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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. Play the 4-3.


    Less holes to fill on the roster, and it plays to the strengths we already have. Going 3-4 would require a major investment in the LB position, probably so much so, you couldn't get it all done in one year of the draft and FA unless you sacrificed upgrading other positions.

  2. BB:


    Even if you read the novels, you'd still find the show surprising and interesting. The show throws in new wrinkles not seen in the books, (i.e Jenner and the CDC) and vice versa.


    For example, the show is "showing" more about the world as it fell. The comic doesn't spend a lot of time on the topic.


    You might enjoy a good book called World War Z, a tale about how countries world wide take on a zombie outbreak. It tackles some of the topics like how the military was overrun at first, how governments fell, etc.

  3. I'm glad that 10 of Rubicon's 13 fans are Bills fans. :D I enjoyed that show. Started off slow, but got its legs. I put it into the bin with Jericho as shows the companies never gave a chance.


    As for the Walking Dead, my apologies for not indicating the spoilers.


    There's so much in the novels that can make for awesome television, and I think the first six episodes are just a tease of where this show can go.

  4. Don't shoot the messenger. That's the plot device in the novel, and so far, the tv show is following the plot fairly close.


    Death, by any means, is the trigger. It's just that the bites are 100% lethal, and quick to enter the bloodstream.


    The quote from Issue #41


    "...the rule is: WHATEVER it is that causes the zombies, is something everyone already has. If you stub your toe, get an infection and die ... you turn into a zombie. UNLESS your brain is damaged. If someone shoots you in the head and you die ...you're dead. A zombie bite kills you because of infection, or blood loss ... not because of the zombie "virus.""


    You can survive a zombie bite if you amputate the part that is bitten. Dale gets bitten, and has his leg amputated by Rick later on.

  5. Spiller has a bright future in Buffalo, especially after the team finally invests in, and builds depth for the offensive line in 2011. Draft or free agency, do not care. Both.


    Spiller had a talented offensive line at Clemson, and when the line was injured, his play suffered. That's not an excuse, but as one poster already stated, Jackson knows how to run with a weak line. Spiller has not yet.

  6. I'd argue the experiment failed instantly by having it played at the crappy Rogers Centre, which is, and will remain, the Skydome to me.


    The Toronto experiment would have benefited from having the game played outside in Toronto, on real grass, and set it up like the Winter Classic for the NHL..."make" the field somewhere.


    Whatever. Just something more unique than the bland product of two teams playing in a dome on artificial turf. Big deal.

  7. I'll take Fitzpatrick. I admit that I was not a Fitzpatrick guy at the beginning of the season, but I've loved the way he's played. For a while there, he was the only man on the team that showed up to play, especially the Jets game. As a fan I admire that.


    I think his absolutely lethal timing for throwing an INT can be corrected. I think it takes time, coaching and mental adjustment to fully move from backup to starting QB. Besides, the more you play, the more you learn. He's only had 29 starts in his career (six seasons), including yesterday.

  8. I think he "saw the light" with the prison stint. Prison destroyed that cloak of invincibility he thought he had. I think he is truly grateful for not A) being in prison and B) getting a second shot in the NFL.


    Without it, he'd not only be flat broke, owing millions of dollars to creditors, but have no means to ever pay it back.

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