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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. My point was that a new owner may take the team to what's perceived as "greener pastures." Not much different in Detroit. The only reason the Lions are there is because of the Fords. A new owner without any legacy allegiance to the city would have moved it out of town years ago.
  2. Oh it's not just our problem. However, I feel the Japanese and Australians wouldn't counter attack without US input. An attack would be over within hours and the US Navy would have casualties in the thousands. I could see the Chinese taking a stab at it around Christmas. All of Washington is home for the holidays and distracted by Covid, budget, and themselves, and this administration is S-L-O-W and uncoordinated to get things going based on what we all saw in Afghanistan. By the time we'd be "ready", the Chinese would already have the flag flying over Taipei. I think an invasion where we got beat would stun this administration for weeks, months. I can legitimately see the Chinese tell the world "We did it. Deal with it." and take the gamble the West doesn't have the stomach for an invasion of their own.
  3. Ehh. Illinois population loss is increasing and a significant problem that will be factored into the decision. The state lost population for the first time in the history of the Census in the 2020 Census, and was one of the three states in the 2020 Census to lose population (Mississippi and West Virginia) between 2010 and 2020. There are 102 counties in the state and 87 of them lost population between during the time period. The state used to be the 5th most populous, and now it's 6th behind PA. Chicago is the 3rd most populated city in the US but it had sub 2% growth in population between 10-20, the lowest of the top 25 cities in the US by population. San Antonio, which would be an attractive city for a team, is the 7th largest, with nearly 9% growth. Austin is 11th with 22% growth. If you're a new owner, do you invest your money in a state that's on the decline and a city that's marginally growing? If you're Illinois, do you use your strained, but improved credit (the state's bond ratings just moved to BBB, in comparison NYS is usually AA+) to go all in on the Bears or do you use it to fix why people are leaving the state?
  4. I think China is going to make a play for Taiwan during Biden's presidency. I hope that his administration is seeing the flashing red lights on the board. I don't think the airspace incursions are typical saber rattling. I think they are deliberate tests and probing of the Taiwanese air defense system and hunting US subs.
  5. College shouldn't be free. I'd rather reimburse two years of completed college at 100%, and you have to have a B average. First-time college students only, and you get one crack at it. Two years covers community college, most trade schools, and gets a bachelor's degree student 50% off. There's practical steps to improving the student debt situation but opening the floodgates without any benchmarks for the student to hit is just sealing the doom of the schools themselves.
  6. Haven't watched an ESPN show since they canned Sports Reporters, the last show that had any intelligent discussion about sports. ESPN programming is stale and the on-air personalities are neither likable nor all that talented. It is the Sears of cable TV, doomed to end sooner rather than later in a cost cutting move.
  7. I'd add Keith Jackson. Most will remember his as an Eagle, but he also went to the Pro Bowl as a Dolphin and a Packer. He was a dominant TE in college at Oklahoma and in the NFL.
  8. Game tape catches up to everyone. Around week 4, things change. I'm not saying he isn't going to be good, great. Just that it's a persistent game of measure-countermeasure, and in weeks 1-2, teams have blind spots to new coaches, new QBs, and new situations. It's why the Eagles and Saints fell back to Earth in Week 2.
  9. I think it's rust and the offense getting re-acclimated to playing in a stadium with fans. It's getting there. I think the well-oiled machine we saw late last year will arrive. You know who I'm happy hasn't fallen back into bad habits? The coaching staff. I was happy the score yesterday was 35-0 and not 28-17 because the team took the pedal off the gas.
  10. I think it's risk of rust vs. injury in regards to preseason and I do think there's some adjustment to playing in full stadiums versus last season playing in the equivalent of a football library.
  11. 63% before the vaccines have been released to PCPs, and before two have received FDA approval for adults, and before approvals for kids of all ages. The rate should be celebrated, not criticized. That's the BS politics the CDC swears it's not playing. I don't know what the political machine wants. You aren't getting 100%, you aren't getting 90%. You may get 80% if you're lucky, but you'll probably have to settle for 70-75%.
  12. Philadelphia doesn't either and Philadelphia has enjoyed it's covid restrictions. Article today in the Philly Inquirer had quotes from physicians that they are not concerned about outdoor gatherings as much as they are the indoor gatherings. I'd like to post this in the main thread but it'd be promptly deleted by the Ministry.
  13. If California allows Newsom to retain his office after all his Covid shennanies, I can't feel sorry for them when he rolls out more of the same. You had your shot. All a victory for him does is say yes, please give us more.
  14. Both sacks and 5/6 recorded QB pressures occur in first half.
  15. Let's hope next week is a rebound. Still no defensive pressure. Offensive strategy was lacking the screens, motion and gadgetry that gets players open. The motion and misdirection is the secret sauce.
  16. I "third" this. I received the same treatment from the same moderator. I broke no forum rules. Zero. I lodged a complaint with Scott. First time in 11 years of being on this board I felt I had to do that against a fellow fan. Silence. I can only assume it's acceptable for moderators to treat others that way. I am a solid contributor to this message board. I use one handle only. I don't make fun of other fans. I've always followed the etiquette here. This board tolerates making fun of the guy who dresses up as Peter Pan, routinely hosts threads on whether you'd have sex with a particular woman in the news with the "Would ya?" posts who are often charged with child sexual assault, routinely hosted numerous threads of drunk, angry rants before, during and after games, and finds posts shaming people over sincerely held beliefs about their health acceptable. However, you incorrectly name a player in your post, you get a penalty point. Right. It's a farce. The PPP has sharp elbows, but to be honest, a discussion about Afghanistan is far above the bar of whether you'd have sex with the teacher who got arrested for having sex with her students.
  17. I'm confident the OSHA regulation will be thrown out by the courts. I don't think .gov has got a leg to stand on from several perspectives. I don't think anyone wants a POTUS weaponizing OSHA and workplace safety through emergency orders. That's why it hasn't been used as such.
  18. The US needs to get back into the Afghanistan action, and that mechanism will be funding the Taliban to "fight" ISIS, although ISIS is more or less a irregular army financed by the Saudis. The US, Pakistanis, Saudis and Taliban have a common foe across the border - the Iranians. It's really no different from how the US, Russians and the Germans all jockeyed for favor in Afghanistan in WWII until 1973. It's just now the US, Russians and Chinese will be doing it.
  19. I fully expect Biden will do something stupid tomorrow with his "six point plan" that will twist the screws. Newsom will enthusiastically follow it and it'll tip the scale a little more.
  20. He might be let out to dry by the virology PTB. If all the focus is on removing him, that particular outfit would be delighted - the research can then continue with less prying eyes. Congress needs to ban the federal bureaucracy from funding this research and conducting it. You're not going to stop it entirely worldwide but drying up the US $$$ is a great start.
  21. La Salle University. 90 percent vaccinated. The kids mask. They made the kids and staff vaccinate. Now...goes virtual for several days over an unspecified number of cases. Of course that number is nowhere to be found. School was in session less than two weeks. Full tuition and rents expected, however, rolling safety timeouts or not. https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2021/09/06/la-salle-university-goes-remote-through-friday-due-to-rise-in-covid-19-cases/
  22. Everything happening in Australia is by design. They'd love to try it here. The population is entirely disarmed and protests nicely (during daylight, always in the town square) and the authority can ratchet up without a pause of hesitation.
  23. Yep, you're free to keep visiting them. No need to worry about this one.
  24. Did something happen? I think zealous moderation of PPP would turn it into a vanilla group think which is the antithesis of the forum.
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