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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. I remember a few months ago, the "experts" laughed off 8, 9 percent. This entire inflation event is 100% self-inflicted policy error. The Fed has no choice but to pilot the economy into a very steep, hopefully short, recession at this point. It's the only way you can hope to get inflation back to 2% by the end of the decade. We're all going to bleed in our 401ks or jobs, likely both.
  2. Steelers are inviting that bad karma with that greed. Any Pittsburgh or hell, Pennsylvania-based company, would have been great.
  3. This President isn't going to do anything about this situation. This administration has a difficult time completing constructive tasks every day. Shrewd diplomacy? Forget it. Where have you seen that on display lately? Previous Presidents (pick your favorite) would have had her home already. She's languishing in Russia out of 1) Washington indifference or 2) incompetence. The reason this story doesn't get more press is because the media knows it's reason #1 or #2.
  4. I think a lot of her testimony was heresay. That being said, I think collectively, while I don't think President Trump committed a crime on January 6th, this political theater has shown his behavior on that day doesn't demonstrate he's not fit for another term as President IMO. I feel the Trump era has come to a close.
  5. You have to ask yourself why the US is sending two battalions of the 101st to Poland, one of which is the headquarters batallion. The 101st is offensive capability. They aren't peacekeepers. Destroyers to Spain, F-35s to England. Feels like positioning to me in bits and pieces, under the radar so nobody gets spooked and drives oil prices higher. I don't put it past these fools to engage in real conflict with Russian troops in Ukraine - if Kyiv is in imminent danger of collapse, I could see NATO entering the war. Ukraine isn't just Biden's mess. It's been a Bush, Obama, Trump mess too.
  6. Kap is not serious about playing football. If so, he would have joined the CFL, got into football shape, and show NFL teams he can consistently show up year after year, perform and be a good teammate. He's had plenty of opportunities to play football. I'm surprised he can still generate news and our reactions.
  7. I don't feel sorry for the Browns but I marvel at how they can screw up every single thing they touch. It's talent on display.
  8. I've never seen an arrest where not only do you get to keep your face covering, hat and gloves on, but keep the entire group of suspects together! You certainly get an impression they are going to lengths to protect identities.
  9. Of course the vaccines *are* safe *and* effective. Penn has one billion reasons to tell you why. They were the first employer to mandate the vaccine in Pennsylvania. "Research behind COVID-19 vaccines reaps close to $1 billion in royalties for Penn" https://www.inquirer.com/business/penn-covid-vaccine-technology-mrna-royalties-revenue-20220612.html
  10. Unless they show mugshots of real guys with real names and addresses, those are all federal agents and informants being "arrested." I don't think any LEO would roll up on a UHaul packed with people and arrest a person and leave their hats and face coverings on. The whole thing sounds stupid - bunch of dudes to riot in broad daylight in Idaho of all places. And they are all so coordinated - nobody seems to have gotten the wrong khakis or boots by shopping at the wrong store, and they all seem fit, not an overweight one, or one with long hair.
  11. I agree that that is a big loophole that can be fixed. I'd add the folks that allow burglaries of their homes to settle debts where firearms are stolen also get the same punishment. I suspect that is the major source of illegal firearms in this country.
  12. In PA, they are holding hearings on inflation - to what end, I have no idea. Harrisburg is good at talking. The doing part they aren't good at. PA residents have seen their real earnings decrease -3.8% year over year, and that was with a 2% raise baked in to it. If you assume the percent of PA living paycheck to paycheck like the national average - now 64%, up from 61% in 2021 - that's significant financial stress.
  13. Gas prices will be $6 by July 4th, not Labor Day. Labor Day, it'll be at or near $8. I expect that to occur because this administration wouldn't have let the prices break the $5 barrier if they either knew how or cared to. They know they've crossed the political Rubicon with gas prices. Target having record inventory in TVs and house "stuff" is another microcosm sign of customers throttling down discretionary spending. It's not Target overreaction to COVID, it's customers cutting back. I've also noticed that for restaurants where you'd have to wait for a table, there's no longer a wait. In my area, people enjoy dining out on the weekend, and restaurants are usually quite full, even in previous downturns, they'd be busy. Past couple weekends, easy to get a seat without the wait, which suggests to me folks are beginning to throttle down that discretionary dining spending too.
  14. San Francisco DA recall and LA mayor results are dead canaries in the coal mine for Democrats. Rick Caruso is as traditional Republican as one could be, and he beat Bass 42-37. I expected him to come in second to her, not actually be the top vote-getter.
  15. I haven't played this year's version but I've always thought Madden could be the football "Show" if EA weren't so complacent. The Show to me, is the most complete sports simulation game that's out there. I've always appreciated that the designers behind MTS seem to listen to fans, add features to the game, and give fans some new things to experience.
  16. I saw the movie this weekend. It was an entertaining movie, albeit one of the more vanilla ones I've seen recently. No major plot evolution or shocks. Good to see Ed Harris and Jennifer Connelly. Jon Hamm delivered. I remain curious as to why Jon Hamm has had such a difficult time getting lead roles in big movies - IMO, he could be the heir apparent to the Bruce Willis every man characters. It was good to watch a good non-superhero movie. I'm tired of superhero movies.
  17. It's also not true. The vaccine manufacturers are protected by the US government. They aren't liable for damages from their products in the United States. For all vaccines besides Covax, the VICP covers damages brought forward by plaintiffs. For covax, the manufacturers remain free of any and all liability.
  18. I think Lamar Jackson is doing exactly what the Ravens hope he'd do. They hope he leaves as a FA. I don't think Lamar Jackson is 100% healthy, nor will he ever be. The Ravens know this. This is why the Ravens are likely pitching a new deal that doesn't have a lot of guaranteed money but a lot of playing time and performance incentives. A deal he surely will never sign. They don't want to be attached to him as the QB on a long term deal, despite the public posturing. The Ravens can't trade him and get the value they seek, either. The NFL knows what the Ravens know. My guess is they will ride with him in 2022 and then let him walk.
  19. One way to find out! Same could be said for dudes who play basketball overseas and manage to give the US "Dream Team" a good beating. It'd give the reason for the NFL players to show up so they aren't embarrassed.
  20. NFL pros versus CFL pros (or USFL!) would be interesting if you could come to agreement on the rules and field dimensions. Back in the day I always wanted to see how the best NFL Europe had compared to the NFL. Move the Pro Bowl around to cities that do not have an NFL team but have a major college team (and stadium). Play it in Nebraska or Happy Valley.
  21. Sweepstakes for a group of fans to coach the game and call all the plays. Flag football with teams comprised from each division only. (AFC East vs. AFC South) Can only run plays from a selected historical era of football (only plays can be from the 70s) Legends game (bring back TO!)
  22. I have a feeling this was a battle of wills between two jerk personalities. The airline employee needed to de-escalate that situation as best he could, not escalate it. De-escalation skills aren't taught enough in customer service. The best people at that game are your bar/club bouncers. They are better than most police officers because they do it so often, that the fight/flight response you feel viscerally when threatened has been honed where they can control it. You don't lose your man card by doing it.
  23. Anyone want to take wagers that the 2022 monkeypox was another lab accident? It's alarming at how fast this "novel" "rare" virus is spreading. Let me know if that sounds somewhat familiar.
  24. Biggest weakness is the team reading and believing its own press, and not getting over their collective selves. All this Super Bowl talk can be dangerous to a team not accustomed to such air, as it can lull you into a false belief that your collection of superior talent will win out the day in the end, and you can turn on the intensity and focus when it's "needed."
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