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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. The Democrats go out of their way to re-elect Donald Trump. I do sometimes think it's deliberate. It's not like they didn't know. There are smart people in that party. However, emotions cloud judgement and that's all this party has used since 2015.
  2. I'll make a bold statement - the press will prognosticate this one wrong too. I personally can't see people really voting for Bernie Sanders when it's time to go. It won't surprise me to see Klobuchar win it in Iowa because she's one of them.
  3. Least favorite: Marcel Dareus. High draft pick, all the potential in the world, but got fat and lazy on the Bills dime.
  4. Unpopular Opinion #1: The 35,000 seat NFL multi-purpose stadium is the NFL stadium of the future. Unpopular Opinion #2: The Rogers family is driving the "Bills aren't competitive in Buffalo" and "Buffalo needs a new stadium" narratives to the NFL. It is fighting for a Toronto team behind the scenes at the expense of the Bills. They, in conjunction with the NFL, want to force the Pegulas to sell. Absent that, they will attempt to land a franchise and squeeze out the Bills and take the territory. They know the Pegulas are stuck - there's no county money coming and unless Pegula is going to front a billion dollar stadium by himself, he'll be forced to renovate New Era which the NFL will say "oh well,that's still not a competitive stadium!" I think the Pegulas are in a precarious spot. I think they've got Toronto interests scheming, enough NFL owners willing to hear that scheming, and very few allies, especially on the municipal front. Now, you may think this is all billionaire warfare, but I believe, as a fan, the Bills remaining in Buffalo is in a fragile state.
  5. The NFL owners who have put their own money and coersion of local governments into financing stadiums won't stop shaking down the Pegulas. The way they see it, The Pegulas are billionaires who aren't pulling their weight.
  6. I dislike when athletes throw shade (Shady throwing shade) at an organization that tried to do right by him. The Bills stood by him through his legal theatrics and they didn't cut him despite signs of decline in his ability back in 2018. They went so far to cut him at a time he could latch on to another team. He's in Frank Gore territory. Your mind wants to continue playing the game of football but your legs submitted their resignation in Week 3 of the season.
  7. The big problem is that China's foodstock protection is like at a 17th Century level in the 21st Century. The West discovered that improperly processing raw meat and improperly storing it could get you sick hundreds of years ago. You've got a lot of people in that country improperly preparing and cooking wild animal and fish meat and then touching everything. That in addition to lax hygiene because of social norms, and traditions around Chinese New Year means you get these critters being created in China every now and again. As an aside, I remember in Morocco once, the market had numerous stands of dead, opened rabbits for sale - just hanging with a rope. Not refrigerated or anything. Just dangling there in the bacteria loving 75 degree breeze. They make a big deal about the masks. They'd be better off washing their hands often and you know, not eating bats raw.
  8. I like them all but if it were my money being spent, I'd be very concerned about Lawson and Phillips being productive after getting paid their big contracts. What incentive is as good as the big contract in the business of football?
  9. MLB is serious when they make the Astros forfeit the 2017 title. That sends the real message. You cheat, you lose everything. Otherwise, it's just three dudes who will never be in the MLB ever again.
  10. If I'm Tony Romo, I'll stay at CBS where he's paired with Jim Nantz and I get the better weekend games. ESPN likely pairs him with mediocre talent and Romo alone can't fix what ails their stale MNF presentation.
  11. It was a dumb strategy and it's just another piece of evidence that he's a big phony. If by chance he had ever made it to the finish line, it would have been exposed. I don't think he ever threatened to do real damage in the primary, so nobody cared.
  12. Betcha you'll no longer see Rosario Dawson hanging around.
  13. I wouldn't want the Bills to throw money at Clowney. He's going to disappear once he gets paid, and I'd prefer for the opposition to wrap that anchor around their necks.
  14. Does the hunger and drive go away once he receives the big contract? That's the big decision when a player has a career year in a contract year.
  15. He was a 2000s coach using 1990s run-heavy football schemes and he really never evolved. His offense was predictable. Our "Frank Gore up the middle" plays would have put a smile on his face.
  16. Understood. Thought if it was a missile, we'd have seen it and Trump would have been at his press conference yesterday claiming the Iranians shot it down with a missile.
  17. Sure. Wouldn't with all our gadgetry in Iraq, we'd see one of those missiles launch? Since the US/Iraqis had a three hour warning prior to the missile attack, I'd imagine we'd have a lot of assets looking at Iranian airspace at the time. Do you buy one of the more reliable aircraft engines exploding like that?
  18. I think the Iranians accidentally shot that plane down with an AA gun, not a missile. In the context of shooting missiles into Iraq, somebody heard a plane, got nervous, shot and happened to hit the wings of a fully-fueled 737. That's likely why the plane was on fire as it crashed. There were some crash site images that showed perforations in the fuselage. You'll know something is up if the Ukrainians can't get access to the debris or the black boxes.
  19. Joseph, IMO, is an excellent athlete that has to learn the game of football to be successful in the NFL. The coaching and his ability to pick the game up are the keys there. Milano and Edmunds are the opposite - they have the high football IQ and pair it with elite athleticism. A lot of great linebacking is in the head.
  20. That last sentence was writing gold. I read it in Nick Offerman voice.
  21. After reading the thread, this is a complicated problem to solve. My advice would be for you (and only you) to take her out for a cup of coffee, doughnut or whatever, and give her a half hour of your time. During this sit down, explain to her that you and your colleagues (call them by their names) are quite busy and need all the time they can get to do their work but that she's more than welcome to stop by once a week to see how things are going. With this approach, you personalize a soft landing. She feels like a part of the "team" but you're also setting a boundary and an expectation. It may not work, but at that point, you were the best diplomat you could possibly be and you also didn't leave it in the hands of your coworkers to solve on their own. Sometimes people are lonely and they need to feel a part of something.
  22. Hope everybody chills out at this point. IMO, the Iranians shot down that airliner by accident. What's odd is it took off from their own airport. I'm not an FAA investigator but engine failure doesn't result in the entire aircraft being in flames.
  23. OLB Simmons from Clemson I'm in 100% agreement WR is a high priority. However, I'll speculate the FO would want a blue chip prospect at this position. Simmons is a football player first, elite athlete second, which has been the front office's MO in their drafts to date. OLB is evolving more into a heavy safety type of position to run down guys motoring around the edge like Watson/Mahomes and cover other guys like Kelce/Ertz.
  24. The Giants, IMO, have an unhealthy level of hubris and it impacts their decision making. Plus, I don't think Dave Gettleman is neither well liked or trusted in NFL coaching circles.
  25. Keep in mind Josh Allen is a young man learning on the job on how to be a professional football player. In some ways, he's no different from an employer bringing on a talented high school grad or college grad to work in the office or the shop. You might have the most talented carpenter prodigy in seven counties worth of vocational schools. However, he's still going to struggle. You have to hone the talent into skill, and experience removes hesitation and promotes confidence. A lot of the teachable moments will come through failure and often under pressure. I think the wildcard game against the Texans was an amazing teaching opportunity and a lesson in adversity. He will progress because of it. Same really goes for Ford, Knox, Oliver. I expect all of the rookies to be more polished in year two, doing a lot less dumb things.
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