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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. I voted he'll be a little better. I expect defenses will deploy countermeasures. I think, however, Allen and Daboll can expect some of them, and quickly adapt to those they can't. Three key details: I think coaching consistency really helps. I expect the Bills to develop the running game to a degree to keep defenses guessing. I expect Gabe Davis and the TE to apply consistent pressure on the defense's second and third tier CBs. This is what someone astutely pointed out about Steve Tasker - he was a lot better than the defensive talent at the nickel position, and he exploited it.
  2. If Adams gets knocked off in the primary, I think Fernando Mateo is going to pull the upset in November because he will be the lesser of the two evils, and if the violence this summer gets increasingly worse, any but the most liberal Democrat will want a change.
  3. I don't think the county, or any organization for that matter, wants to be on the hook for providing an implied level of safety from a virus on the premises, especially one that hosts an event where people tend to drink a lot...and yell and scream. I think "reasonable protection" could take on enough definitions to be problematic. Unless you have every fan sign a very specific waiver before entering, if you say "hey, we're only allowing vaccinated fans in the stadium" and then, by chance, you have an outbreak that can be traced to that game where someone or some people get really ill, I feel you're in undiscovered territory from a liability standpoint as the owner of the facility. I wouldn't want to be there. In the vaccine world, no one involved is on the hook for product liability, so I'm sure when cooler heads think about it, they don't want to be the one party that inadvertently puts itself on the hook. Dropping that requirement lets the county wash their hands of the entire issue. You attend games at your own risk, as you always have.
  4. As this thread hits 70 pages, a friendly reminder we're all Bills fans first. Next reminder comes at page 140. Are we staking out any virologists at restaurants with this one?
  5. Cole Beasley is right. I'm a fan that supports his opinion on this matter. The union did a crap job protecting players from the pro-vax mob and management.
  6. IMO, she and the state of Illinois are lucky the Bears aren't considering leaving the state. Nobody wants to live in Chicago or Illinois.
  7. EA should put a picture of the EA boardroom with all the executives laughing on the cover. They put the absolute, bottom line level of effort into that game year after year, and fans still buy it.
  8. Logan Thomas and Alex Smith Zach Ertz and Carson Wentz Pressure release valves for their respective QBs. Whoever Indy has at TE will have an amazing year. I don't think the Bills missed on Thomas. I think Thomas found an ideal situation, and sometimes that just happens. We all back into good things at times.
  9. You need to continually provoke that emotional reaction and have a foe to unite against to convince people to part with their hard earned money to support the cause. Leaders have to get paid you know. Know any of these "movements" where the leaders aren't coincidentally exceptionally wealthy? No different from the abortion groups, BLM, the NRA, you name it. It's all about the money.
  10. HEAT. Every piece of dialogue in this movie pops. Runner-up: Die Hard
  11. Gotta retire sometime. For a guy like him though, the current state of affairs in college basketball probably gets less inspiring with each passing season. You essentially work to capture lightning in a bottle for one year before all your freshman and sophomore superstars declare for the NBA Draft. It's something - since 1990 only Duke and Florida have won back to back championships. Duke did it in 1991 and 1992. Florida did it in 2006 and 2007.
  12. I personally don't feel Fauci is covering up to protect his own ass specifically. He's 80, wealthy, and can retire before it gets really hot and escape any and all consequences of decisions he's made. Same goes for Francis Collins. These guys can retire and make money having their balls washed at industry conventions and being a talking head on news channels. He's ultimately protecting the clandestine world of virology research, the value of that research in dollars, and the hundreds of millions of dollars in funding for it. He's a true believer in the cause, and in his eyes, one lab accident, even if it kills millions, shouldn't end the "important" research.
  13. It'd make sense for all those millionaires with apparently cash to burn, to combine the three ideas into one, where you could have football in both the US and Canada.
  14. That's the real bomb IMO, and answers a lot of the mystery about SARS. It arrived and disappeared suddenly. No natural origin found to this day. It escaped from numerous labs in China, which triggered spot outbreaks. Once it stopped leaking from labs, poof, gone. Hasn't been seen since. The West was occupied with the Iraq War, so SARS was a B-headline. Wouldn't surprise me whatsoever the United States was funding that research too. Fauci is just the face of the US side. The ugly truth is that you have an entire virology industry doing whatever the hell they want to in these labs.
  15. He doesn't make the same mistake twice, especially in game planning. I really appreciate that as a fan.
  16. The story of COVID likely goes all the way back to SARS. That little critter got out and *kept* getting out of Chinese labs, until poof, it just disappears, never to be seen again. Still, as of 2021, no natural origin has been found. No one can explain why it just...vanished. The bigger question is why is the world so interested in manipulating the coronavirus, largely out of the public purview? To what end?
  17. People ask why it matters so much to find out if this lab was the cause of the pandemic. It's to prevent this worldwide League of Morons (it's not just these inept Chinese scientists) from doing it again.
  18. If China is going to make a move on Taiwan, it'll be in the coming months. I don't think it's a Democrat or Republican issue - it'll be a calculation that Biden and his team will blink. They weren't ready in the Clinton era, and there's no way they'd try it with Bush, Obama or Trump. Obama is a lot of things, but a peacenik isn't one of them.
  19. Conspiracy theories they said... When it comes to COVID, the so-called conspiracy theories have a tendency to be the truth simply being shouted down. My theory: This is 1) part of the push to "re-shore" the dangerous GOF research. Pegging it on China allows US-based virology academia to say to the White House, "see what happens when we don't do the work ourselves?" Besides COVID, don't be surprised new information comes to light about other mishaps at that lab and in others around the world. 2) to deflect blame from NIH, Fauci and Collins specifically, by focusing solely on the Chinese negligence and not that US government money was laundered via EcoAlliance to the Chinese to conduct the research the Obama Administration put a stop to stateside. 3) dovetails with #1 in that the Chinese continue researching things they can't handle at that lab.
  20. The headline of that article catches my attention. In 2020, the "news" uses words like "just crushed" and instead of the President, it zeros in on Donald Trump the person. It makes it nice and personal. It's red meat thrown to the hysteric masses on both sides. Donald Trump is the villain, and Dr. Fauci is the most trustworthy individual in the government. Now if Fox News runs the story, it swaps it around: The President disputes Fauci's theory on origin of the virus." If this pandemic hit lets say in 1989, the headline would more or less read like "President, NIA Director disagree on origins of virus"
  21. Doug Pederson's system is largely Andy Reid's KC system. Foles is average in any other system but that one. Another case in point is Chad Henne. I don't think he pilots the Chiefs to a playoff win under any other coach.
  22. I said no for two reasons: 1. I think the injuries will start to accrue for PM this year. I don't think that foot is ever going to be 100%. He had a pretty severe case of turf toe that required a plate, and that's going to nag each and every season. That's not to say Josh Allen will zip through his career Tom Brady style, but I think PM will be more limited not only as a season goes on, but with each new year too. 2. Andy Reid's time on the sidelines is closer to the end than it is the beginning, and you really don't know if his system makes PM great or PM is just great. The Andy Reid system can make quarterbacks look incredible (see Nick Foles). I think the McDermott-Allen relationship has more years in it.
  23. Now it'll be an indefinite number of vaccines and vaccine boosters. I think people who think that their two shot covax is the end of it. Couldn't be more naive. Just the beginning. It'll be flu shots and boosters, covax shots and boosters, pneumovax boosters.
  24. Your first sentence made me laugh. Good one. That's legitimately his one sentence summary.
  25. I think Rand Paul presented a strong line of questioning in that last back and forth. However, it'd be stronger if he had asked specific questions about Fauci's meetings with the WH in 2014 in and around the time the Obama Administration put the brakes on GOF research in the US. There needs to be a peeling back of the onion, which starts way back in 2013 and 2014 when the Obama WH freaked out over the dangerous GOF research that was being conducted in labs in this country *and* funded directly by the US. The pandemic was set in motion YEARS before it actually happened. Fauci and crew never stopped the GOF research. They just laundered the money through groups like EcoAlliance and universities who then passed it on to willing scientists and countries to do it.
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