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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. They *have* to win out. The now is here in the now or never.
  2. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court "threw out" Governor Wolf's school mask mandate today. They essentially upheld the lower court's decision. The state lacks the authority to impose such a mandate, and the order is unenforceable. https://www.pennlive.com/coronavirus/2021/12/order-requiring-pa-school-students-to-wear-face-face-masks-is-invalid-state-supreme-court-says.html
  3. He was a pretty good politician and a quality person. He was at the wrong place and the wrong time when he finally got the nod to run for President. That 1995-1996 economy was hair on fire, and all Clinton had to do was not get in the way. I remember the media made a huge deal about how old he was. Ahh ,the warm hands of irony on America's shoulders.
  4. What is the history of the train horn? Why is it indeed a train horn? What year did they start using it?
  5. Unless people restrict the power, the powerful will enjoy flexing it. She's batshit crazy. If she's elected, NY gets what it deserves.
  6. There's a part of me that felt sad for her because she doesn't have an appreciation for how sad it makes her look. 2016 was six years ago! I have a question though - who cares if Trump and/or Clinton are wealthy, mentally ill elderly people besides CNN and Fox News? They aren't in office. We should be collectively concerned about the one who may just very well be - the one in office. I have a sneaking suspicion we're in for an awful Trump v. Clinton redux if the parties have it their way. I'd rather both of them just keep to their softball interviews.
  7. Just a note about your oil comment - Gazprom is the dominant supplier of natural gas into Europe. They also have the largest refinery in OPEC that has the availability capacity to refine gasoline for the European market in Omsk, deep in Siberia. That Omsk refinery is perhaps the world's most important refinery - it has so many carbon crackers that they refine every derivative fuel you can get from the crude oil. The Russians have excess refining capacity where many of the world's countries do not.
  8. The fundamental question is whether Brian Daboll is to the passing game as Greg Roman is to the running game. Brilliant in one aspect of a strategy, struggles to develop a well-designed comprehensive game plan, and when stressed, doubles down on what got them there. The Eagles don't have great running backs, an offensive line that is chronically injured and a QB that won't throw for 300 yards, yet they have been able to run the ball with purpose since changing their strategy.
  9. It's what isn't mentioned. CIA. Weapons. Air power. Missiles. Battlefield intel (from satellites and the air) IMO, Russians don't care about sanctions from the West because Europe is desperate for Russian energy, Russia is in OPEC, and the country makes its money off its energy and weapons sales.
  10. Don't stop at Antonio Williams. I'd be shaking the trees for new legs at RB because you know what you've got and it's not doing much. Tryouts are lottery scratch offs.
  11. I'd normally agree with you but given the current issues against the run, this would be a player I'd want. You need a run stopper like this guy, not only for his physical skill, but that corporate knowledge that could improve the defense.
  12. Don't disagree the offense shoulders a lot of blame, but I think the leaky defense shares some too. That was no top shelf defensive coaching effort last night, IMO.
  13. The Bills knew what was coming and couldn't turn off the faucet and keep it off. That's my criticism of Leslie Frazier last night. The Patriots really won this game with ball control. You shouldn't allow the opposition to win TOP when 99% of the plays were barely disguised run plays by an ok, but not all-pro, Patriots backfield. They knew the answers to the test. There's no Derrick Henry back there. You only started seeing some dynamic adjustments when it was too late. Milano and Co. should have been shooting a guy into the gap on every play long before the 4th quarter. Patriots TOP 32:01 Bills TOP: 27:59
  14. Belarus would be next, but Lithuania is the real prize.
  15. Don't be surprised Russia/Ukraine coincides with China/Taiwan. If they are going to go, it'll be mid-February, Chinese New Year. The Russians and Chinese are playing the "better to ask for forgiveness" game on the world stage. You're asking the West to manage two major conflicts simultaneously. We're lucky if we can handle one. The West is distracted, we (US) aren't exactly on top of our game. Europe should come to Ukraine's aid. Ukraine has a big land army and it's pretty well equipped. What it doesn't have is air power. I'm afraid though, the Europeans are a bunch of cowards. The US has to protect Taiwan. If you let them take Taiwan, they will start setting their eyes on the contested islands with Japan and taking African countries one by one.
  16. Quitting smoking is an amazing achievement. I'm happy for you. It's a big deal.
  17. If you're in the money making business of vaccines, of course they are not. If you were in the altruistic, let's save the world by sharing our recipe with the world frame of mind, of course they are.
  18. With her, you combine the Trump arrogance and the Biden incompetence into one almost unimaginable disaster of a leader.
  19. The Bills are the better squad of players, and I don't think it's close on that front. However, Bill Belichick has the tenacious bastard mindset that adapts from series to series. That's not in the McDermott DNA, and that's where this game is going to be decided. You can't just sit back and follow *your* plan blindly, or wait till the half. When you play a coach like BB, you need to channel BB to beat the BB. Too many coaches don't.
  20. If I were Carolina, I'd sell or turn him into a wideout.
  21. Colts and Browns. Teams with a running back that will beat the life out of the defense. Titans would be here too if DH was playing. Until proven otherwise, the 2021 Bills can't beat a team with a throw back running back from 1987 running at them.
  22. You NYers have a clearly insane governor.
  23. He's Exhibit A of "well, it looks great on paper." He will continue to wow team executives and coaches in the off season. He clearly has a top notch agent, as well. The Giants need to burn that house down and excavate the basement walls and start all over. Gettleman and Judge are half measures - the mediocrity there is systemic and it goes beyond them.
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