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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. I remember that. ...and coincidentally, the hundreds of billions of dollars in free federal money has also ran out. ...and coincidentally, just like its cousins MERS and SARS that also faded out after two years, a natural source of COVID remains elusive. MERS only reappeared with a brief outbreak after a Chinese scientist lost containment of it in a lab as he was studying it.
  2. Changing Steeler fan demographics (younger, far, far, far less disposable income than previous generations, older fans like retirees start restricting spending) Gambling. The sportsbook experience offers something new for the die hard fan that enjoys FF and gambling. Steep increase in costs for parking, food, etc., which leads you back to #1. I personally don't think it has much to do with the product on the field and I don't' think the Steelers are alone with attendance issues. I know many of you spend a lot of your hard earned money on the Bills for seasons tickets, and the Bills should be thankful for every one of you, especially in these challenging economic times.
  3. I agree although he doesn't have a lot of talent to throw to behind an ok line. I could see him taking a lot of sacks next year if he's a Steeler.
  4. I thought I was pretty in the know on NFL players until I read this thread. I've never heard of this player. 😀
  5. He and Jaylon Smith lost their passion for playing football. Perhaps being on the Cowboys does that. If I were his agent, I'd be looking to sign a 1-year prove it deal where he goes out and performs to his very capable level, and then go out and get another contract. But not in Buffalo.
  6. The other component in the US is the nation's declining refining capacity. In 2014, the last gas price spike, the US had 142 operating gasoline refineries. In 2021, it's 129. Refining crude oil through a straw. In 1990, the US had 205 gasoline refineries in operation. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=8_NA_8O0_NUS_C&f=A
  7. $6/gal. gas for months is going to change minds if the absurdity at the grocery store hasn't already.
  8. That's my big problem with weak sauce NATO. They are content on giving them defensive weapons only like anti-air, anti-tank weapons straight out of the Afghanistan 1980 playbook. I think the Poles and a couple other countries wanted to send them some fighter jets and NATO stepped in and stopped it because it'd be too "aggressive."
  9. I voted no trade, primarily because I see a Marcel Dareus situation if you want him to be the RB. You'll get one great year out of him to get that contract and then the production will fall precipitously. Besides the major injury concerns, I think those injuries have mentally got to him, which is 100% understandable. If you pay him, you pay him as a receiver from the backfield with a lot less RB runs.
  10. This conflict is about natural gas reserves and pipelines. I think everything else is just story. Russia pays $7billion (over 5 years) to push their gas through Ukraine to Europe. They also have untold billions of natural gas deposits in their part of the Black Sea. If you're Russia, imagine the control you'd have with the supply and means to deliver the supply by cutting out the middle man, not to mention you no longer have to pay Ukraine the rent for your sub base. If you're the West, imagine if you could get Ukraine to hand over their pipelines to a Western company. It's happened before. The whole Iranian mess begins with the US and UK overthrowing the elected leader of Iran in the 50s (Operation Ajax) because he didn't want to give the West the Iranian oil infrastructure.
  11. If the Biden administration had any interest in "healing" the country as they often said they were interested in doing during the campaign, all you had to do was some summary trespassing charges, be done with it and move on. However, just like COVID, they will wait until their polling is on fire to realize its a huge nothing burger for anyone but the most hardcore Democrat.
  12. Aren't we really discussing generational "wealth"? I don't think there's such a thing as generational money. Money is an input into wealth but it's not the only input. It's just the income. You can make $10 million dollars a year. The person who blows it all on conspicuous consumption is a different wealthy from the one that hides it all in the walls of his house as cash or the one who takes that same money and invests it into real estate, the stock market, etc. The wealthy in this country, even historically, weren't Scrooge McDuck swimming in a room full of greenbacks. Their wealth was in lots of things. Any NFL player can be generationally wealthy - it depends on what he does with that income.
  13. He's the type of all-in signing the Bills will need to look at over the next 1-3 years. You need a home run hitter in that unit.
  14. The Europeans are slaves to Russian energy. The persistent closures of coal and nuclear plants have strategic consequences. I don't think the Germans, for example, are stupid. They want to save the planet, and they traded their sovereignty for it. Energy independence should be the top strategic initiative for any sovereign nation. You're not exactly calling your own shots if you aren't. The Germans (and Europe) won't do anything. They freeze to death if the Russians shut the gas off.
  15. Oh I'm with you on this one. I'd enjoy the games without the announcers, and they are no longer a necessary feature of the broadcast.
  16. I'm still amused Aikman is considered on-air "talent."
  17. I don't expect Michigan to do what needs doing.
  18. If I were the NCAA, I'd demand both of them be fired. Coaches should be held to a higher standard. They are mentors. Have to control those emotions. If you or I did this at work, we'd both be fired. Unless your job requires you to touch people, the cardinal rule in professional life is don't.
  19. The "police" had more hearing protection on than protection from the COVID. That's because there's no rule of law anymore.
  20. An Ottawa judge denied bail for Lich. She's charged with mischief. Let that soak in. She was the brains behind the fundraising, and it appears Trudeau is pretty pissed about that.
  21. It's not a crazy idea for both player and team to explore. For the Panthers, it's an absolute no-brainer if you want to keep him on the field.
  22. I think James Washington is one of those buy lower, high production FAs. Generally, no free agents over the age of 30, unless the plan is to play them lightly through the first 8-9 games. You're paying them for playoff performance at that age.
  23. Thank you. I'd rather this be tried rather the free college.
  24. The emergency powers isn't just for Covid protests, just like the Patriot Act wasn't just about 9-11. The "emergency" will most certainly evolve.
  25. Eliminate tenure. Every single teacher goes on contract. Eliminate No Child Left Behind. Let kids learn at their own pace. National database of teacher misconduct for the pedophiles and the teachers that get fired for misconduct (like booze parties). National database of expelled children who were expelled for violence. Charge the parents/guardians for truancy. Base funding on YOY improvement in test scores, not annual scores. Base teacher bonuses on YOY improvement in scores. Bring back Phys. Ed. Real phys.ed. with sweating. Bring back Home Economics. Teach a personal finance course every year in high school. Pay students for good grades - not in cash, but an accruing scholarship to trade school, community college or college. Make that worth their while.
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