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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. It was one of the biggest criticisms when he was at Tech and I'm convinced that the problem has resurfaced in Buffalo. He violates one of the larger nuggets of wisdom from the Most Interesting Man in the World when it comes to play calling.


    Find out what it is in life that you don't do well....and then don't do that thing."

  2. I see ego being part of the problem.


    Not for the players, but Gailey. What teams get blown out three games in a row? Predictable ones.


    Gailey's belief in his coaches and his schemes are beyond what they've delivered the past couple weeks and this is what started happening in his Dallas and GT stops. Refusal or slow to adapt to changing conditions and opponent strategies. Get game tape on Gailey and you are set.


    You need to fire or demote Edwards immediately, get a true free agent center and some replacement WRs, and switch up your play calling. The NFL game is about out-adjusting your opponent and that's on him to do. The Bills are predictable. If we as fans know what plays are coming, you know for sure the experienced coordinators and coaches on the other side of the field have game planned for every move.

  3. It'd be nice if the front office would go out and get some WRs and perhaps a C this week instead of screwing around with practice squad guys who've played as many NFL games as we all have. I'm not going to be amused if Gailey uses Levitre at Center again. It didn't work. Do something else.


    It is shocking that despite us being nuked from near earth orbit the last three weeks, we are still in it. Should KC pull off something big tonight, it will indeed tell me the cosmic forces for a Bills playoff berth are not only aligned but refuse to go away despite our best attempts. :lol:

  4. The Broncos gave the Bills the game plan to beat the Jets last night. Run it and punch them in the mouth. Time and time again and run over Revis.


    I see the Jets layoff working to the Bills advantage. The days upon days of withering media and fan criticism won't motivate. You throw in Buffalo and New England wins this weekend, and I bet some of those Jets players start packing it in. I see it with Philadelphia living in the Eagles media market.


    The unfortunate thing to the layoff is that LT and Greene get healthy.

  5. I follow my teams and that's about it.


    I followed MLB more this year than years past because the Pirates were competitive for the first half the season. Once they were no longer in the hunt in the NL Central, I stopped following baseball.


    I follow the Spurs in basketball but I think the NBA has gotten pretty awful and what it needs is a year off.

  6. I think the Jets know what's coming.


    I don't think they will be able to stop it, regardless.


    I find Denver's strategy brilliant in a roundabout way. Defenses have been molded with lighter, quicker players, fancy cornerbacks and blitz schemes to defend against the pass, not against a punishing ground attack where a slew of RBs, FBs and your linebacker-esque QB is going to hammer away at you for four quarters with run play after run play.


    So if Denver's defense can prevent NYJ from getting out to a big lead, they are probably going to get run over.


    Very short week. Bad loss. No LT. Staring down a division of Bronco running tanks. I like Denver in this game.

  7. If Israel launches an attack, we all better hope they are successful.


    I don't think the US or Israel is Iran's largest threat, or even who this nuclear ambition is aimed at. It's convenient, however, dangerous public cover.


    I think all of the Iranian military buildup is aimed at Turkey, it's longtime foe in the region and Azerbaijan, which besides being an oil power, has invested heavily into Israeli military and commercial technology and equipment.


    I think the Iranians are looking east to assemble an oil empire, and take back Armenia, Azerbaijan and become more closely aligned with Georgia, and take back parts of Northern Afghanistan and parts of Iraq. Unfortunately, Turkey and for now, the United States, stands in the way of that grand plan. Nuclear capability puts them on par with the Turks.


    Persians love to empire build, whether in a historic or present context.

  8. This Miami game will show me a lot. Miami will replicate what NYJ and Dallas did. I want to see Chan and the gang adjust to it successfully.


    I feel the Bills will make the playoffs but it's going to be ugly, inconsistent and stressful in getting there. When your team is made up of misfit toys and young players, no one can expect a smooth, consistent run to the playoffs.

  9. Denver ran the ball 55 times against Kansas City and won.


    Houston ran the ball 44 times against Tampa Bay and won.


    Both Tampa Bay and Kansas City have fairly bad run defenses, but I think it shows a commitment to the run despite it being a "passing league" gives you a good shot at winning a football game by controlling the clock and punishing your opponent.


    It will be an interesting game to watch. The Jets have a middle of the pack rushing defense.

  10. I'm for it.


    If anything, I want defenses to have to account for him. He doesn't have to be a focal point of the offense but I want the opposing defense coordinators to have to game plan for him to open somebody else up.


    And while we are at it, I'd put Pat Williams on the same plane to Buffalo.


    If these are the stops that must be pulled out to get the Bills to the playoffs, I am all for it.

  11. I like Chan as a coach but I think he tries out-thinking the room for some of these games and hates sticking with what works and doesn't use all the weapons provided to him. I think *the* issue is the game plan and his stubbornness to stick to what other teams have adapted to. They watched the Bills-Bengals game.


    We run some games. Others we don't at all. Some games Chandler catches passes. Other games he's invisible. We have a bulldozer of a FB but rarely use him.


    You must make the defense appreciate and prepare for the run to open up your receivers. As long as Chan's game plan does not do this, the team won't be successful.

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