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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. Spiller will succeed, and probably be influential in the win over the Jets.


    PFT's headline will be in 14 point font: RUNNING BACK CONTROVERSY EMERGES IN BUFFALO


    ESPN jumps on the Spiller train.


    This board erupts in a Jackson/Spiller debate that eclipses the famed Johnson/Flutie debate.


    The injustice of Fred Jackson not getting paid will continue because the cosmic forces really didn't like the cafeteria food at Coe College the one time they were called in for a Kohawks game.

  2. You guys read way too much into press conferences. It's like Philly fans trying to pull relevant facts from an Andy Reid presser.


    Professionals don't give up when things get tough, especially when future contracts, playing time and incentives are on the line. If anything, the motivation to do well is greater at this juncture than at any other point so far. Fitzpatrick needs to earn his deal otherwise he could be cut in theory. Spiller needs to avoid bust-ville. Guys like Williams, Searcy, Hairston, Aiken...want to earn their way. If you are Nix and Gailey, you don't want to tank on a team who's owner is 90+ years old, and an ownership change could occur at any moment. Winning is job security. Not player development.


    On a practical note, "player development" is a major loss in revenue when selling tickets is already difficult with a team still in the playoff hunt. You want fans buying all the new jerseys and merch, buying tickets and willingly handing money over to your business in support of the team.


    The season is not over.

  3. It begs the questions:


    If Urbik is a better C, why didn't he play there last week?


    How useless is Brown Colin, if he can't be relied upon at all?


    I hear you....but it's tough to grab a free agent center off the street and drop him in to the game three days later. Learning line calls, snap counts, just gelling with the quarterback...it'd be the Costa/Roma debacle magnified five times.

  4. I was looking for opinions from folks who own the Beretta PX4 handgun in 9mm. I shoot IDPA with a Glock 34 and at times a Taurus PT99 but was thinking of adding the Beretta to the collection and trying a smaller, but quality, handgun. I'm interested in the PX4 because of the rotating barrel design.

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