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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. Maybe because he has had at least 4.5 sacks each season since 2005 not including to big sacks last season on tom brady in the playoffs. I don't believe the guy is useless just because his age


    Useless, no. He's only useless if he's injured.


    Effective? Eh. He'll give you a play or two on passing downs, but just like Derrick Mason, you've got little left in the football tank at that age, especially as the season wears on. This is not a big deal signing whatsoever.


    NFL in the year 2011: Advantage Youth

  2. I think Chan Gailey is a good coach and I've liked the hire since day one.


    While the national media didn't care for it, I thought it was a rather inspired coaching decision by the Bills. I was expecting the long time coordinator, first time coach hire again.


    I knew the change from the Tampa 2 to a 3-4 was going to be difficult. I knew having Trent Edwards as your starting QB wasn't going to be successful. I knew not having successful drafts gives a team very little in talented personnel.


    Those things have changed for the better, and I expect it will be seen in the win column this year.

  3. What continues to happen to Cindy Brunson? It looks like she continues to have work done to her face. Unfortunately, the original canvas was better. She's getting close to Joan Rivers territory.


    I like Michelle Bonner and Shelly Smith in terms of quality female anchors/reporters on the network.

  4. I think he'll be back. With this unusual free agency period, time is of the essence for guys in this buyers market. They want to play and need to play somewhere. I don't think the Bills turn away depth and a decent player familiar with the defense over personal feelings.


    The Bengals appeared to be the only serious interest and that looks to have ended.

  5. I'm cautiously excited. The reports are promising, but I still expect something heartbreaking. :(


    That's where I'm at.


    It's a long winding road of practice and preseason games fraught with peril to Game #1 where the scores count.


    I've imagined having a stellar, undefeated preseason, hopes are high and Merriman gets dinged in the first quarter of the last preseason game.

  6. We might already have a Kevin Boss on the team in Scott Chandler.


    Boss is ok, but he's not a superstar, and he's got a different skill set from say Zach Miller.


    Boss is a big target in the red zone, has taken a ton of big hits, and blocks well. He usually makes the catch when the ball is thrown to him. Much like Buffalo, however, the Giants offense really doesn't rely on the TE with Boss starting at the position.


    Chandler is 6'7" and started out as a receiver at Iowa before being transitioned to a TE. He's sandwiched between Dallas Clark and Marv Cook in the rankings of best TEs at Iowa. I'm inclined to see what Chandler has if Zach Miller isn't a possibility.

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