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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. AB is the hand grenade and the Patriots are the enclosed space. I mean good for the Patriots. They were complete fools to give this guy a contract. There is no amount of process or locker room personality that's going to fix that guy.
  2. He needs to go to the CFL or XFL to prove he's still got it. He's delusional to 1) think an NFL team is going to expend a useful player slot on a guy who hasn't played a single down of professional football anywhere in years and 2) get paid anything above vet minimum because of #1.
  3. Bills "mafia" is for dolts who have never opened a history book and likely had significant difficulty finishing high school. You are more likely to see Doug Flutie and Rob Johnson leading the charge holding hands on Sunday than the 12th Man being replaced on the wall.
  4. He's another guy who will disappear once he's paid. There's no "I want to be the best CB in NFL history" fire there IMO.
  5. I don't think she's gay. I think she's more in the Janet Reno sector where there were never any men or women ever discussed or discovered. It was amazing that it was never an issue for how high profile she was during the 90s.
  6. Oh I don't think they'd stop funding their own "street" team. They see how effective the Shiite ones are.
  7. I don't know if it's out of fear, sportsmanship or not wanting to reveal plays for upcoming opponents, but this whole "let's take our foot off the gas" second half offense will bite the Bills in this game. The Bengals have absolutely nothing to lose this year. Nobody expects them to do anything. That makes them a worthy opponent for all four quarters. No more half measures, Walter.
  8. I don't put it past the Saudis to attack their own property (with no casualties of course) to get the United States a little closer to striking Iran. IMO, al-Qaeda and ISIS are their Hezbollah-like creations when they need to get dirty.
  9. I think he has the ability. He looks to me like a guy who's tired of playing football. Same for Big Ben.
  10. She's stuck. She's heard the criticism she comes across as the angry, shrill middle-aged "Karen" who wants to talk to your manager. So she's tried smoothing that out by not saying much at all. The Biden crowd (rich, white liberal retirees) want nothing to do with her tax ideas.
  11. This is likely a hot take - Cory Booker plays nice because he's got a lot of skeletons in his closet (i.e. George Norcross and the gang in NJ) and IMO, he's always hid that he's gay. He knows African Americans and Latinos aren't going to vote an openly homosexual man into office, and that's why he goes to great lengths to not discuss it and now hide it (insta girlfriend Rosario Dawson). Buttigieg is in the same boat. I know it's 2019 but there are a lot of people in both parties who have strong views on homosexuality and aren't going to vote for a gay President. I don't think either party's base is there yet. Buttigieg's candidacy is testing it.
  12. I've always thought that Ruger would be the biggest economic winner of the ban on ARs because everybody would just start buying Mini14s (and 30s). They aren't ARs and don't look like them but they do all the same things that the AR will do. (.223, semi-automatic, variety of magazine capacities) I recall after the FBI shootout in the mid 80s where one of the bad guys used a Mini, there was a movement to go banning those rifles at the time. FWIW, I saw that event as the watershed moment of the significantly "up-arming" of local and state law enforcement. After that, you saw police rolling out semi-auto handguns universally as service weapons, the 10mm round, carrying carbines in every patrol vehicle, etc.
  13. I personally am more skeptical of the 9/11 "story" now more than I have been. I don't buy that some dudes in some caves in Afghanistan pulled off such an elaborate operation without a good amount of state assistance nor do I believe it took the United States a decade to find bin Laden.
  14. He's good at the classroom part..building the plays, a plan. He's still learning when to deviate from the plan in the game when the defense has adapted to what he wants to do. He will need four plans for NE because they will adapt every single quarter. They don't wait till halftime.
  15. Just as Rex was doomed to make the same mistakes in Buffalo that got him canned in NY, Gase will make the same exact mistakes that doomed him in Miami. If he isn't fired by mid-season I'll be surprised.
  16. I'm curious as to whether the Bills rebounded when Daboll stopped running his play scripts and started calling plays based on what the defense was showing. His absolute allegiance to running play scripts is going to get the Bills in trouble (again). I'm not sure if 14 straight passing plays and running it up the gut from your own end zone with a 36 year old running back is arrogance or Jauron-esque stupidity.
  17. The Patriots knew the Steelers plan before the first play. That team has the best business intelligence group in football. Can't be predictable against the Patriots. It all starts there.
  18. I wish they'd bring that sweater back.
  19. My Dewalt tools have held up really well. I also agree that Ryobi products are pretty good. The only cordless tool I buy is the drill and impact. My biggest beef with these companies is their planned obsoletion through changing the battery pack design for every new cordless line. That's why I'll buy a corded jig, circular, etc.
  20. No because contracts mean something. They are important. Second, has there been a player who's forced themselves out of a contract, got traded, got a new contract, and fulfilled it? These guys just want to get paid and once they do, they aren't going to risk their lives for the money anymore. If I were the NFL, I'd collude against any player wanting to force themselves out of a contract.
  21. I suspect the analytics nerds are behind some of these punter tryouts. We fans point to obvious decent punters who have been decent in football games. The Jonah Hills in the basement office are making the case for these dudes.
  22. Disappointed but not surprised.
  23. He's tired. The campaign is an endless grind. Constantly on the road or in the air and its long hours every day. He, like Bernie, doesn't strike me as a guy who's really in it to win it.
  24. I'd agree - especially for two reasons. One, the Navy has effectively ended the careers of the commanders of boats and subs that ram into other boats and there was a significantly smaller losses of civilian life in recent times. Two, the Vincennes was exceptionally negligent IMO - not only did they overreact and shoot down a civilian airliner full of people, they were in Iranian territory when they fired those missiles. It was a complete disaster in how to run a boat. Can you imagine if that happened today?
  25. The 2019 hysteria over topics like Iran, mass shootings and domestic terrorism really clash with US/Iranian relations in the 1980s, the mass shootings of the 80s and domestic terrorism in the United States in the 1990s. In the age of the Internet, we (and especially the media) pay even less attention to history. The US and Iran were shooting at each in the 1980s. We shot down an Iranian airliner filled with people! Mentally ill white guys were shooting up restaurants (McDonalds, Ruby's) in the 1980s. Nobody remembers Tim McVeigh or how messy Ruby Ridge and Waco got?
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