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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. I'd enjoy a day where all news sources only reported "good" news. I don't care if it's all amazing pet stories, litter cleanups, bake sales, habitat for humanity projects or kids stirring the lemonade with their arms or women jumping up and down on trampolines...it'd be refreshing.


    What really did it for me, where I started really feeling it, was the almost inescapable 24/7 news tickers, stations, etc post September 2001. I detach from the grid often, and I try not to over do it on news consumption. The stories about adults that prey on the helpless, especially kids, like the one above, really sticks with me as a person.

  2. For whatever reason, I always think of Yoshi and the Wheel of Fish in UHF (an underrated masterpiece of cinema) when talking about Aaron Maybin.


    I think the Jets, just like Mrs. Weaver, will discover there's nothing....absolutely nothing....in the secret box of Aaron Maybin.


  3. Other than needing to write something for the sake of writing something, how do these guys establish a ranking of teams in preseason. Hell, the teams themselves don't even know what their rosters are going to look like with 90+ players in camp and a bunch of teams ridiculously close to the cap.

  4. It would explain the inability to gain weight, as he couldn't without assistance.


    Goes to show steroids are a wonderful thing in a way...it really opens doors to reach beyond your physical potential.


    It's alarming that Bills physicians and trainers didn't see this, or perhaps they did and were overruled. We won't ever know.


    Orakpo was no solid can't miss choice back then either. We had Mike Williams fatigue, and University of Texas players had a history of under-performing in the NFL. Plus, if I recall correctly, he was a tweener, some thought he was a DE, others thought he was an OLB.


    Point being that he was just as much a crapshoot as Maybin was in that draft, just for different reasons.

  5. Stinchcomb was a good pass blocker but not the greatest at run blocking. He overachieved on the field, which is alright with me. I'll take that. Give me that over guys who are lazy and eat their way out of the league any day.


    He's a good football player who's injured. Time is money and the NFL is a game for the youth, especially when you are the Saints and have young talent to work with.


    On the Bills at RT, he's outstanding in comparison to what we've got and should he pass a physical, I'd be happy if we signed him. Unfortunately though, I get the feeling that the reattachment didn't take 100% and there are issues with it. For anybody that has had this done, whether it's a muscle or tendon reattachment, it's a very detailed and delicate surgery with a delicate recovery. It's got to be reattached *perfectly*.

  6. I wouldn't be shocked if he gets a call from the Bills. I think the Saints released him partly due to cheaper talent available and cap implications.


    Money won't be the issue, but whether a doctor clears that knee is. He's probably a failed physical at this point.


    He'll be highly sought after by Baltimore and Chicago, but those teams have cap considerations too, whereas we do not.

  7. My answer would be no. Okoye did not have a battle with physically looking like an NFL football player.


    I've thought that Maybin was perhaps ill and couldn't gain weight....considering how easy it is for the rest of us to do it. :-)


    And....just because Okoye looked decent in a preseason game, that's a long ways away from saying he's the steal of the FA period. I think he'll be what he was all the years he spent in a Texan uniform.

  8. All this panic over [presumed disaster before even the first preseason game?


    The 4th was a value pick. The Bills will come out ahead on this trade. Here's why.


    Baltimore's offensive line probably pass blocks as bad or worse than the Bills offensive line. Flacco runs for his life on passing downs, and he won't have the time for Evans to get down the field and get open. Oher is downright laughable as an LT and his deficiencies at the position were exposed last night. Their guard and center are practice squad guys.


    Out of all the teams Lee could have went to, Baltimore was probably THE worst destination for him as a player.

  9. I don't think Evans goes to the Cardinals. The Cardinals would be very short on draft picks if they parted with even more for Evans. They'd really be mortgaging the future.


    I like Lee Evans....but he is replaceable. I don't think defenses game plan for him the way some fans think they do.

  10. If the Raiders, who are the virtual Ellis Island of the NFL reject a player based on health, there is no way he's getting on the field by Game 1 of the regular season.


    Chronically bad backs don't heal themselves in two weeks in your average person. You take that recovery out much farther when you're talking about a man of Gaither's size.

  11. Not sure Kirk Morrison is an upgrade over anybody on the roster. He's one guy where the statistics don't tell the whole story.


    Tatupu had surgery on both knees in January 2011. He's not the same player he used to be. Two freshly surgically repaired knees 1) on turf and 2) at that position with the demands of playing that position and you're really taking your chances.


    At best, if you sign him, you hope for a really good season out of him in 2012, not this year. He won't be doing much of anything this year.

  12. I'm all for cleaning up the atmosphere at RWS and every other stadium in the NFL.


    Unfortunately for smokers and drunk jackasses, the Bill of Rights and US Constitution doesn't have any specific provisions related to smoking and being a drunk jackass as a right of being a US citizen.


    The way I see it, when you're on anybody's property but your own, you follow their rules. If you don't like it or can't possibly abide by them, stay home, smoke, drink, watch the game and get in fights with your neighbors in your own front yard just like we do here in Pennsylvania.


    I'd wager that if the NFL banned both smoking and alcohol sales in stadiums, and alcohol at tailgating on team or public property for a year, attendance would either stay the same or go up.

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