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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. Out of the choices, I'd go with the Lions. I like the Jags but Nick Foles is only a *great* fit in an Andy Reid based offense. He's just ok in any other system for whatever reason.
  2. I think states put targets on people's backs by requiring the big awards be publicized. The winners should have a say in whether they want their names to be public or not.
  3. If the NFL was serious about making game day a true family experience, they'd get rid of beer sales. They aren't....and they aren't. The "Bills Mafia" is a moronic name for a fan group. If you need alcohol to enjoy football, you have a drinking problem. The NFL is beginning its fade part of the business cycle. The NFL would be better with less teams and a minor league system for not just players but officiating and front office to learn the ropes. However, the NFL will survive so long as there are athletically gifted poor kids willing to risk their long term health for scholarships and paychecks. Rex Ryan played a large part in ending the NFL careers of Mario Williams and Marcel Dareus.
  4. Nope. He wouldn't want his legacy tarnished by a defeat. I figured he was out of this race because if he wanted to be involved in it, the DNC would have been far far more organized than it has been and not led by a middle manager from his administration. 2020 Dems are on their own. Nobody wants Clinton and Obama doesn't want any of them.
  5. Shenanigans on the Falcons that high. Everyone has figured out Dan Quinn. That guy has never recovered from the Super Bowl defeat and it's been downhill ever since. It won't surprise me to see that team crater hard this year.
  6. The Bruce Lee part was hilarious (IMO). I don't know why his daughter is upset. What I appreciate most, especially in retrospect, is the attention to the dialogue in his movies. So many memorable lines. I'm disappointed that we will never have a Winston Wolff or a Vega brothers movie.
  7. Agree and felt the same way about him. He's way way way too top heavy. Those leg tendons are over-exercised and carrying more weight (arguably all muscle) than they should be. Those tendons are also now running routes, precise as possible, and that adds serious stress to them.
  8. Hauschka is my vote. Something isn't right with him.
  9. Are we talking characters or actors? The characters were likely cut from the same cloth. Stallone's Captain John Rambo and Schwarzenegger's Major Alan Schaeffer were both from US Army Special Forces units. Rambo, a member of MACV/SOG in Vietnam. Based on the movie, Schwarzenegger knew the dead guys they found in the helicopter as "Green Berets from Fort Bragg" which suggests he was likely a member of Delta Force. I give the the edge to Schwarzenegger's character. He's younger and he defeated an enemy who had the edge on geography, technology and strength with a heavy tree and some mud. Rambo was very good at taking on poorly trained Soviets in Vietnam and Afghanistan.
  10. If Jay-Z can make the SB halftime show better, good for him. I doubt he does this deal with the NFL and if so, it's not for very long. He doesn't strike me as a guy who's going to withstand the heat he's absolutely going to get no matter what he does.
  11. How about Scott Mitchell? He had three above average years for the Detroit Lions in the mid 1990s.
  12. The Dolphins are like the LA Lakers. For decades, hubris has prevented them from doing a legitimate rebuild and resisting the temptation to do dumb things. People kill the Bills for their playoff ineptitude while ignoring that the *spend spend spend* Dolphins haven't won a playoff game in nearly 20 years (2000) and their last conference championship appearance was in 1992 versus the Bills. Hell, they've had just one winning season in the 10s.
  13. Most public schools no longer teach cursive writing. At all. The secret code of the future will be cursive writing.
  14. The Democrats are out of time. They are hopeless slaves to the Trump 24/7 mania. The Democrats had all this time to come up with decent ideas about healthcare, transportation, college debt, law enforcement reform, moderate gun control positions, etc. Not to mention coalesce around three candidates, not 20+. They pissed it all away on the "Trump is Bad" feel good emotional rage out and fighting "every" single battle instead of picking them. Trump is especially vulnerable on healthcare and transportation because he hasn't done a thing about either issue.
  15. I think Epstein is a small part of a very deep, very dark worldwide organized, very sophisticated pedophilia/trafficking organization. I think the information he had/has is so damning that it'd destabilize whole industries and whole countries, including the US. He and Maxwell were the "storefront" for a larger organization of people. People talk about third rail groups all the time - I think this is a bonafide secret one that truly exists.
  16. This is a sad, tragic story. However, the dangers of fresh water swimming have been in the news a lot over the last few years, especially in the south. I know that we "should" be able to bathe in fresh water ponds because we always did it with no problems but it's more dangerous today. It's likely a very unpopular opinion but I feel this lady should have known the risks.
  17. Fox News with the big stretch on this one. First of all, the original short story was published in the 1920s. Get Out was essentially the same plot! The Hostel movies just involved elite Europeans. The 90s had two decent humans hunting human movies. Ice T was hunted by Rutger Hauer and his hunting buddies in 1994's Surviving the Game, Jean Claude Van Damme was hunted by Lance Henriksen in 1993's Hard Target. (likely John Woo's best American action film.)
  18. If I were Trump, I wouldn't care whatsoever what LaPierre or the NRA thinks. Besides being a corrupt organization that doesn't serve its membership well, the leadership has been on the wrong side of the gun debate for a long time. (opinion of a former long time member)
  19. Smacking around the Chinese on trade was going to happen. Some US President was going to have to do it. Just so happened to be Trump. Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama all certainly could have done the same thing.
  20. She's their best all around candidate to beat Trump, IMO. If it weren't a crazy pills time, the not-elderly, female war vet who's anti-war would be the candidate of choice.
  21. That's an example of a common sense regulation that'd help. In this instance, the media is right. There is a "pistol" loophole. Owning a short barreled rifle or SBR requires a lot of paperwork and wait time. I have a Colt SBR and it took me months to complete the paperwork and take possession of it. Those drum high cap magazines should also require a tax stamp. The government isn't banning either product - just making you go through the hoops.
  22. Nope. They turned F&F from street racing outlaws to an impossible missions force that goes all over the planet now, taking on drug cartels, weapon traffickers, and terrorists. The Expendables had a good idea bringing back actors from the 80s and 90s but the stories were first pedestrian, then weird. (Schwarzenegger's character is revealed to not only be gay...but in a relationship with Jet Li's character) See, you're missing out. Hahaha.
  23. Hobbs and Shaw: Boring, predictable formula. I'm not sure if the Fast and Furious franchise wants to be a lesser Mission Impossible or a better Expendables.
  24. I agree. Bans just speed up the evolution of the means. Today it's guns. Tomorrow it's drones. Why shoot up a place when you can fly a drone or drones inside it and detonate the bomb you've attached to it?
  25. Ed doesn't want to put the work in. A lot of players who want to be coaches intern and do the grunt work for a few years on staff. He just wants to be coach because he's Ed Reed.
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