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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. I don't care about Philly's cornerbacks. Philadelphia has no linebackers. Scott Chandler and Fred Jackson should be all-world next Sunday if Chan gets back to throwing to Chandler and running FJ. Of the 49ers 291 receiving yards yesterday, their TEs and RBs accounted for 154 of them.


    Philadelphia only plays about 2.5 quarters and packs it in and you can still beat them despite Vick throwing for nearly 400 yards. They have been outscored 36-0 in the fourth quarter over the last three games.


    It appears Trent Cole, Antonio Dixon and Jason Peters all were injured yesterday, with Cole's injury serious. As of 1130am, Cole is out for the Bills game.


    I don't take yesterday's loss too hard. If it refocused the team for the Eagles and Giants, good. I think the Bills ran into a Top 3 defense yesterday, something they won't face next week.

  2. A good learning experience. The Bills have to learn how to step on the neck of your opponent. In the first three games, they did not have to do that. The KC game was a runaway and the other games were comebacks. I think the team learned a lot today in the loss.


    I think the Bengals D will be the best we will see in the 1st half of the season. I'm not scared by the Philly or NYG defense.

  3. It'd be reassuring for the Bills not to come out flat against the Bengals. I don't think Gailey and Company look past any team, but coming after back to back comebacks and a very huge win, there's potential for a letdown and the Bengals defense isn't all that bad.


    The Bengals are a nightmare on third downs. They've only converted two all season and can't convert worth a damn in the red zone.

  4. Merriman isn't doing less than what he did in San Diego.


    Really, he's not.


    San Diego's defense during Merriman's tenure wasn't all about sending the house, including Merriman to get to the quarterback because you didn't need to all the time. Sometimes you needed to stop the run like we have had to in the first two games. You don't blitz to stop the run.


    This week, you may see some more "house sending" but not all the time. A key game to watch or research if you have access is the 2006 AFC Divisional Playoff game between NE and SD. They got to Brady a lot and also intercepted him three times, but it wasn't wall to wall blitz. Half the problem was that NE had no idea when or where the blitz was coming from.


    You also have to remember that NE mocked his Lights Out dance at the end of that playoff game. I'm pretty sure he hasn't forgotten that.

  5. The Patriots are not unbeatable for many reasons already discussed, but I'd throw in one more, just for fun.


    Uniform Change Theory. It's clearly at work in Buffalo.


    If you are a failure, do a wholesale change to your uniform, and success follows. See mid 90s Patriots, late 90s Denver Broncos, mid 90s Tampa Bay Buccaneers, late 90s Titans, 00s Seattle Seahawks, current Arizona Cardinals, Detroit Lions. If you are a success, change your uniform, and misfortune follows. See early 00s Rams when they switched from the LA colors to the maize and navy. See the Seattle Seahawks significantly altering their uniforms for the 2008 and 2009 seasons with lime jerseys.


    There are many examples around the league, including the Bills. You do not mess with the cosmic forces of the uniform (and not the conspiracy of the NFL to sell jerseys and merch, don't be silly) when you are successful. You do not change the jerseys you wear to numerous AFC Championships and Super Bowl appearances. You do change the jerseys if you miss the playoffs for over a decade.


    It's going to be a weird season. It'll get even more weird on Sunday when the Bills beat the Patriots, due in part, to these forces in action.

  6. Gailey thought TO had hit the wall back when he was hired. He and Nix chose not to sign him to another contract.


    I can't imagine, two years forward, he's changed his mind.


    I like TO, and I think he's going to be valuable for a team this year. It just won't be the Bills, although it'd be very cool to see.

  7. I get your point, nothing is ever straightforward in medicine. You never say never. And it's truly horrible you had to go through that. But, there's still a spectrum in GBS (that roughly follows a Gaussian curve). It can easy kill, but sometimes patients' courses are so mild they never even see a doctor. As for reactive arthritis, I stand by my comments. I treat about 3 cases a week. They get wheeled into my office in a wheelchair, then are doing jumping jacks after 3 days 60 mg of prednisone once per day. And, then again, most probably get by with their PMD giving them 800 mg of Motrin.


    Only 60mg? I needed steroids, IVIG and the rejection drugs that would kill an elephant to take out both. I'd get infusions of everything for hours on end.


    For whatever reason, both just sorta burnt out two years ago. I got progressively better after the initial ass kicking with relapses here and there, but saw a dramatic improvement at almost ten years removed. I was amazed (to say the least) that food poisoning not only took my ability to walk away, but nearly killed me.


    Bad chicken usually is from campylobacter, and is usually associated with GBS, and I put the two and two together.

  8. At the beginning of the 2008 season, Crowell decided to have a surgery he possibly could've done earlier during training camp. If he would have done so, he would've likely been ready for the season opener. Thus, a surgery, then about 4 weeks of recovery time. How did the Bills respond? They place him on IR, a move many thought was done out of spite, for an injury that would have had him miss about 4 games. Keep in mind, he had a career year the season before and was to go into his contract year. How did the NFLPA respond to these accusations? They did nothing because such a move would be impossible to prove.







    Not quite. Reactive arthritis is very responsive to steroid treatment, so he wouldn't even have likely missed even a day of practice from this. As for GBS, it can be very severe, but this is mostly insidious in nature. First, it's a post-infectious process, so it develops in the days to weeks after an infection and then usually slowly worsens. And before you ask, I'm a board certified rheumatologist.


    I got both conditions from campy from eating improperly cooked chicken wings. Within a week, I was paralyzed nearly head to toe, with my joints on fire, especially the hips and ridiculously close to being on a ventilator as the inflammation started taking hold of my lungs. That monster attacked wherever it could until it was stopped with IVIG and organ donor rejection drugs.


    Barely survived it ten years ago. Spent six months learning to walk again and eating with a fork. Spent five years regaining everything.




    So yeah, it's possible.

  9. I'm going to go with campylobacter food poisoning, with either a wicked acute case of Guillain-Barré Syndrome or reactive arthritis.


    Both illnesses would easily put you on injured reserve and both hit hard and fast after the bacteria is in your system. Both take months to treat.

  10. To beat the Raiders, the Bills must shut down the run like they did at KC and force Campbell to beat them. I like those odds.


    I don't think these Dolphins are built for Florida weather. They were gassed pretty quick last night in the heat and humidity and their player rotation strategy backfired. That, above anything else, allowed Brady to do what he did.

  11. "Everett isn't leading the life he envisioned, but he seems to have found a rewarding purpose in his life.."


    True of nearly everyone on the planet. Informative article but I *hate* the tone of despair and woulda coulda instead of appreciating huge second chances and the family around you.


    Some men would kill to be able to walk and run again.


    Some men would kill to be around their children that much.

  12. I wouldn't be so quick to put the Philly game as a "win" for Philadelphia. They will ride high on the hype wagon.


    Yesterday's game may have had a far different outcome if Steven Jackson hadn't gotten injured. He was a hot knife through butter of the Eagles defense.


    The Rams run defense kept McCoy and Vick at bay until halftime.


    Vick was sloppy and got sacked three times by a very inexperienced offensive line. You can get to him.

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