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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. He was a big phony. Ego and an uncomfortable amount of hubris, even as losses piled up. I bet if you asked him what went wrong in Buffalo today, there'd still be no self reflection from him on what he could have done better. He never gets head coaching opportunities because he never evolved as a person. Same ol Gregg. Rex Ryan is in this boat too, mind you.
  2. Hot take today but perhaps not tomorrow (next year): He's a player that needs to be actively chasing a contract to reach the greatness level.
  3. I think John Brown being on the field (and 100%) means a lot to Allen's confidence. I don't think there are any defenses that can contain the Bills speed adequately with Brown/Diggs and Beasley on the field. Lack of any danger from the running game allows the opposing defense to key in on the Bills passing game. If I were the Bills, I'd be spending time figuring out how to gin up real running yards, even if it means pulling dusty Chan Gailey plays off the bookshelf. (Not a bad idea.)
  4. If you compare the 2020 defense to McDermott's first season in Buffalo, you will find that this latest version is the most vanilla, conservative defense he's had on the field from a strategy perspective. For a guy who studied under Jim Johnson, there is precious little Jim Johnson strategy in the play calls. How many Double A gap blitzes have you seen in the first couple games by the Bills? The defensive line is getting run over because the opposing offense knows the pressure will only be generated by those four players every down. They know pressure will not come from anywhere else. All the OL has to do is steam roll straight ahead.
  5. That's the crux of the problem IMO. There's plenty of tape on it, plenty of analytics on tendencies, and "process" people are stubborn to change what got them there. I don't think Jerry Hughes and Ed Oliver are bad players. It's just that the offensive line knows exactly how to neutralize them because they know what they will do. Sean McDermott is a more successful version of Dick Jauron. I believe this analogy is fitting. He won't blow out teams in the name of sportsmanship and he will not change his strategy in a league that rewards obsessive adaption.
  6. Processes are inheritinly predictable. Way too beholden to the play scripts just like last year. The lack of, or fear of, deviating from the script costs the team games. It works great when you play against subpar coaching talent like Gase and fellow script loving coaches like McVay. Andy Reid? BB? Not a chance. Those guys know you are coming and from what direction. This team will need to change up the strategy often to beat the good teams this year.
  7. Agree that the "Saved by the Bell" Walking Dead show is completely unnecessary. AMC should have kept the only interesting plot in that show (the CRM) in FTWD.
  8. It's always a consultant's fault. Always. Every bad idea in corporate America started with a consultant trying to be clever. My hot take on all this - the Bills are very focused on revenue recapture by any and all means necessary, so no idea is too wild. I just think the couple bucks they will make in sweatshirt sales is nowhere near the offset of the negative publicity and fan base reaction.
  9. There's no angle I see where the corporate Bills look good here. At best, it looks like a desperate way to gin revenue. At worst, it's using their corporate muscle to outmaneuver a fan. It's always ticky-tack stuff like this that gets the tone-deaf wealthy in trouble.
  10. Concur. Loved seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 got a little weird but the bowling alley scene was magnificent story telling. This season is mediocre. It has nothing to do with the casting as some have maligned. I think the creator has run out of gas creativity wise, and the story is preachy.
  11. With all the incentive to show up to the Jets in the best shape of his career, primed to dominate and show the Steelers wrong, he instead showed up to the Jets fat and out of football shape. The only ones who should be worried are the Chiefs.
  12. Injuries aside: For me, the devil is in the playcallling. Either the defense runs a script too long or Edmunds isn't making the best play call he could. There's something going on there. The script last night was built to stop Henry, and while they did that, it let the Titans passing game run wild. I don't think Edmunds should be in charge of managing the calls for the defense on the field. I think he's too young, and since he got that responsibility, he plays with hesitation. He plays so much better without that hesitation. The pass rush is predictable. You see precious few shifts, stunts, spy blitz or sending anyone but the line. I don't know why the Bills treated Tannehill like Aaron Rodgers (who can sniff a blitz before you think it) last night.
  13. I don't find many things amusing about this election but I do find people voting for Biden because he's a "good guy." The *entire* Biden family chases money as hard as the Clintons do, and the sole reason Hunter Biden didn't deep-six his dad's presidential hopes is because the DNC and its financial muscle would rather take their chances Joe handling his out of control son than having to contend with a Bernie Sanders nomination.
  14. Allen doesn't trust throwing passes to the TEs. Most fans can understand why. That suggests to me that's a unit that could use an upgrade if it presents itself.
  15. The team didn't show up for this game and the defense seemed to running a script of plays that was focused on stopping Derrick Henry. Think the Bills need to give Edmunds a break as the playcaller on defense and give that responsibility to someone else. It's not working this year and he's playing tentative. The defense certainly misses the Lorax leadership.
  16. The Democrats will not pack the Supreme Court. The party is led by stupid people but there is a floor to even that level of stupidity. It's mutually assured destruction because they assume that the tactic will be warmly received by the American public (it won't) and that the Republicans will never win the White House or Senate ever again where they will write the rules. (they will). The DNC is a fractured party. The Biden/Obama/Clinton "legacy" Democrats will be playing a game of desperate keep away in a Biden administration from not only the Harris camp, which has their own plans - but also the fringe of the party, which is a danger to both camps.
  17. Will President Biden be any healthier? The OP doesn't explore the other side of the coin here - a President Biden is older and not accustomed to the rigors of the office. We also don't know his medical history. If he's elected, America is asking a nearly 80-year old man to work 12 hours a day at least 6 days a week. He can't do this job from the basement of the White House. Assuming there's no vaccine, he's in just as much danger as Trump is, no matter how much you wear a mask or socially distance. I'm concerned the man will be exhausted two months into office and get ill, simply because the demands of the job are that extreme. The job takes a toll on the people who do it. I recall how youthful Obama looked when he became President and how much he aged when he completed his term.
  18. I don't think he will refuse to leave. He stands to make tens of millions of dollars from the post Presidency Money Bonanza as all Presidents do. He can make millions from the TV and book deals and from being the face of a PAC. He can design a ridiculously gaudy Presidential library. He can finance Don Jr. or Ivanka for President. He can tweet and opine with absolute abandon. No more handlers. He can run for mayor of NYC or Governor of Florida. Worry about Trump on many things but him not leaving the White House is low on the radar IMO. From my perspective, he has more reasons to leave than to stay.
  19. I don't know if he was reviled. He just wasn't an effective President. Great human being. Many of the more effective Presidents in history were not great human beings. I think historians whitewash the imperfections because the end justified the means.
  20. James Polk There's no 50-state United States without him and he kept his promise to serve just one term. One of the most impactful Presidents we've had. I think his accomplishments don't get the attention they deserve because he was a slave owner and he was just an average guy, born into no real wealth or colorful history, that just got ***** done.
  21. A Biden presidency will be quieter, media wise and I don't foresee an Administration that will do much. A lot of people are not voting for Trump but that is not the same as a vote for Biden's plan. I don't expect a Biden Administration to do anything, good or bad, because all of Biden's campaigns, including this one, are just as chaotic and poorly run as Trump's. You'll see bizarre hires and bizarre things being said by an elderly President. Many horses will continue to drown in the middle of the "policy" river. You're asking a career Senator, who's done nothing else in his 50 year career, to be this great President and fix problems. There's no prescedent that suggests he will be anything but average. Both Biden and Harris have Trump's learning curve in how to lead, and you see how well that's gone. Being senators isn't a leadership position like a governor, and Biden doesn't have a Pence to fall back on. There will be a frenzy of policy ideas shotgunned in year one, but precious few will ever see a finish line. I also don't think Biden has any sort of Obama-era mandate other than.... he's not Trump.
  22. He really should have stayed at Penn State. He did good things with that program when it was in trouble post Paterno. I think he could be a pretty good to great college coach and I hope he takes a year before running into another job. That never works.
  23. The draft intelligence said Josh Allen was coachable and Darnold not as much. Lamar Jackson and Patrick Mahomes were also rated high for coachability. Josh Rosen, low coachability rating. That's a key detail. I think with Darnold, what you see is what you will get. Rosen was always destined to have a rough go of it. Coaching, talent and the willingness to be coached are the three legs of the stool.
  24. I think the excessive copying and pasting of Twitter feeds could be managed better. Some posters get so wound up trying to defend a point that they wallpaper a thread with long or multiple Twitter excerpts from all over the world. The thread then becomes pages of Twitter posts and lesser amounts of authentic poster commentary.
  25. I agree. That team misses the Reich/DiFillippio combo. It also misses Nick Foles. Wentz is a more talented athlete but Foles was the better fit to guide the team during its championship window.
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