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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. Brohm was given the opportunity to show something. He didn't, and wasn't resigned.


    I don't feel bad about it. I'm glad the Bills took the chance. Sometimes guys will turn it around with another team. He wasn't that guy.


    On drafting a QB, I'd hate seeing the 2nd rounder being used on drafting one.

  2. Not true they competed in the same amount of events. Dareus skipped the shuttle and the broad jump. Fairley opted not to lift and also skipped the shuttle.


    My link


    Not my point. My point is that Dareus performed the evals at the combine despite being injured and not at 100% and performed very well. Fairley skipped simply because he was injured. I like that Dareus played through the injury and did well, doing so.

  3. I still pick Dareus.


    Both men were injured for the combine. Fairley skipped workouts because of it. Dareus participated in spite of it, and still performed well.


    That says a whole lot to me on top of the evident talent.


    Overall, you take Fairley if you want to rush the passer. Dareus if you want to stop the run. Considering our imaginary run defense, that's why I take Dareus.

  4. I'd be one lighting up some torches if Peterson is picked at #3. I'd hate that pick. Don't deny he's a great talent. He's going to be a good cornerback. A great one on a team that stops the run.


    However, you can have two shut down, all world, once in every 25 year talents, first ballot HOFers at CB and it's meaningless without a run defense or pass rush.


    Our run defense is so bad that I'd just run, run and run the ball some more, and let the "shut down" corner do his shut-down"ing" all he wants. Meanwhile, I'll send my running backs up and down the field through the line like zebras on the Serengeti.


    Just like the Jets and Patriots did to us. Four times.


    You can't ignore the absolute blue chip defensive line talent in this draft that's available to fix your biggest problem.

  5. I think all the spread offense quarterbacks will either be outright busts or just alright. This draft is full of Graham Harrells and Pat Whites.


    I think Mallet will be a star, but that's 100% banking on being drafted by the right team where he can watch and learn for a year or two due to personality. Throw him to the wolves right away and he'll be a disaster.


    I like Tolzien and Portis as well as above average quarterbacks in the NFL.

  6. Locker ruined his NFL career by wanting to be a baseball player despite being a talented football player.


    He then did a Drew Henson by flip flopping between the two, but never dedicating himself to football 100%.


    For as many Locker to the NFL stories you see, you'll see just as many about him as a player in the Anaheim system.


    I'd pass on him solely because I don't think his heart or mind is 100% for football.

  7. I'm in 'Bama country this week and have asked about the fans here, that eat, sleep, and drink 'Bama football about Dareus and 9\10 that I asked said he is going to be a bust in the NFL. Emphatically. I was really surprised. I don't know if they know anything about the NFL or are pissed because he left early but that has scared me away from Dareus.




    Out of curiosity, did they give any suggestions or reasons why they think he's bust material?

  8. The St. Louis/Arizona Cardinals. Ironically, the team has a history with the area in PA where I grew up. Have always been interested in the team, going back to my teen years. Between the Cards and Bills, and a fan of the Pirates in baseball, nobody is ever going to accuse me of jumping on a bandwagon.

  9. As a Colorado Buffaloes fan, I caution you about watching highlights against CU. We (as in you and my fellow board posters) would look like great football players against CU's teams of the last few years. :lol:


    I don't buy Jordan at #3. I think that's high, and I think he's (and Cal's program) are getting a slight benefit of Tyson Alualu's performance this year with Jacksonville.

  10. I agree that he's a project. I wouldn't mind taking him with a low pick, but he's not worthy of a high round investment.


    Dre, you make an outstanding point. His flirtation with baseball has absolutely Hensoned his potential as a high NFL draft pick. I think if he laid off baseball, and concentrated on football, he would have had a far better season at Washington.

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