Everything is Free" are all DOA platforms in the general. Everyone in America knows Trump is very likely the bad guy everyone thinks he is and he's still the favorite to win the election. That is their starting point.
  4. I don't think Robert Mueller wants to be the casus belli for any sort of impeachment proceeding. He isn't going to say anything that contradicts the official report. The Democrats really should pivot fully to 2020 and support their candidates and an actual platform of substance.
  5. You know the current iteration of the NRA is done for when Hickok45 ends his support of the organization. The entire organization needs to be burnt to the ground and rebuilt. CEO, Board, everybody goes.
  6. He's not the sole owner, is he? I think the Kansas City Chiefs are most definitely, absolutely, going to fire this guy from his show. The heat the Hunt family and Chiefs fans can bring is more than enough to get the job done.
  7. I appreciate your steely resolve to gate keep but he hasn't been fired.
  8. What's interesting is the Bell 206L3 is not a military helicopter. It's a police helicopter and air ambulance. My theory is that the three rings stand for liberty, order and justice.
  9. I don't think the Miami team has ever had owners who knew what they were doing besides making money strictly for themselves. I think the Marlins won those two World Series titles despite Wayne Huizenga and John Henry. It seems like every owner of the Marlins deliberately fire sales all the talent. So, for a Marlins fan, what's the point? Think about that...Huizenga, Henry and Jeffrey Loira have owned the Marlins. Now it appears to be owned by yet another fire-selling stooge (Bruce Sherman) who has inexplicably given Derek Jeter the reins to run a baseball front office. I used to be a Pirates fan but divorced the team. I could no longer take the cheapskate owner running it with no real plan to compete.
  10. Today's events in the Persian Gulf are still low wattage compared to the events of the mid-80s. Back then you had legitimate mining of the Gulf and several small scale offensive operations against the Iranians. The US Navy was in several battles with Iranian gunboats. You had an Iraqi jet fire Exocet missiles at the USS Stark. The USS Vincennes shot down an civilian Iranian air liner. You still had hostages in Lebanon.
  11. It's just a dumb negotiation ploy that will likely backfire for the team. The team desperately wants out of St. Pete but the city is holding firm on its contract until 2028. I don't know why MLB would even bother with the idea for more than 10 minutes. Splitting a team between two failed MLB cities? Come on. If anything it highlights to MLB's Captain Obvious you have a big problem with the Rays. The irony is that the Rays have been decent to above average and they are having a pretty good year. I just think that the market is a nightmare, the stadium is lousy and Florida likely can't support two teams. Time to go to Indianapolis, Charlotte or Nashville. FWIW, I loved the Expos uniforms but I think the new Expos would have the same issues the old Expos had.
  12. It could be that and/or our military probing for the launch spots, radar signatures and altitude range of Iranian SAM batteries.
  13. I will say I've been entertained. I've watched each episode so far this season. That being said, wow, it's a lot of hot garbage from a story point of view. Journalists can fly planes now, even more dumbass kids being weird, random Matt Frewer, Reuben Blades miraculously survived Season 3 to end up in Texas....somehow with a warehouse of vehicles and weapons. Good set pieces though, especially the Wild West one. Garrett Dillahunt and Jenna Elfman are carrying the season.
  14. I think the Iranian leadership is willing to get their asses kicked by a foreign power if it means they get to stay in power. The West becomes that unifying, faceless enemy. Never rule out the Saudis because they have the most to gain from Iran being knocked down a peg. I personally think they manipulated the chess pieces for 9/11 and the Libyan and Syrian boondoggles. Never rule out the Israelis because they have the most to gain after the Saudis, especially if it gives them the green light to bomb the nuclear sites and take the gloves off against all their proxy groups.
  15. Toronto has yet to see if he sticks around or not. Toronto legitimately did EVERYTHING they could do to keep him. I personally think he will stay in Toronto. In regards to AD and Boston, there are two things going on. One, his father hates Boston for how they treated Isiah Thomas. Second, his agent, like you said, is trying desperately to get him to Los Angeles. If I were the Lakers, I'd trade LeBron and actually commit to being a real basketball operation and do a real rebuild.
  16. A lot of people underestimate A) how terrible Juan Castillo was as a coach and B) how that terribleness impacted the offensive line and the coordination between units.
  17. Danny Ainge will trade himself right out of that job if he does a deal for Davis. There is absolutely no way Davis is staying in Boston past his contractual obligation according to his agent and Ainge will have to give up a king's ransom for him. I don't know why the Lakers desperately want him either. Touches are hard to come by on an LBJ team and he's never had to share the superstar spotlight with a forward. (FWIW, I don't consider Kevin Love in his Cavs years a superstar on AD's level.) The Lakers need shooters and the Pels aren't taking back any of that suicide squad they assembled last year.
  18. There are a lot of people who think Helen Mirren is the hottest woman in the world. I've been fascinated at the level of her following. I don't know if it's her body, her accent, the way she carries herself or her success or maybe she's the complete package of hotness. If you had just one date at your local Olive Garden or Applebees for you high rollers, do you pick Olivia Culpo or Helen Mirren? ?
  19. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris won't make it to the second debate and it's likely Buttigieg doesn't either. The only reason Joe Biden has that lead is because his fellow candidates and Trump have yet to start firing the canons. I give credit to Elizabeth Warren. She's the only one of the Democrats out there proposing ideas. I may not like the ideas but her campaign is clearly more than "That Trump guy is bad, amirite?"
  20. Routinely. Certainly a female phenomenon, usually from women who have a low opinion of men generally. Attention is the most valuable commodity in the female ecosystem. Absolutely nothing comes close to the value and the feeling of attention. Keep in mind it has absolutely nothing to do with you as a person. You are no more or no less attractive when you knew the person. It's merely an attempt to cheaply capture that quick dopamine hit. When a woman is dumped or ends a relationship, nothing satiates the desire of self worth like getting fresh attention. The "hey what's up? LOL" email is simply the cheap, lazily placed bear trap in the woods for the investment of your time.
  21. I'm surprised coaches don't use old playbooks, especially after the defenses around the league have figured out "your" system. Could a modern defense stop a well-executed K-gun offense?
  22. I don't understand why average Americans vacation in places like the DR, Jamaica or Mexico. All you are doing is painting a big target on your utterly defenseless back in a crime-ridden, corrupt area. If David Ortiz, who is probably the most famous Dominican in the world today, and who happens to also be physically imposing, can get shot having a beer in his native country, your odds of not having something bad happen to you are really low in these places.
  23. The Eagles will regret this contract. He's a slightly above average quarterback. He injures often and he only throws the ball to Zach Ertz. That's why Ertz has like 500 catches per year with Wentz around. I guess they are paying for potential. Philadelphia loves him but IMO, the inconvenient truth is that Nick Foles is/was the better quarterback for Doug Pederson's offense.
  24. While not particularly germane to the US economy, I can speak from experience that in healthcare, times are booming. There simply isn't enough workers for demand in anything - doctor, nurse, PT therapist, etc. The catch is that you have to pass a drug test, can't have a felony on your record and you actually graduated from college/university, not lie about doing so. You wouldn't believe the number of people in America that fail at those three basic principles in being employable. The hot drug tests and the lying about the education are epidemic. I'd put neck tats, unkempt facial hair and pink/purple hair on this list too but I'm losing that battle to date.
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