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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. I don't think the Chinese can wait out the United States. Despite the bluster, their economy is more fragile than ours.
  2. He will be right back into retirement like three games into the season once his body tells him why he retired the first time. These guys who announce....and come back never seem to stick around. Is Brett Favre the anomaly?
  3. I don't think he has more than Biden. The Sanders fundraising is consistent or stagnating, depending on how you look at it. He's raising it but I think he's burning through it equally fast. The transfer of money from his senate account already suggests to me he has a cash flow problem. It's early to be doing that. I think he likes being rich more than seeing the party adopt his ideals. I know a lot of people believe in Bernie Sanders but he's a millionaire and has published a book every year since he ran in 2016.
  4. I think Bernie Sanders is done after last night. I don't think his campaign has any money, he's not going to spend his own money, and he doesn't look like he's interested in campaigning for *another* year. I give it a month. The DNC isn't doing anything to trim the heard either - so the money will continue to be diluted.
  5. Panthers/Chargers The Ron Rivera "every other" holds true for another run. Chargers avoid Foxboro. Panthers have a legendary title match against the Seahawks in the conference championship. The Chargers, with home field advantage, beat the Chiefs. (Age catches up to Brees and Brady, Wentz is injured again, Steelers, Packers are average)
  6. A not so bold prediction: Casino sportsbooks will not only rival bars for NFL game watching on Sundays, but will siphon off a lot of fans that would have attended the games. I expect casinos to make sportsbooks *the* deluxe sports nerd destinations that will combine gambling, food, drink and the game into a superior experience for a lot of people. Generally, I think today's NFL is peak NFL and decline in interest is inevitable.
  7. Despite signing a new contract, Roger Goodell will announce his retirement, effective the end of the 2020 season. Kliff Kingsbury will be one and done in Arizona.
  8. There are likely fans in the stands that are faster, more motivated and can pick up the playbook faster. When I saw him drop those touchdown passes in KC just like he did in Buffalo, I knew his career was toast.
  9. He's done. I know nearly all these candidates are running on fumes already but it wouldn't surprise me if he's the first to call it a day. He's been able to parlay "running for President" into a very nice retirement fund. He can quit the campaigning and still makes gobs of money.
  10. He's oddly one of the Democrats smart enough to start distancing himself from Nadler and Schiff. You're never going to be able to tell these guys to move on. So, in the alternative, just don't be involved. Schumer realizes that the party needs to pivot away from this sooner rather than later if they stand any chance in 2020. The weak DNC has allowed this Russia! circus to go on for too long, along with the Chuck and Nancy's circus, the "squad" circus, the 47 Democrats running for President circus, etc. They have all these personalities doing and saying whatever they want, whenever they want and it's a mess. It's just one emotional free for all, free of any strategy. Trump's application of political strategy can't be underestimated. He's kept the Dems off balance for four years, has every single one of them all emotionally in, and the time is ticking by.
  11. I think it will be a big nothing burger. The zealots on both sides are going to leave disappointed.
  12. The biggest change I've noticed with summer is the amount of rain that Pennsylvania has received over the last two years. It's not only more frequent, but the volume of rain that falls in a storm seems to be more substantial. For years, you had to worry about drought killing lawn and crops. Now it's fungus and so much moisture it kills the roots of the plants.
  13. Data looks bloated. I have no doubt this will be a success. CBS seemed to pull it together story wise with the other Star Trek show.
  14. If you can't impeach a President who actually committed a crime while in office with airtight evidence and witnesses of said crime, there's no chance of impeaching a President who has committed no crime while in office with zero proof and zero witnesses. They hand 2020 to Trump if they try to go through with it.
  15. Famous actor. They seem to do pretty good and there are a couple routes to get there. Sometimes you need just one "great" movie or tv show to make your career. It's the one "famous" career where you can really retire from. (Sean Connery, James Caan, Gene Hackman). I'd make a hard pass on the famous athlete for what you put your body through. I think it's a difficult climate for musicians today. No MTV, no real tapes or records to sell anymore, so its endless touring if you want to make money.
  16. Frosted Cherry. If I absolutely positively had to enter an eating contest, they'd be a likely choice.
  17. I watch it but I agree it's a terrible mess. Strand is a hilarious character. This dude has a yacht. He flies planes. He drives tractor trailers. He knows how to set up and pilot a hot air balloon. Can't wait for the submarine!
  18. Could be a clunker with the director changes, rewrites right before filming and the added audience expectations. It'll be interesting to see how they give gravitas to Rami Malek as the film's villain. The McQuarrie/Cruise M:I series gets better with every installment with the set pieces, story depth and the acting.
  19. I think the FBI finding that Boeing, the airlines and even elements of the United States government (FAA) engaged in criminal conspiracy over the shortcomings of the 737 MAX airplane will trigger the global recession everyone is talking about.
  20. Counter to the counter! (Just kidding.) I think it's working for now but I think we're experiencing the later stages of peak NFL as the decade draws to a close. I think there are some significant headwinds forthcoming. Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered, as they say.
  21. The NFL needs smaller stadiums, less teams, less games, less exposure and a minor league for GMs, coaches and players to learn - to have sustainable success. It's a bloated, overexposed operation already.
  22. The team should be congratulated for its accomplishments. I'm always happy for the US to win championships in international sports. However, I find the 2019 team really unlikable and obnoxious. The team's accomplishment has been largely overshadowed by Megan Rapinoe's thirst for publicity.
  23. Tarantino is my #2 favorite "modern" director behind Michael Mann. I wish Tarantino would make his version of Heat and Mann make his version of Pulp Fiction since both do the Los Angeles canvas so well. Looking forward to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
  24. "Busing" isn't a 21st century issue. The DNC needs to tell Harris and Biden to pivot to a relevant topic. Busing isn't going to take Biden down either.
  25. John Delaney revealed last night why "Medicare For All" is never going to happen. It either triggers a rash of hospital closures nationwide or puts the federal budget on an even more absurd deficit trajectory. The hospitals that already have a large Medicare patient population are constantly on the brink of closure or end up closing. For example, Hahnemann Hospital in Philadelphia announced closure yesterday. The economics do not work. You don't make money being a Medicare for All hospital presently. Medicare reimburses medical costs substantially lower than commercial (private) insurance and there is constant pressure to reduce or freeze those reimbursements all the time. Instead of showing proof of health insurance, Obamacare should have required proof of you seeing a doctor for a checkup every year. Healthcare sucks in this country because we have too many people seeing a doctor for the first time after the heart attack, after the Diabetes has taken a foot, after the cancer has spread, after the obesity creates the shortness of breath, etc. We require inspections on cars as a preventative measure in all 50 states. Unsure why a similar approach isn't used for human beings.
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