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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. If FJ ran more, SJ would get more opportunities.


    It's fairly simple. Right now, the defense is glued to the Wide Receiving corps because of the play calling. It's almost as if Gailey has to justify Fitzpatrick's extension by having this pass-happy offense play calling.


    On a sidebar....interesting commentary coming from Jeremiah Trotter today on Philly sports talk radio. Said it's a "known fact" by players that the Philly front office can't be trusted when you're in a contract year. They will ensure you get less caries or less balls thrown your way to drive down your value.


    Of course, Philly is on fire today, but Trotter was adamant about his statement.

  2. I'm in the play calling crowd. I think that's the area of need for the biggest adjustment.


    Chan needs to adjust his playcalling instead of trying to force the square peg into the round hole and make Fitzpatrick make throws that just aren't there.


    He has to make FJ the focus of the attack instead of Fitzpatrick and his merry band of receivers.


    If the defense is going to take your receivers away, you run FJ at them mercilessly.


    And use Chandler, Chan. He can catch the ball.


    As for the defense, time for Wannstedt. George Edwards has had his turn.

  3. Today was horrible. Agreed.


    However, I remain confident that this team will make the playoffs.


    It won't be easy and it's definitely not going to look pretty. We'll probably back in or it'll come down to the last game.


    However, the cosmic forces are aligned this season. The NFL Marketing Cartel has put the last 7 of 8 teams who changed their uniforms into the playoffs in their first year with the new uniforms.


    There are those that lose faith in the team. However, I don't lose faith in the NFL wanting to make money, and lots of it, despite your great powers at making a defense look like crap, George Edwards.

  4. Again. The Bills are in first place at the halfway mark. So what is the excuse now?




    My point is if you've got to move some seats, do it at a better time when emotions are riding high"er". Like after a win.


    And then frame it that you want the stadium packed for the team's late season playoff run.

  5. That would seem to be a very small sample size to go off for a kicker. Lookng at our next three games (all on the road) and the last three years for each kicker, here are the stats for each:



    @Dallas in 2010 1-1

    @Miami in 2010 2-2



    @Dallas 2008 3-3


    Agreed. It is a small sample size. However, out of the three guys they brought in, he's the only one that's kicked in the new Dallas stadium, and the only one who's kicked in Miami recently.

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