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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. Is the Buffalo area better off with an NFL team? Answer is yes.


    I look at the Bills from two points of view...as a football team and as a business.


    As a business, it's employed thousands of people during its tenure and been an important part of the Buffalo economy.


    On the field, sure, it's had an extended down period, but all businesses, including the NFL team, have periods of downturn.

  2. I stopped at "can't handle Chiefs running attack". Meh.


    While the Chiefs gained 274 yards on the ground in the game last year, that was against the 2010 defense in overtime, without Dareus, Merriman, Barnett, Davis, and now Morrison.


    Also in preseason, for what it's worth, the defense has been good against the run in both games.


    I won't make a prediction until I see the final roster, September 10. Lots of cuts and two preseason games yet to be played.

  3. I'd bring back T. Eldorado Owens.


    Crazy at first thought, but it makes a lot of sense when you think about it. You need a receiver that can get it done and has a good relationship with your QB.


    Problem, i.e. reality is that Gailey thought Owens had hit "the" wall and that's why the Bills chose not to resign him to allow younger WRs to develop.

  4. Tatupu won't do much in the 2011-2012 season. He has two freshly (surgery in 2011) repaired knees that he's currently rehabbing.


    On the field, you're looking at decreased mobility and speed.


    Financially, you're probably going to waste a lot of coin for no upgrade.


    As for Morrison, he's intriguing, but something suggests there's something wrong here. Why didn't Jax resign him when they had a need at the position? From what I've read, he's pretty good against the run, liability against the pass.

  5. Vernon Gholston always looked great in training camp and preseason. It's why the Jets kept him as long as they did, and why the Bears are giving him a shot.


    Trent Edwards taught me that preseason is almost an alternate dimension of reality to the the regular season.


    I'll save any indictment of OBD until after Maybin is voted to the Pro Bowl.

  6. I understand why they are doing this (you don't keep the thoroughbred in the garage), but I also see that Fred Jackson makes use of what he's got much better.


    CJ needs a good offensive line to get the job done, just as he did at Clemson. Fred will take whatever he's got and still make the chicken salad.

  7. I've never thought McKelvin was smart enough to be a top-notch CB. You need to be both intelligent and technically sound to play that position. McKelvin has always lacked those intangibles, even at Troy. You read the negatives on him at the draft...it's all about needing to be more alert, must refine technique, must learn how to predict the play, etc.

  8. I'm in between the sky is falling and Super Bowl bound. I understand that the goal last night was more to evaluate players and not sustain injuries and not to give Denver your plays that you'll use on December 24.


    However, base playbook or not, after watching the entire game, the offensive line play of the starting unit is a definite area of concern. Denver's starters were playing as if it were the 24th, and our line had no answers for them.


    I was really impressed with Kamar Aiken and Roosevelt at the WR position.

  9. Sure, the Bills have a shot. Offensive lines league-wide are mediocre at best this year. Sure you'll have a star player or two, but analyzing OL units as a whole, it's a whole lot of meh, even for playoff caliber squads.


    There will be plenty of opportunities for an improved defense to shine.

  10. Their ignorance of upgrading the linebacker corps will cost that team. Again.


    Bills fans get on Buddy about the OL....the linebacking situation in Philly has always been mediocre to horrible under Any Reid. When Trotter was there, they were a liability against the pass, and now the entire unit is a liability against both the run and pass. It doesn't matter how many good cornerbacks you have when your lbs can't stop the run and can't pass protect a TE.

  11. I wish I had a job where there's zero consequences for being wrong.


    I'm not saying the Bills won't be last, but for anybody to start prognosticating in an unusual year with the lockout AND with camp filled at 90+ players AND not even playing the full preseason, and making a determination based on performance and the final roster is a *big* stretch.


    ...but I suppose you have to talk about something.

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