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Posts posted by dpberr

  1. A young defensive tackle with extremely low mileage with a bad back? He'll always be limited by injury. He won't be 100% for long durations. He'll spend more time playing injured or not playing at all.


    The back is as important as lower body strength for a lineman. Unfortunately, it's one of the most delicate, complicated parts of our bodies. You combine weight, physical stress and impact, and it takes quite the beating.


    Troup may be talented, but he had back issues in college and for that reason, the Bills should have steered clear of picking him so high in the draft.

  2. I'm with JR 100%. The offensive gameplan is very predictable. Opposing defenses have been knowing what's coming since the Bengals game.


    Coaching fixes this. Gailey's ego, in part, killed this team this year. Running the same plays, even in the same order, regardless of their success and personnel available to execute it. This happened at GT and it had happened when he was in Dallas. It was just that in Dallas and Tech, the talent was good enough to get the job done most of the time.


    I give lots of credit to John Fox. I'm sure he's had to swallow his pride by the pound this year with Tebow. However, he's won by letting Tebow do whatever it is he's doing to help win football games...instead of calling out "his" plays and making Tebow adjust simply because he's head coach and that's what he's there for. In my opinion, Fox should be COY.


    As for the defense, it goes without saying, a new (and experienced) coordinator and some new pass rushing OLBs would make a world of difference. I don't blame Johnson and Kelsay for being bad at linebacking. They've been playing out of position. Both were linemen in college at Auburn and Nebraska and in the pros before somebody decided to throw them out at linebacker, a bad move from the words "I have an idea..." You get a pass rush, even your mediocre cornerback instantly gets a lot better.


    Dareus has been an incredible pick. We'll need another homerun in April 2012.

  3. As I've said in another thread, the watch started today. No coach should survive the season if you lose nine games in a row.


    And that tells me it can't be all pinned on injuries or overall lack of talent.


    I'm a fan of Gailey, but it's on him to find the answers. I cringe every time he says "I don't have the answers."

  4. What people don't realize about the Colts situation is that they don't have a lot of room to pay top notch talent with the contracts they've got on the books and still make a profit.


    They are very fortunate to have rookie salaries capped. Even with that, paying a #1 draft pick while paying Manning, Freeney and the rest of the gang is going to make it very difficult to fix that roster, especially on defense. Just not enough money to go around to fix every position of need. They don't bring in a lot of revenue.


    From the revenue end, they are being pushed by the debt and operating the football team in Indianapolis, not Dallas. It is inevitable the product on the field will suffer. Too much debt and too long of a lease at Lucas to sell the team, and if your revenues stay the same, you cut expenses like big contracts for players and coaches. Indy was fortunate to ride an all world QB for as long as they did.


    That's why the best bet is to keep Manning and trade for lots of draft picks...a mix of 1st, 2nd and 3rds. that you can afford to pay and keep on the roster for a couple years.

  5. Detroit Pistons in the NBA.


    Oakland Athletics in MLB. At least Pittsburgh and Baltimore have nice stadiums to make a buck.


    In the NFL, I'd say the Colts. Ridiculously high amount of team debt with little in revenue resources like the Eagles and Redskins have. Lots of bloated, nearly immovable contracts that will prevent them from doing much of anything for a few years, especially if the salary cap continues to go up.

  6. The man hasn't had a job in the NFL since Buffalo. That tells me a lot.


    His choices for coaches were his worst decisions, above anything else. His ego got in the way....thinking that HE (and only he) could spot coordinator brilliance and he was going to show the NFL...instead of hiring guys with proven track records for a veteran-laden team.


    I won't forgive him for Gregg Williams, THE worst era of Bills football in my opinion since I became a fan in 1986.

  7. Edwards must go. I've seen what coaching can do for a defense. See what Wade Phillips did to the sieve of a Texans defense between this year and last.


    Part of me says Gailey and Nix should stay and the "money men" go. However, those money men have made the Bills the class of the NFL in terms of how to financially run an NFL franchise as a business. That, in part, has played an important role in keeping the Bills in Buffalo all these years. The team makes money and has no debt. The finances don't "make" ownership sell or get into dangerously adversarial relationships with the voters and municipality over stadiums and money.


    I'd probably only fire Edwards.


    I do think the Bills need to change the way they invest....and start investing in acquiring depth...and that means resigning your veteran half decent players while drafting your blue chips. You have to think about your team like an NBA roster...you have your starters, but you need your good sixth man and a competent "B" unit.

  8. Considering that four weeks ago I thought winning the division was possible, and that sweeping the Fins and splitting wins with the Jets and Pats were probable, anything less than 9-7 will be a huge disappointment.


    Can't predict games anymore. I honestly have no idea whether this team has it within them to win any or all of the remaining games. Thought we were going to blow the crappy Jets O out of the water at home and that we were going to be blown out by them on Sunday.


    So, the good news: The season isn't over, this team seems capable of both amazing feats and ridiculous disasters, the Jets aren't that good, the odds are against three teams from the AFC North making it, and that anything--a Wildcard berth OR a 5-11 season--is possible.


    Can you predict any team outside the Packers? Seems like nearly every team is susceptible to either a swoon or win streak. If it's not the Bills, the Chargers, Titans, Bucs, Giants and Lions have all hit rough stretches during the season. Who says the same can't happen to the Bengals? Ravens? Jets? Broncos?


    Best we can all hope for is winning out and taking it from there.

  9. If you've got back and neck issues as an offensive or defensive lineman, you always play on borrowed time. You're never 100% and you're always one play away from getting seriously injured. They are injuries that can't be fully rehabilitated. Your back and neck are akin to the frame on a car. Once damaged and operated on, they are never the same.


    Marcus McNeil is my favorite example. The Chargers gave the man a six year, $50 million contract. This season, he's had two stingers to the neck, neck surgery in 2009, has spinal stenosis, and has had chronic neck and back issues going back to high school, not to mention numerous fractures of his hands through out his college career at Auburn and pro career.


    Yes, he's a two time pro-bowler but that was in 2006 and 200 before the neck surgery and before the spinal stenosis started becoming a problem. In any given year, any given game, he's done not only for the season, but his career, and the team is on the hook for a ton of money. The neck and back issues have certainly affected his play. I was amazed that San Diego gave him a big contract unless it was a thanks for paving the way for LT.


    That's why, even as a flyer, you pass on investing in Gaither. He's never going to be what you want him to be. Sadly, that goes for Troup too.

  10. I think a lot of coaches will get fired and it will be an interesting coaching carousel of an off season.




    Shanahan (He probably resigns.)

    Coughlin (Especially if there is another second half collapse, which is underway)





    Garrett (No playoffs or first round exit gets him fired.)


    I have a hunch that if the Patriots somehow win the Super Bowl this year, Belichick will retire.

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