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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. I agree.


    This team, including Gailey, comes loaded for bear for certain games like the Patriots and after losses, but seems to take a step back for others, including yesterday. I felt early on the offense lacked the punch you saw in the wins. It felt like the offense of the Bengals game.


    I knew the team was going to come out and play well against the Redskins, and I think you'll see an intense team effort next week against the Cowboys.

  2. The Bills had their craptacular game today. I knew that today was off by the end of the first quarter. Better now than later in the season when the games are going to really have impact. With the Giants helping us out, the loss stings but it's not tragic at this juncture in the season.


    That being said...this team will have a hard time putting back to back wins because it's still learning consistency. It gets up for some games and doesn't bring the same intensity week in and out. It'll need to discover how to do this starting against Dallas.

  3. I'd say NO to the idea. The Bills have a competitive advantage and talent in identifying and grooming UDFAs and late round draftees into good professional football players.


    I don't know of any other team that has the successful track record of the Bills diving into the sea of UDFA and catching good football players.


    I wouldn't want to give this advantage to 31 other teams that out of dumb luck will come across their George Wilson or Stevie Johnson or Kurt Warner just because they were forced to stock a minor league roster and had to have guys get on a field and play some games.

  4. I think putting Merriman on IR was the right thing to do because it gets our healthy, young pass-rushing linebackers more playing time.


    This is a young man's game, especially on defense and I think Moats and Coleman will do a superior job of getting to the QB when the blitz is dialed up.


    I too, am interested in seeing Heard play NT.

  5. Offense: Get Scott Chandler back in the game with some catches.


    Defense: Keep the Washington running attack in check to keep the 3rd and shorts at a minimum and make Beck throw the ball for longer than 5 yards. You know Washington is going to try to beat us to death with Roy Helu.

  6. I'm not familiar with Toronto sports facilities, but is there nowhere else to play a football game besides that cavern?


    It'd be nice if they could turn it into something like the NHL did with the outdoor hockey games and make it a unique experience.

  7. Horrible recent drafts and bloated contracts have doomed this team.


    If the Colts do end up having the #1 pick in the draft, I'd trade it for picks spent on defense, and spread out those picks over two years so you have high picks in two consecutive drafts.


    The Colts aren't going to fix that excuse for defense in a year. There isn't a single strength on defense outside the ends, who aren't getting any younger.


    I'd keep Manning.

  8. This is true, although I'll remove the word "convincingly". Style points don't matter. Just win the game....and win for once in Toronto for godssake. Washington will not lay down and they have a pretty solid D. Newton shredded them with some nifty running. If the Bills give up 400+ yds on D to Beck & Co. they should be embarrassed.


    I agree zow. By convincing, I meant a win where we don't give up a bazillion yards like we have so far this season.


    I'd like to see a game where the Bills lead from start to finish, and the anxiety of Bills nation stays fairly low so we can all have a relaxing gameday Sunday afternoon for a change. :D

  9. He's free to do what he wants.


    However, I think his ego led him to make a poor decision. Even if you're a backup, you remain a valuable contributor to the team. Besides, when it comes to lines, is there really such a thing as backups when you've got all sorts of rotations and the likelihood of injuries?


    You don't take your ball and go home at the first moment you disagree with management. I don't like when anybody does that. Makes you look small.

  10. Ouch I misfired on my post. I was trying (and failed) to make the point that while those other guys all stayed in football in some regard either a GM or a coach on another team, Vermeil was the only one totally out of football (for a long time) and then came back and was successful.

  11. He's been out of the game completely for five years now. I doubt he comes back. Five years shows me he's happy doing what he's doing and making a ton of money doing it.


    Should he try, my guess is it will go the way of Joe Gibbs and not Dick Vermeil. (only coach in NFL history to take two different teams to the Super Bowl.)


    You can't just decided one day to coach again and expect five years of scheme innovation and evolution of the game not to be a big problem.

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